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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

Open our eyes that we may see you, our ears that we may hear you, and our hearts that we may love.

The Lamp of one’s body are the eyes – if they are receptive of goodness, then grace shall fill your body as oil which fuels lamps and keeps them radiating light. If your eyes then turns from goodness and is filled with corrupted oil; the lamp will surely dim and snuff out leaving you in complete darkness. (Mt 6:22-23)

We have all heard the expression: “You are what you eat!” This of course is not always true in the sense that many of us love food, know how to prepare such and exercise well. Yet, in the winter months, others perhaps use it as a means of consolation when things don’t pan out the way we expect or we have been hurt in various ways.

There is also another expression: “The eyes are larger than the stomach!” We all know this one well especially if we venture to an all you can eat (smorgasbord) setting. Our senses then slightly go out of whack due to the wonderful layout of such a banquet where colour, smell, and taste waltz around the crave dance floor of tummy and mind.

Many religious folk perhaps have an understanding that the early believers and others especially in the war years had to struggle with keeping things in check so to speak – having it hard. There is no doubt that these lived under extraordinary circumstances; the martyrs of the Turkish and Soviet yoke testify to this through their endurance – may I invite you to read about them…there are a few stories on our Angels and Saints Encyclical.

Yet, in this modern age of technology which has its pros and cons; everything good and bad are in ones face every hour, minute and pumping broadcasts herald such a smorgasbord through the senses. If anything, the true Christian who is Apostolic and willing to embrace the love of God by surrendering themselves to the notion that Christ incarnated for all of humanity regardless; the true believer of today is at war with themselves, the world, and its institutions – religious and secular!


We are tempted every few seconds to pick up our phones (the new library of all means) and have a squiz at whatever takes our fancy, answer text messages rather than talk, or even talk rather than meet in person. In the midst of all this noise as the Apostle Paul states (1Cor 13:1) and confusion which diverse institutions create, we may get disheartened - opting to switch of for a few hours to regain the sanity of silence so that we can tune into our spiritual life: me, myself, I, God, family and friends!


Many people have addressed their concerns and the former Covid 19 dilemma has not helped with the withdrawal symptoms people may have in general. Yet, even before this disaster, I have heard it again and again: “I really am finding less and less common ground with the people I usually hang around including some family members – is it me? My faith? Or am I going nuts???”


Going nuts! The other day as I was driving to work, I tuned into the Greek radio station as I do like some of their folk songs etc., yet low and behold a Perla as we would say in slang comes out in advertisement: “The Marble that was born in Greece and vested the Parthenon should be returned – unite with us!” 

It is wonderful to have a love for the county of ones origin and nurture the culture. Yet, this very same culture was under the Turkish Yoke (1821-1829AD) and cried out to the Theotokos (Mother of God): “Holy Mother, free us from our invaders and we shall turn back the Parthenon into the temple church originally dedicated to you – give us victory!”


Now, the Parthenon was a pagan temple for 200 years and afterwards was consecrated into the temple Church of the Theotokos. When one makes an oath onto God especially through his Mother – honouring the contract is vital (Ecc 5: 4) especially when victory is won! Yet, that promise has not been kept and the country is falling apart! This was an apostolic country from the first centuries and the faith is rapidly dying out along with the Church!


The truth of the matter is that we live in a world that is remote from the Gospel – mirroring it in daily life rather than mere tokenism at any Sabbath. The going to the sacred place on a sacred day does not fulfil the totality of the requirement for Jesus clearly stated (Jn 4:23) to St. Photini/Illuminata the Samaritan Woman (Woman of the Well) that God wants people to be true to themselves, others, and above all Him – his hands and feet in the world!


This is precisely why many people wander away from their faith communities – arid ground and no water to quench the spiritual thirst! People drift away from their network of friends because they become earthbound as we have recounted in the parable of Sower and Seed (Mat 13: 1-23) – ill nourishment which resorts to breakdown of fraternal ties that are rendered parched! Although such a state can usher peril as cults are always on the lookout for the stricken and thrive on such victims.


