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Derailed from the path that was paved

An aspect of the Kingdom of heaven can be compared to a ruler that wanted to settle accounts with his servants; one such account was outstanding ten thousand dollars. This particular servant was unable to pay the sum – the harsh reality was that the servant and his family would be cast out of service and stripped of such dignity to amend the bill. At this, the servant prostrated himself before the ruler saying: “Master, please have patience with me until I can fully repay that which I owe you!” At this, the ruler was moved with compassion, absolved him of debt and restored dignity onto him and his family. (Mt 18:23-27)

In the Orthodox Church, we have accomplished the commemorative period of Dormition – which is the Pascha (Easter/Resurrection) of the Theotokos (Mariam of Nazareth) just as the burning bush on Sinai was alight but not consumed, so too was the womb of the New Ark of the Covenant (Mary) that carried the first fruits of the harvest (Jesus) uncorrupted by the elements.

Some would shun such talk because the Theotokos (Mariam of Nazareth) is an impediment to Christ….yet they forget that He who is the Law personified took of her bone, flesh and blood in order to come amongst us as Emmanuel. Hence, as it was the will of the Father Pantocrator, Jesus the Son honoured the Father in all things as he commanded Moses from Sinai; after that very command comes the second and equally important observance; Honour thy Mother!!!

Here we have it and just as the Lord loved and honoured that which was precious to him (his Mum) especially seen in the account of the Apostle Simon the Zealot’s Wedding at Cana (water changed to wine at Mariam’s request), so too does the Church honour and venerates the Mother of God as is commanded! (Ex 20:12) Therefore, if we are Christians and profess Christ come into the world as the Saviour, then we must wholeheartedly give due reverence to the one who RSVP’D on our behalf – Mariam!

Thus, just as she represented us in signing the contract that Emmanuel sealed with his very blood, so too was the great absolution fulfilled with the fact of Mariam who died as we all must was then raised and given the dignity of glory beyond the Cherubim, Seraphim and blessed powers of heaven. The Ark of the Covenant was shielded by the fashioning of angelic hosts over it, so too was the Ark of flesh and Mercy Seat (Mariam’s womb) who enthroned God the Son raised beyond the corruption of flesh.


Others would still challenge such truths due to their NON APOSTOLIC (not belonging to the vine of the Church) even going to the extent of accusing us of heresy (error) regarding Mary being raised. May I remind the Sola Scriptura brigade (if it’s not in the Bible it can’t be true) that when the Lord physically died on the wood of the cross what happened? Did not the dead (the righteous) rise from their graves as Lazarus before them and thus enter the Holy City (Jerusalem) to give testimony to the Lord as THE MESSIAH???? (Mt 27:52)

Hence, if the righteous arose from the dead, and gave witness to he who is life everlasting then what’s the problem with SHE WHO GAVE LIFE TO HIS EARTHLY BODY??? In truth, it is right and just for her to be raised for the dignity wholeheartedly bestowed her by the All Holy Trinity is THEOTOKOS (the one who carries God into the world)!

Last Saturday evening at the Divine Liturgy, I made reference to an important aspect regarding the Lord and his Mother. I began with storytelling which not only employs the power of word, picture, lyric and song (hymnody) but launched back to medieval times where those who were less fortunate, inscribed their prayers on church walls – petition graffiti as it were.

Regarding carved messages, I was sitting quietly in a Melbourne Church, and as I was kneeling in mediative prayer, an inscription carved within the back of a pew caught my attention. It scribed the following: Please Lord, give us peace over the death of our baby girl and help us catch her killer! Now any parent would not only be devastated, but our fragile human instincts of revenge would most definitively kick in – unless one has trained to let go via spiritual struggles and God’s grace.

This brings to mind the Lord’s crucifixion. Some of you may be familiar with the passion gospels and their accounts of how Great, Good, and Holy Friday unfolded. Yet, Mother Mary, the Theotokos, endured desecration via her baby boy’s crucifixion as a criminal. No crucifixion in history was like that of the Lord’s. In order for him to be humiliated, he was crucified naked! Yet, this served to correct the blunder caused in the Genesis via the power of suggestion originating from evil personified - the serpent poisoning the mind of humanity via Eve.

It was not the right time for humanity’s growth (evolution) and they were told to stay away from the fruit of the tree of Knowledge. Thus, Satan derails Eve via enticing her to eat whilst perverting growth in God (Theosis) “Eat of the fruit oh Eve and you shall be like God!” (Gen 3:5) We see the beast trying to fool Christ in the desert at which the Lord rebukes him each time. (Lk 4:1-13)

Yet, when Eve offered the fruit to Adam, he instantly realized the transgression after a few bites and became aware of himself and his fragile state. Thus, when God called out to him, Adam hid in fear and he then responded: “I hid because I am naked!”(Gen 3:10) The Lord then perceived that man had transgressed his commandment of abstaining from that which is forbidden!

