Dear Brothers, Sisters, Family and Friends of the Lord’s Church and Exarchate,
“We are fellow workers and family of God; you are his field upon which he builds his dwelling!” (1Cor 3: 9)
However words may fall short in times of our distress, may I share these following heartfelt sentiments with you in this trying time that has caused much uncertainty and instability.
Although many of you may have been effected regarding employment, juggling various commitments especially within the household - such as worker, husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister and educator; you are not alone and help is always available in various forms!
For many who are parents – putting up a brave face within your relationship towards family members has been trying; do not forget that you are a fine example in the midst of such pandemonium and your children will remember and acknowledge your efforts and love in years to come.
Others who are grandparents – the love you have for your grandchildren is unbreakable, let not this physical separation be one that down casts your heart; may this time be a renewal and strengthening of your relationships especially with the person who should be number one: your soulmate! Hence, let this time of confinement bring one back to the first I DO – where love was first proclaimed for one another and meals were prepared with care by both.
Those of us who are single or have made a commitment to religious life – let this be a time where we stop putting things off pertaining to our wellbeing; a time to train, an occasion to nurture and rediscover our gifts and talents.
May this present situation bring to mind all that we have wanted to achieve – even if we may find ourselves in humble surroundings! It is in humility that one begins to sore high like the eagle where new horizons are fostered –truly so if we but come to the very conclusion that we are indeed just as worthy as all who have done so!
“You Lord, are the one who ever keeps the flame of my lamp ever burning against the currents; He is the one who amidst my dark surroundings casts the cloak of his illuminous mantle upon me – the light of his presence and intervention!” (Ps 18: 28)
These very same words were written by David the king (1010-970 BC) in his own periods of darkness amidst the early years of his kingship where doubt, uncertainty and fear lingered. Despite the most unsettling situations and anxieties experienced – God never abandoned him! Some may say, well that was David, we are not in that timeframe and certainly not part of that category!
The very fact that we possess the greatest gift that love could give LIFE proves in itself that we are not only part of that category, but we are called to be even more. Sometimes, this means to grow out of the man-made structures via entering into a sublime spiritual state of being which the Divine can only offer within the fount of his mystical body.
This notion/certainty rather which we call THEOSIS (growth towards God) frightens or indeed freaks out institutional mindsets that find it hard to accept when God works outside (however seriously messed up they have become) the established perimeters!
Last Thursday, the Church celebrated an occurrence in the Lord’s earthly life called TRANSFIGURATION. There may have been times where we have noticed a change/something out of the ordinary in one’s own or another person’s life; leaving us in a state of curiosity and perhaps we may have even felt energized - a sense of renewal within which may have reached an area of our heart’s inner chamber that has prompted healing.
In holy iconography, icons are depicted in the reverse order of conventional art; light coming forth from the darkness within rather than darkness covered by light – holy darkness where the light of the presence emerges. In truth, it is within such dark surroundings; giving ourselves the opportunity and possibility for change and growth – the ushering in of mysticism within our very souls via grace begins to take root.
Yes, the mysticism of our very soul – we are all called to that which the Spirit fosters regardless of who, where, or what we are; creativity is the very art the divine invested within each of us. Hence, why we are called to touch base within the origins of our being amidst the day to day bombardments.
How many times have I seen various people try to find a quiet place to relax during their lunch break especially when I was stationed as parish priest in the city…. what a perfect opportunity we have been given throughout the lockdown to foster such; yet however annoying these walls of separation tend to become – we must make the most of it!
When Jesus ascended the mountain (Tabor) he took his closest friends/family members with him: Peter, James and John. We must remember that Jesus also withdrew into places of solitude to get away from the ordinary day in the life of the ministry; he was on high demand!
Many of us who work hard hours and are good at what we do also may tend to go into overload mode; the need to withdraw in order to recuperate so that we may function well is truly warranted! Hence, when he went up that mountain to pray, his apostles had no idea of what would happen next – apparitions and supernatural occurrences were often observed yet definitely not expected that day.
We need to remember that the people were sick of being under the tyranny of their leaders who were corrupt to their eyeballs and that continues to be a partial reality; in addition, a good number of people had no time for the temple hierarchy who treated their flock with contempt – this too sadly continues its existence!
