“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Mt 2:18
Besides the horrendous tortures our Lord endured at the time of His death, the slaughter of the Holy innocence has to be one of the most despicable acts of evil recorded within Holy Scripture!
Sadly, violent acts against children are still committed around the world, were we see children being raped, physically and mentally abused, held as prisoners, starved, used as slave workers, murdered, aborted in what is supposed to be the safest place in the world (the mother's womb) and the worst of all acts; a sacrificial offering to satan!
Therefore, as a father of two girls whenever I hear of the suffering of a child, my heart breaks into a million pieces because I instantly think to myself - “What if that was one of my little girls?”
Thus, God is extremely patient, loving, good and forgiving however, if a person commits such demonic acts against a child, God will not hesitate nor think twice about throwing that person into the deepest parts of hades!
Hence, children are so innocent, pure and helpless, that’s why it’s the job of not only the parents but of all to insure the children are safe, for example:
Several weeks ago, my wife and daughters went to shops to do some Christmas shopping. My wife was looking at an item for a few seconds and within those seconds my youngest daughter Lucy decided to wonder off on her own.
Obviously, my wife dropped everything and began calling out for her, looking in all the isles with no luck. After a few minutes of searching a man came to her and asked - “Are you looking for a little girl with curly hair?” my wife said - “Yes have you seen her?” the man told her that he had seen her in the men's clothing section.
Thus, when my wife arrived in the men's section there was Lucy holding the hand of one of the lady's that worked at the shop. My wife expressed her gratitude to the lady, picked Lucy up and came home very shaken up over the whole ordeal.
Therefore, the moral of the story here is, if Lucy landed into the wrong hands, anyone could have walked out with her and only God knows what could have unfolded. However, we were blessed that Lucy bumped into a good-hearted lady that was going to find this little girl's parents.
Now going back a few paragraphs I referred to children as being pure/without sin! Thus, there are people and so-called clergy who may ramble on about original sin and that children are conceived in sin bla, bla, bla!
To those who hold such an opinion may I remind you that Holy baptism cleanses us from a state where we become a new creation! Hence drop sin in the bin. Furthermore, the conservative and religious type of people both clergy and lay how have a habit of being obsessed with sin – this is a clear indication that these types of people are in actual fact are 100% guilty of sin!
May I ever so graciously make a suggestion, go to your local communal toilets, place your heads into the bowl and flush this crap out of your heads! There is NO place for this type of thinking/teaching in God’s Church!
Children have innocence and remain so until the age of reasoning which differs from child to child depending on how quickly they mature; some early, some late there is no specific time frame!
Hence, in the Gospel of Matthew Jesus also warns us about the mistreatment of children - “If anyone causes one of these little ones - those who believe in me - to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! Mt18:6-7
In addition, mental abuse towards a child is catastrophic. It destroys a child from their early years which tends to be a permanent scar they wear through life. Signs of these scares are – no to little confidence, self-hatred, no social skills, depression, obesity, bullying and the list goes on!
As a young child I remember being called stupid by several people within my direct family which affected me up until my adult years and occasionally still does. However, I now know how to deal with such issues by God’s grace through Holy Mother Church!
Moreover, growing up I never believed in myself. I never felt worthy to be around others, I had an inferiority complex where I believed everyone was better than me and I was worthless. This complex was also thanks to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church where it teaches its members that they are great sinners; placing all their attention on sin rather than salvation via Christ’s Resurrection – the whole point of the incarnation!
Therefore, it is so important that we nurture our children correctly - bringing them to Church is a great help because young children especially babies tend to see the angels and saints which are always around us helping and defending us from all harm and evil.
Hence, when we see the young children having a good time in Church let them be because they are in their Fathers house and should feel at home. Then we slowly teach them as they grow to sit, listen and learn the faith. This is how the Church flourishes into a beautiful flower by the young generation learning and growing with and in Christ!
It is written in the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 19 verse 14 - Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.
In conclusion, let us always place the children's best interests first, teach them the faith of our ancestors and pray for the little ones that have left this world via whatever means. One thing I do religiously every time I offer the Liturgy of the Proscomedia,(preparation of the gifts) is pray for the children who are in need and pray for the ones who have departed this world. I encourage all to remember the children in their prayers.
Through the intersessions of the Theotokos, Joseph Her spouse and the Holy Innocence, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen