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Piscatores Hominum

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

 Homily on the 16th Sunday after Pentecost

“Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men! Lk 5:10

On this very day, Jesus called His first Apostles in order to accomplish His mission for the salvation of many! For many are called, but few are chosen Mt 22:14 In becoming Son of man the New Adam born of Eve! Thus, the reason for His incarnation, for He is the immaculate one!

Hence, many people interpret todays reading as a call to service in the capacity of a monk/nun, deacon, priest or bishop. Yes, in a way this is true however, it is also God’s personal invitation to each and every one of us; asking us to follow Him and to come as we are for His love is eternal and surpasses all our shortcomings and impediments. (human fragility or sin)

Therefore, we as Christians are all called to proclaim the gospel of Christ to all; starting by fulfilling Jesus’ commandment to “Love one another” -  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Jh 13:34-35 

They pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. Lk 5:11

Again, we have mal-interpreted scripture. When the gospels were translated the interpreters assumed that the reader (us) would understand what the context of the passage suggests. For example, if we are to translate word for word in Italian one would be able to understand in a roundabout way what is going on. However, they may miss vital information that changes the context completely.

Moreover, in Italian a few words would be needed to advise a person on a topic and any Italian would understand because they are all on the same page as far as thought parterns are concered. However, to relay the same message in English would need a much more elaborated explanation on the topic. Furthermore, considering the multiculturalism in our motherland (Australia) such endeavors need to be employed for all ethnicities present to understand our thought pattern as far as their cultural mentality is concerned. 

Having stated thus, in today's gospel reading it says that they (the apostles) left everything behind and followed Jesus. Therefore, in reading this passage anyone would automatically presume that the Apostles left literally everything behind including their jobs, wives, children, parents, homes and positions.

On the contrary, they brought their loved ones to follow the Lord on His mission; using their trades and education to adapt wherever Jesus went. I mean what parent in their right mind would leave their children behind to never see again! What spouse would leave their love behind; abandoning them and leaving them to fend for themselves! It just doesn't make sense at all and the reason being is because it is not the way it was as certain religious groups believe to be so! Let us not mentation the fact that in the Hebrew or any middle eastern setting, any undertaking is a family orientated affair for it is clear in the scriptures concerning the woman disciples who tended to the domestic needs.

Thus, how is it possible that our all loving God would grant us a spouse, a home, children a job to sustained all the above, then ask that we abandon everything and follow Him! God would never ask anyone to turn their back on another person especially those who are in our care! (Children)

Moreover, how can go against his own law matrimony ect..... something is not adding up why precisely due to the ignorance of those whop embarked on translating thus, yet failed to keep in mind these most important and fundamental aspects of the life style of our forefathers.

Therefore, we mustn't forget that the Apostles were normal human beings just like us! They had their own shortcomings as we do perhaps struggle with them also; sometimes living with them till their very last breath. However, through their understanding of the incarnation; the love and mercy of the All Holy Trinity - they learnt to deal with their struggles and to love themselves for who and how they are.

Hence, that is what God wills for each one of us, that we learn to love ourselves as we are for the way we are is the way God desires us to be! However, there is always room for the striving for perfection/growth!

I would like to share something that happened to me this morning before work. Thus, this morning I arrived at work approximately forty minutes early, so I decided to buy a coffee and drink it along the Yarra River. Whilst I was there, I began to pray in my heart/discreetly the pre-amble prayers and personal ones – thanking God for all that He has given me and continues to give me on a daily basis!

Therefore, after my coffee I went to sit in the work lunchroom with my colleges laughing, sharing funny story's and debriefing before the start of the day. Thus, out of the blue, a worker approached me and said “Mate, where you sitting along the river this morning?” At which I replied, “Yes I was”. He then said, “mate you looked so at peace like you where meditating or something.” I then said, “no I was just drinking my coffee.”

Now I must stress, the reason why I wanted to tell this story was not for self-admiration or to suggest that I'm a holy person for I am as holie as a pasta strainer!(Full of holes) I struggle with many shortcomings and problems but I try hard to firstly deal with them and secondly to help with my upcoming priesthood.

The reason why I wanted to share this story was at that moment I was connecting with God on a personal an intimate level as we all do every day; I didn't have prayer beads in my hands I wasn't dressed in my vestments or anything like that. I was in my florescent work clothing sipping on coffee and even then, people see that there is something different. Thus, the Few of us (true Orthodox Christians) being set apart. People will know that you are my disciples Jn 13:35

Therefore, may we all be bearers of the light (Jesus) just as Saint John the Baptist was – more so now in this world especially when many have lost all hope, lost their families, jobs and homes and just be there in whatever capacity we can whether it is a personal visit, a phone call or a video call and either listen and reassure them that they are never alone no matter what things may seem to appear. 

Through the prayers of the Theotokos may we wholeheartedly render service onto others in whatever capacity we can and may our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on us and save us!



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