Yet, this should be the time where we truly enter into the desert of our very persona and take refuge in the mountain rock (Ps 18:2) who is Christ - from that rock living water flows (Num 20: 10-13) and replenishes our being and surroundings. If we do not take time out every now and then and reassess our state of being, we can lose vision and the darkness of despair may take hold!


It is important that we have a confessor – a spiritual elder who knows what he is doing, believes wholeheartedly, is humble, has suffered and endured, and is willing to shepherd his flock and is not afraid to ask help from other godly gifted believers. Having states thus, for those who are biblically orientated, the Bible is a biography, within a biography there are truths, examples, cultural blunders, mentalities and suggestions.


In a biography NOT EVERYTHING IS STATED! Hence, it needs to be executed in its context by people who live it and have been handed down the divine recipe so to speak/write. The bible only comes to life in the Divine Services; those very services that were intended to nourish via word and action – liturgy via those who are anointed, are of that tradition where humility rules. Thus, knowledge via careful study in the apostolic faith nurtures so that others may behold its message.


In the West, we perhaps are familiar with various mentalities accusing the Church of not allowing people to read the bible and have copies of it in order to keep people ignorant. This statement is the pinnacle of ignorance! The reason why people were not permitted to read the bible was because people heard and indeed read it when they came to Church via words, gestures, iconography and participants of its context: the Divine Services. Hence, the supposed know it all’s kicked up a fuss: the protestant reformation!


Indeed, the services should not be in biblical languages unless its country is established upon it for the Pentecost itself (Act 2:6) clarifies such! The people were not as ignorant as certain people think for the faith was taught well! Further, just as music despite language unites nations, so too did chant unite even the uneducated who sang with the angels and knew exactly what was conveyed – the light of spiritual knowledge glowing through the darkness of secular thought!


St. Athanasius the Great (Bishop of Alexandria 296-298AD) gave a wonderful sermon regarding todays gospel and in our modern language, it is summed up as the following: “When your eyes desires that which does not profit you as a whole; you derail! It is easy to blame God for our mistakes and other such occurrences, yet God does not create junk! Your eyes are governed by your own will and your thoughts progress towards your intent which in this case lacks enlightenment! Although you may blind yourself via such ideals, yet you are not beyond salvation!” 


Just as the apostles were faced with ridicule by many in their earthly struggles, we who try and render witness to the Gospel of Christ face such also - not necessarily from those who do not believe, but from those who supposedly profess and teach a version thereof. The greatest battle is always on home front, where your own people do not understand you via you becoming an oddity in their midst.


I came across a powerful testament during Lexio Divina (mediative holy reading) from a monk of the Vitovnica Monastery which renders certainty to the struggles of rendering witness to the true faith. May I share with you these comforting words from Elder Thaddeus (Strabulovich) ‘1914-2003AD’ when you face various struggles.


Let it be. Today we are offended by one person – who knows who will offend us tomorrow? We are constantly thinking about these insults, but we should just let them be in peace. We should never take them to heart. When we do, the adversary will try to do it again, but if we just let the insults bounce off us, and remain peaceful, then people will give up trying to offend us.


Hence, people will ask you, “How come you are always at peace? Everyone else is nervous and easily offended, while you don’t seem to be interested in this life at all. How did you become like that? How can you stay so calm?”


This is exactly how the Good Lord keeps us from harm!!!  


As we celebrate our patronal feast – let us ask the intercessions of the Lord’s apostles that they may help us on our journey and keep us in true faith; mirroring Christ in all things especially in aiding the broken and the least! May we be light to one another and keep it radiant with the good works, compassion and prayer for a darkened world – fed and nourished by the strength of those who care in Christ!  


Keep yourselves from worrying about that which does not profit your existence and nourishes your living saying to yourselves: “What shall I desire to eat today?” “What drink will savour my palate?” “What can I wear today so that my appearance may render?” Those who are Gentile (not part of the chosen of old) seek such refineries. Your Heavenly Father knows your needs and bestows accordingly. Therefore, seek the Kingdom of God which is within you via being righteous in all things and blessings shall be given you in abundance. (Mt 6: 31-33)



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