Many people live with a terminal illness – despite various treatments that prolong life and numb pain; healing is most desired with the returning to a quality of life that ensures some form of normality. When we consider the stability of equality between man and woman - dignity itself was ripped away from humanity in those days especially if one had no social standing, had no relatives, or lacked financial support: we are truly blessed to be in Australia!!!
Yet, amidst the daily struggles and crisis of that age; hope in what could be did not dim - the means of restoration of what once was. Everyone knew about the Messiah - one who would come to restore the Kingdom of Israel back to its people in order for peace and enjoyment as the very gift of life could be lived to the full. We too know that the earth has the means for the cure of most ailments, yet the discovery of that cure is to be unveiled in its time.
When Jesus started glowing which altered his appearance and vesture, two Major Prophets (Moses and Elijah) appear out of know where and conversed with him; they (the Apostles) and anyone in their right mind would have freaked out. (Lk 9: 29-32)
Yet, there was a difference; they (Peter, James and John) knew him (Jesus), trusted him, and remembered his words as the continuing theme throughout the gospels – “Be not afraid!” Thus, such phenomena experienced that day confirmed the certainty that He is the one the prophets declared would come: Emmanuel – God amongst us!
When we have been with someone long enough, have known them well, and experience things that only the divine can reveal via whatever means he chooses; we are certain without a doubt upon the nature of its authenticity. This is exactly what the three apostles experienced along with all who came to believe; beholding with their own eyes the presence of God amongst them!
How wonderful it is when we come across people who are indeed touched by the hand of God and have been set apart; using the gifts God has given them to reshape the world around. Often times, it’s not on a grand scale, yet in the small but significant things.
Consider the gift of word, art, music, and tender care that surpasses all understanding in bringing inner healing and peace to those around us – the call for the Christian to be light amidst shadows of anxiety! We are called to be healers; Christ came to render wholeness – leading us out of the fragility of illness and alienation into the fullness of life!
The Church which is the manifestation of God’s family on earth is called to be one; a people who strive to convey God’s love to the world via the way we live and render TLC – NOT via the world’s standards and organizations by any means! Rather, it is a way to understand another human person who is broken as yourself - seeking to nurture them and acquire inner healing through the love of he who nailed our fragility to the tree that would give life to all who love as he does.
Within the lockdown, we may all withdraw to Netflix where our favourite shows, documentaries and movies screen. Some of these shows - however inspirational in promoting personal development may be, are indeed subject to the criteria of acceptance in showbiz that establishes the checklist for all wining candidates; in short, you need to look, act and be a certain way!
We may also be familiar with certain programs that address various issues according to the set mind frame of that network or particular society; what is true and what is false tends to be subject to any given exaggeration according to the group palate’s established favour.
Yet, when it comes to the family of the Church; we are called to go beyond such standards and see value and potential in all – especially in the most unlikely: God has often surprized us throughout salvation history with the most unlikely of candidates!
Media – a worldly standard thereof has crept into the religious platform which harbours information for believers regarding the goings on within the church community. It is a fine tool to have when it comes to staying informed with the development of our faith and all that which pertains to it. Yet it becomes totally repugnant when this form of supposed ecclesial media diverges and spirals into yet another gossip platform!!
As we know, here in Australia we are not over the top with religion like other nations – this is often a positive stance especially when religion becomes oppressive like a dictatorship; this is not of God! Yet, other places like the USA have a wide range of religious shows that try to outdo each other when it comes to gossip; the crusaders against any form of change or evolution! Unfortunately any sane rebuttal “within reason” is also taken out of context – the lingering conclusions of fertile imaginations.
Many people within the Church community – the ethnic ones in particular, are very much opposed to change for it is felt that their identity as a people could be threatened. Yet they forget that it’s not about the identity of nationality, but our faith which embraces all nations and people – room for all at the Lord’s Table is the message of Holy Pentecost!
The Church itself is there to serve all people from all walks of life - embracing a common language and evolving existing cultures into its very own; true catholicity expressed within Holy Orthodoxy, and in our context - Australian Orthodoxy!
There is room for various traditions to be integrated into our own, yet if they remain sole traditions of any given ethnicity and do not evolve into something wonderful, unique, great and holy via the context we find ourselves in; these then will die out and its fruit becomes parched as opposed to an abundant harvest.