Therefore, the Lord himself became that fruit which ripened on the tree of the womb of Mother Mary so that all who eat of this fruit will never die.

Thus, at the crucifixion, the Theotokos desiring her son to not be further shamed, then takes off her veil and wraps his loins. It is here that the new Adam is veiled via the new Eve who cooperates with his ministry in aiding fallen humanity to rise again on wings of prayer via wholehearted humility. TLC and charity via acts of love and care that stem from a humble heart are the very keys to the kingdom. (Mt 18:3)

May I say how terrible it is to hear amongst Greeks and Italians the horrendous and demonic habit of blasphemy especially when naming the Mother of God as to the standard of a cheap pleasure worker – this is one of the greatest sins against the Holy Spirit (for Mariam is the vessel of the Holy Spirit) such utterings bring condemnation; if anything, people should be invoking the Theotokos to aid them and plead to the Lord to visit them in his Mercy!!!

After some time, this very servant’s heart was filled with arrogance due to the pardon received, and thus went around seeking debts that other servants below his rank owed him; one such owed him a small sum of one hundred dollars. Hence, rage filled his heart and he decided to attack this servant via seizing him from the throat saying: “Pay me every last cent you owe!” After this servant was released from the hold of his hand and still gasping for air, he prostrated himself before his attacker saying: “Please have patience with me and I will resolve that which I owe you!” At this he decided to have the fellow servant arrested and cast into prison. (Mt 18: 28-30)

This brings to mind two issues that need flagging down which have utterly derailed our society, misguided that which is the Churches/Christian’s business and sent our priorities down the hill. This is what happens when our ignorance and stupidity place others on such levels that we become enslaved to them yet no one asks the question: “What are we doing and why are we allowing this to happen?”

No one desires anyone regardless to be afflicted in any way, but in all seriousness, when a celebrity has a health scare, or decides to skits it (rage) or even has a battle with the status quoe and brings God into the equation and they all come out of the woodwork and sort it out; the reality is that these (celebrities) have extraordinary resources!!!

A few years ago, we saw talented people like Madonna and Osborne have health scares etc., these either twittered fans about such crisis or held a televised interview……yes no one should undergo indignities especially regarding health, but in all reality these have more than enough money to have the best care possible. What about some poor folk that struggle and have nothing and are on waiting lists because they can’t afford insurance (another nightmare) they may not have the funds for the right medication nor afford to take time off for income is crucial.

Most of these celebrities (the non-old school who don’t necessarily work for their money) are thus because we place them there (a present reality) and then it goes to their head and we are enslaved by them and the world they are absorbed in…….this is a tragedy when our youth look at these idiots as role models (parents who are as big kids wanting their kids to become famous is a grand offender in itself) and then we wonder why such (kids) grow up derailed and have no purpose!!!!

Then there is the other tragedy – where sport celebrities make it their duty to bring in their understanding of religion into the game; something that should not be done for such as we witnessed makes so called Christianity look like a fascist regime. This then causes political Christian groups to make noise and use one fundamentalist to fuel their crusade which misguides the outlook of the mission of the Church – a place for anyone that wills in the Kingdom which is a lifetime growth towards perfection according to one’s disposition!

Again, this skilled sportsman has more than enough money and resources to fight his own battle which he chose to bring on himself – why is this so called Christian lobby funding his court case? How many poor folk who unfortunately have to deal with the supposed justice system are in certain cases eaten alive by lawyers, barristers, solicitors and struggle to bring food on the table and pay bills? What are we doing? Where have we gone? When will we awaken????

When fellow servants witnessed what had happened, they made haste to the ruler and gave an account of the injustice that had occurred. With that, the ruler summoned the servant he absolved saying onto him: “You vile wretch, I absolved your debt and reinstated you because you moved me to pity you when you pleaded with me; why did you not render likewise to that poor fellow when he begged you for pardon just as you did me?” At that, he had this fool cast into prison which each day bore its own tortures until the time for the bill and other injustices was served. The Father Pantocrator also renders thus to those of you who lack compassion at the hour of need and will not absolve others who plead onto you for pardon. (Mt 18: 31-35)

On Monday, the Church commemorates a champion amongst the early witnesses (martyrs) an ancient soldier saint whose icon was given me bearing the name Phanourios. The Greek community holds him in high regard and that was evident due to his icon being in a prominent place in Greek households and within their churches. A saint as all saints, who would invoke the Lord’s grace and healing through his intercessions and presence.

