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Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the Sunday of the Prodigal Son.

In today's gospel acclamation we hear the recount of the prodigal son. The son whom asked for his share of the family inheritance; spending it all on worldly pleasures - whilst his older brother remained faithful to his family business being the “perfect son”.

Thus, after the young rebellious boy had a taste of life's so-called pleasures; seeing that the grass was certainly not greener on the other side, comes back to his father in all humility asking him if he would except him back into his home - not as his son but as a servant in order to earn his living.

Therefore, the father whom loved his son dearly; never being angry at the decisions his son had made but rather saddened by them opened his arms, heart, and house to his son; ordering his servants to prepare a feast for his return.

Thus, the older brother became quite jealous at the way his father had reacted at the return of his brother. He thus approached his father and said, why are you making a big deal for my brother? I have been faithful to you and the family business for my whole life and not once have you rewarded me for my fidelity/efforts!

Hence, the father hearing what his older son had said replied, yes you are right! You have been faithful to me the family business and you have worked immensely hard however, your brother was dead and now lives again! Thus, it is just that we feast for his return!

Therefore, in today's epistle reading the Apostle Paul writes the people in Corinth (Greece) regarding sexual immorality; further stating that we are to treat the body as the temple of God.

Thus, over the years many people have taken Paul’s letter and turned into one extreme to another. Some say that intimacy is reserved only for procreation; that married couples should not enjoy their company in a healthy and loving marriage.

On the other hand, there are others who take a more relaxed “do what you like” approach. Do what you want with whom you want as long as no one gets hurt.

Several years ago, I stumbled across a documentary that spoke of open relationships. To this day, I cannot understand how a couple can share each other with another person if there is true love! I speak for myself and I'm certain that many feel the same but I tend to be quite jealous when it comes to other men looking at my wife.

If another person looks at my wife somewhat provocatively, I do get quite frustrated because I love her dearly and what we as humanity love and hold dear to our hearts will protect; it is a natural human instinct to become protective over the ones we love.

All we need to do is remember what our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ went through and what He endured because of His infinite love for us!

Therefore, as I have stated many times no matter what the case may be – intimacy, food, alcohol, drugs, anger and so on; anything that we have no control over becomes “sin”. If we allow ourselves to be enslaved by whatever it is and we cannot break that bond, all we need to do is return to God. For without the love and mercy (reach out) of God things do not look too good.

Having stated thus, who and what was one of the greatest women disciples of Jesus before her radical conversion? I speak of Miriam Magdalini (Mary Magdalin).

She thoroughly enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh and for many years it made her feel a sense of control over men and married men at that. It gave her a perception of superiority which she thrived off. As we know very well even in this day and age certain people still see women as inferior to men; a totally wrong and twisted way of thinking especially as we all know that every person is loved and seen equally in the eyes of God!

Last Thursday on the 18th of February the Church commemorated Saint Agatha of Palermo Sicily.

St Agatha was a 15-year-old girl who came from a wealthy family. At the time of the Christian persecutions in Sicily 249-251 AD the emperor of those times Decius heard of Agatha's beauty and ordered his soldiers to bring her to him in order to convert her to paganism.

The Saint was rehomed with a wealthy pagan woman who had 5 daughters. They all attempted to sway the Saint from her faith in Jesus via trying to seduce her with expensive dresses and all sorts of pleasures of the world.

The emperor having seen that his attempts to convert her had failed ordered that the Saint have her breasts cut off and thrown into prison.

Whilst in prison the Apostle Paul appeared to her and healed her wounds. When the emperor had seen that she was completely healed of her wounds his anger became intolerable and he ordered that she be tortured to a new extreme.

Saint Agatha prayed to God to liberate her from her persecutors and thus the Saint fell asleep in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, let us learn not to dwell on the notion of “sin” but when we see that something may potentially become an addiction, let us approach God in prayer and ask Him to either libertate us from it or to not allow us to fall into that trap.

Furthermore, I have also stated in the past Yes, it is true that many times evil will use certain things and turn them into an addiction in order that it masters us; thus, separating us from the love and shelter of God.

Therefore, that is why prayer and the Divine Liturgy is our greatest defense against the traps of this world. Through the prayers of the communion of Saints and the Holy Mother of God, we shall be constantly defended from the attacks of the evil one!

Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos and Her spouse Joseph Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!



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