St. John Chrysostom (349-407AD) spoke about this very topic in his day – the same problems encountered! Yet he had the courage to stand firm in pastoral concern for his people exhorting: “When certain traditions do nothing for the edification of the Church in that timeframe; lay them aside!”
This week alone, I have taken various phone calls from mainstream denominations - the more conservative folk, clergy and students for the ordained ministry in particular are very concerned about the state of Christianity! Issues ranging from vaccination, the following of rules to its core, and the obsession of dwelling on sin played a tournament of tennis throughout the calls.
Although some topics discussed are indeed valid points, yet the scale in this equation leans more towards the concern of damnation rather than salvation! (Jn 3:16-17) How can people come to know, love and accept Christ if the radical type of professed followers (Christians) tend to have a quasi - prosecution panel stance for other potential believers?
For instance, in the Slavonic community it is thought that the close we keep with the Levitical Law the purer we tend to be faith wise! Furthermore, when women undergo the menstruation cycle – they need to keep away from the Church and Mysteries (Sacraments) in order not to defile!
Yet, it is clear that we have totally divorced ourselves from the Levitical Law which is insufficient for Christ is the absolution and divine Grace who renews and cleanses! “A person is not justified nor rendered whole by what the law prescribes! It is wholehearted faith in Jesus Christ alone that accomplishes one’s salvation!” (Gal 2: 16)
I remember a time when comforting a young woman who the herd (parishioners) decided was unfit to receive Jesus in Holy Communion – communing her just the same as anyone who approached the chalice that day!
When eyes began to stare and make the whole situation uncomfortable, I quoted the following which shut their mouths – reminding them that God is greater than any disease and purifies any blemish as we pray specifically in the communion preparation prayer! For all things are truly possible for God who is the blessed fount of great goodness! Although her disease was for twelve years; immanent healing occurred as soon as she (Beatrice/Veronica) came up behind him and touched the hem of his garments – her bleeding dried out! (Lk 8: 43-44)
One of the worst criminal offences against the spiritual wellbeing of a human person is emotional homicide; religious bigots alienating a person from their true selves in order to make a person conform to a flawed criteria - only God is the true absolute not religion! The body of Christ (Church) is the living and grace-filled community of believers (Communion on Saints) who live life and do not merely exist despite our present limitations; we are not called to be the death cult that conventional Christianity has become!
Many of us are familiar with sermons that advocate the wrath of God, sin, the punishments and torments to come – this kind of homiletics resembling a prosecuting attorney have no place in the Church! Unfortunately such a style of preaching seeks to instil terror in people via provoking some kind of repentance; yet such methods have never been the way the Apostles and Saints built up the kingdom!
I have seen many times issues of trust which mar into betrayal take place once a person’s dirty laundry is known; the effect of ostracization is truly damaging – this is totally contrary to what Christ decrees! Furthermore, we wonder why our youth want no part of it (church community) and stay away! People need nourishment – they by no means are to be kept starving!
We really need to get it right and come to realize that faith is a gift where God’s invitation is given freely at the right time and place – even in the intimacy of our hearts without belonging due to a messed up situation: the Grace of Ekonomia is imparted! “Anyone who loves me and nurtures my words in their hearts will be loved by my Father; we will come to them and dwell within them!” (Jn 14:23)
When we do not understand what God is doing with someone (the Holy Spirit working in them) we need to stand aside and allow him to do that which he wills without interfering! We do have choices and the freedom to choose if we want God part of our lives or not - there are places for both beyond. Yet, our objective should be in striving to live as best we can; allowing all virtues possible to flourish within the garden of our soul!
It is also interesting to note that within Holy Scripture, Wisdom and Virtue are portrayed as feminine - how blessed are those who mirror such virtues; kindness goes a long way! When in doubt or one needs a little boost/moral support; it is well worth the while to read from the Book of Proverbs regarding virtue encapsulated. (Prov 31: 10-31)
Yet, when it comes to the hurdle of sin – the outlook within those previous conversations tend to diverge on the failings of others; the lamenter’s observance in being righteous rather than taming themselves is this regard! People are indeed afraid to break out of the custom mould “within reason” and in this case - the fear construed within the medieval timeframe regarding the place where God is absent (hell) in the afterlife lingers.
