27th April 2024 @ 7pm
Good Shepherd Chapel, Abbotsford
As the season of Lent draws to a close and we prepare to celebrate Pascha next week, tonight’s celebration commemorates The Lord’s arrival at Jerusalem where He is welcomed by God’s people and acclaimed as King with the proclamation of “Hosanna”.
The altar was decorated with Palm leaves as people arrived in silence. The liturgy began and the Gospel was brought amongst the people.
Fr Matthew read from Gospel of St John. It spoke about Lazarus and Mary anointing Jesus’ feet. It told how the people had brought palm leaves and Jesus sat on a donkey as it had been foretold that the King would arrive in Jerusalem on a donkey.
Next, Metropolitan Raffaele lead the blessing of the palms. The people were invited to collect them to take to their homes.
Fr Mark presented his homily. He spoke about humility and how God’s kingdom is within us. He reminded us to take up the spiritual call to arms by putting on the armor of God - through prayer and sacrament. He told the story of Ahmed, the archivist, who witnessed a miracle and took up the faith. Lastly, he reminded us to ask the Lord for help and that He will help us.
The liturgy continued. The Gifts were brought and The Creed spoken.
Next, the waters of the Font were blessed with incense in preparation for Joshua’s baptism. He was baptized with Holy Water, anointed with oil, tonsured and dressed in the white Alb of baptism. Then Fr Mark lead him around the altar thrice before Fr Matthew lit his baptismal candle. His family joined the congregation in welcoming and congratulating him before the liturgy continued.
The Gifts were blessed and communion was shared amongst the clergy, then with the people - but Joshua had communion first. Then everyone proceeded to the back room for a delicious agape.