A saint who the faithful would venerate and pledge an offering of the phanouropita – a symbol cake (flour, oil, sweet wine, honey, walnuts, sultanas, sweet spice, rose water and citrus juice) made in his honour and distributed to the poor when prayers were graced by God through Phanourios’ entreaties.

Not much was known about him and the only piece of evidence from his life was the appearance of his icon in a rundown church in Greece. Everyone kept the same traditional story piece of his appearance: an icon of a soldier saint, found in the Isle of Rhodes (1600 AD), holding a cross and palm branch – unknown in name yet given us in revelation: Phanourios! So much so that later depictions showed him holding a candle which bares testament to his icon and name appearing as: a light ignited via revelation that shines in darkness!


Hence, the saint who many know as Phanorious, and then Expeditus is in actual fact named: ELPIDIUS which means: the bearer of hope! Elpidius was born in Armenia and served in the roman military – he became a centurion at the age of 25 and was admired by all especially due to possessing a good and tender natured soul.

As we know, the primitive Church did not record much about actual birthdates, but rather celebrated thus when its children were born into eternal life – a fact found in many of the epitaphs/sarcophagus inscriptions of roman catacombs “NATIVITAS AETERNUM”: Birth into eternity! In addition, it is fitting that the name for ancient burial/entombment places ‘Cemetery’ derives from the Greek word “KOIMETERION” meaning: dormitory – the place where the just repose in the Lord awaiting his return to wake them!

Thus, under the tyranny of the Diocletian persecutions; (Phanurios) Elpidius was martyred with 5 other companions from the military: Hermogenes, Aristonius, Caius, Rufus, and Galatas.... reposing in the Lord in the month of April and the year 303 AD in the city of Melitene of Asia Minor now modern Malatya of Turkey. This city leads us to the island of Crete which is close by to neighbouring Rhodes. It is most important to note that early venerations to Elpidius celebrated/commemorated him on the 19th of April -sprang out of Sicily which is also in the circumference of the zone in question!

Although decapitation was the norm for such betrayal of the empire, yet Elpidius/Phanourios who was a high ranking soldier had to be made an example of for his treachery/apostasy in confessing Christ as God. Thus, just as many martyrs in the military were executed by the means they excelled in for the skill of war – such was used on them (beheading) in return; labelling them as enemies of the state!

As we know, in our Apostolic heritage – depictions (icons) were not as many thought “the book of the illiterate” but bore living testament to the faith; for the word cannot exist without deed as exhorted by the Apostle James first bishop of Zion: “Faith carried out via word alone and not accompanied with works is dead!” (Jm 2:14-26)

Therefore, just as liturgical deeds are visible icons, so too are further illustrations as is the case indicated in the depiction panels found on the Island of Crete (1452AD) concerning Phanourios (a testament to iconography being part of the canon of scripture in the Apostolic Church) where our holy martyr suffered various tortures before he reposed in the risen Lord.

Early depictions of martyrs portray them holding the cross of Christ as did Elpidius - in his case with the Latin inscription running across it: “HODIE” meaning: today – referring to the Lord’s exhortation: “Let your Yes be a yes and No be a no!” (Mat 5:37) and further elaborated in the exhortations of the Apostle Paul: “Now is the moment and the hour!” (2Cor 6:2) They also hold palm branches signifying the vision of the Apostle John beheld in the Revelation: “The ones who witnessed in blood were dressed in white robes that were cleansed by he who is the Lamb; holding palm branches in their witness to him!” (Rev 7:9)

Thus, “Elpidius”: brought hope to his fellow Christians and soldiers – “Expeditus” however mistranslated: rendered a prompt and smooth outcome to the persecuted Christians of Crete, and as “Phanourios”: bestowed illumination amongst the people of Rhodes in revealing the mercy of God and his grace alive and active in his Church amidst turmoil! Truly, he is a saint that one can call upon in their trials who is thus acquainted with such; inviting us to prioritize and turn onto the Lord who came to nail all earth’s blunders and the ancient rebellion’s sting on humanity to the wood of the cross!

A song from the heavens now shines brightly upon the earth as the angelic host rejoice. They joyfully sing a triumphant hymn of a Son of the Church who struggled against the sufferings inflicted on him by the children of the earth: Glorious Phanourios, you are worthy of the promises of the Lord for you are a champion of the true faith! Orthodox Apolytikion Hymn for the Feast of St. Phanourios.


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