Such sentiments are indeed canvased on these shows mentioned previously where the concern about the world’s morals going down the drain features as the ongoing saga. Yes, it is true that when we were growing up – there was no chance of even thinking about disrespecting one’s elder; yet we should redirect our concern regarding how we can assist the progress of younger generations in overcoming such obstacles; the bettering of themselves (we included) as opposed to regression and wallowing within imperfections!
Although we are all fragile: Sin being the alienation from God and others around us, yet the worst trick deception (evil – the ancient rebellion) plays on religious people in general is to make them think that they are the worst possible sinner! How many times have I heard: “Father forgive me the sinful one!” This of course verges upon false humility in the hope of gaining points within the group: extreme exaggeration with admitting one’s fragile (sinful) state of being – posing as the number one offender!
Some of us who admire the golden classics of Hollywood cinematography are familiar with scenes portraying the last moments of a person’s life in whatever capacity or state. Often times we hear the traditional utterance: “May God have mercy on your soul!”
We have two wonderful traditional words that encapsulates Mercy which is an action born out of pure love – MISERICORIA and CUMPASSIO! MISERICORDIA “Mercy”- Miseria: our fragility! Cardia: our heart! CUMPASSIO “Compassion”– Walking, Suffering, and Carrying another person throughout the journey!
On Holy Saturday Night, we venerate a beloved icon (The Descent into Hades) which depicts Jesus the Son descending into the darkness of where God is thought absent; his illuminous presence reaching out onto souls that are in despair – pulling them out of their tomb and carrying them home.
Yet, it is within our very fragility and brokenness that one begins to see the light of hope and grace of God reaching out beyond the walls of deception – resetting the heartbeat to the rhythm of life as opposed to mere existence! In short: God and his holy Church does not and never have placed a guilt complex upon us!
Therefore, within the Apostolic and Ancient Faith which is Orthodox – Sin does not mean guilt! Sin means the alienation from God! Just like we set goals and aim to follow them through – we may get obstructed and fall off the mark: this does not mean there is a punishment for that hurdle yet to be overcome!
In the Patrology of the Church, we refer to various Church Fathers regarding biblical commentary: St. Remigius (437-533AD) Bishop of Remis in France touched on a valuable aspect pertaining to St. Matthew’s Gospel (Mt 5:48) regarding this present subject. He thus exhorts: The perfection of love as man sees it cannot go beyond love for enemies – when the Lord challenged us to love our enemies, he said: “Strive for perfection for the Heavenly Father created all things out of perfection!” Thus, he who is perfection is omnipotent; man is indeed aided by the omnipotent one!
Thus, it’s about improving our relationship with God and those around us via ‘METANOIA’ wholehearted effort not penance! It further concerns our moving on with striving to go forward rather than dwelling on imperfections that cause further stumbling; training well and winning the race as it were!
We are all familiar with the Tokyo Olympics which concluded a few days ago; an event where our athletes gave it their all despite tears, failure, gains or losses – the fact that they were there and gave it the best they possibly could has great value and merit!
This is what the Apostle St. Paul encompasses when he writes to his disciple Timothy (2Tim 4:7) whilst he was coming to the end of his earthly journey – a referral to his life and the life of all who believe; the call to train well, run the race and fight bravely with fairness when challenges come our way - a pattern towards Theosis!
Hence, God out of his bountiful grace and wondrous TLC for us bestowed a new commandment which is the heart of the law (Jn 13: 34) the very tool to overcome – loving others through forgiveness of your own failings; identifying our weakness in the other person and helping them along the journey!
Thus, forgiveness means to forget, it does not mean to retain and allow things to stew over that eventually explode. If we decline forgetting such and opt for the retaining; the development of a cause we may terribly regret in the long run emerges - rendering the situation irreparable!
Therefore, when God forgives, he forgets! (Jer 31: 34) We are called to do the same and if there is too much hurt that out of our fragility impedes us to forgive; let go of that hurt and allow time to heal and hope to reconcile! This brings us to the most misinterpreted yet magnificent event within our history as a planet, race, and wondrous creation; the Incarnation of Jesus the Son!
Within this age of covid, all the sects along with a good number of those in mainstream religion have come out of the woodworks with the parading of apocalyptical sentiments. Some may be familiar with the language of the book of the beloved Apostle John’s revelation given on the Isle of Patmos in Greece. This text describes various scenes portraying what the end of time could look like – yet it is clear that the Lord himself forbids us to even go there; not to begin wallowing in presumption regarding all sorts of preoccupations! (Lk 12: 25-26)
The world as we know it has always gone through renewals… always rising from the ashes as it were – centuries springing forth as stated in the prayer of the Gloria Patri; onto ages of ages! Each age has evolved and good things have come from thus – archaeological discoveries amaze us from time to time setting in stone our history; proof of our connection with those who have come before us in the faith.
We as a race have been given all the tools necessary for our growth, our wellbeing and our edification – at the same time we do tend to abuse such which causes many impediments to progress! Yet there is one human element which is due to our fragility that has tainted our very psyche; God the punisher of those who do not comply!
I’m guessing many of you have heard of such or have even grown up with the understanding that God punishes us when we don’t observe what is asked of us! We often hear of punishments and scourges visited upon us precisely due to our incompliance; the Old Testament is full of such which backs the claims (misrepresentations) of groups who foster a crusade of this persuasion. Let’s remember that nature rebels when we exploit from the earth – the tampering of things that we should not touch at that point in time!
It is devastating to read that many religious conservative folk heed to supposed visions that harbour doom and gloom – the opposite of the purpose of God’s intervention through his Son out of wholehearted love for us and our salvation! Conversion means to humble oneself with the understanding that there is more to us than we think; the reality of otherness – the call to a profound relationship with God through prayer and TLC towards others!
TLC towards others…this can only take root when we embrace ourselves with the knowledge of the totality of who we are; the minute we are unkind to ourselves or think any less thereof – we in effect shut the door in God’s face!!!
Slamming the door shut…how often have I seen poor misguided souls in a terrible state of mind due the absorbing of such fundamentalist ideologies portrayed as gospel truth!!! This living in a state of fear, resentment, and hatred for the world around them – the notion of being defiled for co-existing with others who are different…. A cause for an excommunication from their version of faith, church or community – the creation of collateral damage with all involved!
How many times have I even heard comments stemming from poor knowledge -having the courage and blind certainty to utter “It’s God’s will” in the midst of disaster, misfortune and demise! Yet, the last time I checked, God gave us three gifts; (1): Life (2): Will (3): Presence!
He who is life wills life to be and to continue! He who willed that all things live for he lives desires that nothing is destroyed which his love has brought to life! His very presence amongst us as Jesus his Son proves that nothing should separate us from himself as exhorted by the Apostle St. Paul to the Church in Roman lands! (Rom 8:31-39)
Furthermore, it is the divine desire that we grow in full potential of who we are, in what we can be, and contribute to the life of those around us; his hands and feet in the world! The Church has always understood that people are unique and our needs are different.
The early Church was a missionary Church which functioned in catering for the needs of her people. Yet, every age has its mentalities and it’s often the majority whether sane or unsound that tend to either sail her (the Ark of the Church) through the storms - docking her into harbour or shipwreck her completely.
We need to be the people who must swim out and gather materials after a shipwreck, make a solid raft, sail towards the nearest island, and by God’s grace, the virtue of patience and endurance; rebuild the boat from solid wood - setting sail towards home!
Covid has been and still is tough for most of us - especially in not being physically present with the people we love and care about. Yet, we have come so far and we have done well despite hurts, fears and anxieties. May his love carry us through – letting it flow within all those who we encounter via diverse means!
Should any of you desire to reach the clergy; in needing a chat or would like us to include any intentions or loved ones in our prayers and offering of the Divine Liturgy – we are here for you and by no means hesitate to reach out! Remember our ministry is voluntary and a labour of love as commanded!
Hence, just like the Apostle St. Peter who in today’s Gospel worked up courage within himself to cross the stormy sea by foot - trusting that the man on the water in the distance is in actual fact the Lord; let us take courage and continue our journey around these walls of separation!
We are all worthy of love, care and admiration – let not fear enshroud us despite pumping broadcasts; we shall get through this and grow towards a better future, for the Good Shepherd shall always pave the way!
Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him – drawing him to safety saying: “Why did you doubt me in faith?” When they climbed into the boat the wind ceased. (Mt 14: 31-32)
With love in Jesus Christ our bishop, his College of Apostles, Mariam our Mother, along with the Communion of Saints.
On behalf of the exarchal clergy,
