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Put Sin in the Bin!

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 32nd Sunday after Pentecost.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen 1 Tim 1:15-17

Many of us know by now that within certain Christian sects, sin has become the focal point within “church” mentality; placing eternal damnation and hellfire over salvation and the Lord’s triumph over death in the Resurrection!

Remnants of Pagan style ideology have continued to thrive within many jurisdictions. Sadly, one of them being the institutional orthodox church as a whole! It’s actually quite amusing in some way to listen to institutional clergy teaching its followers to not worry about sin. However, two minutes later you see the same clergy standing at the altar – striking their chest saying things like: “O Lord I’m the greatest sinner, God do not permit us to burn in hell” and so forth!

Forgive me but doesn't this seem like we have just walked into the psychiatric ward of the Royal Melbourne Hospital? How contradictive first they say don’t worry and get over it then they say actually we must worry about it. It’s the equivalent of going to Coles; picking an item up placing it in the trolley then taking it out - and a second later putting that same item back in, then taking it out again. I have a headache just imagining it.

Please do not misunderstand what I am trying to say. Of course, there must be some element of regret when we fall or fail however, convincing ourselves and others that we are horrible sinners is not the right way to go about it. Learning from our mistakes and returning to God via the mysteries of Holy Mother Church (confession, communion, anointing oil) is what we must do to begin the recovery process!

We all know that Jesus alone is without sin and we know that we all fall short in our everyday life. However, constantly throwing sin into people's faces will scare them away and in some way shape or form will force them to believe that they are unworthy of the love of God! (satan at work)

For example, if we know someone who is feeling lonely and we have been so busy we have unintentionally neglected them, perhaps we should dedicate some of our time; even an hour to make sure that person knows that someone cares!

The greatest gift a person can give to another is the gift of time and presence! Gifting our time to someone can make the greatest difference in the world. Furthermore, it is through the time we give onto another that God comes to touch the hearts of those who feel unloved by Him (God) and by the world in general.

At the start of the week, I was asked by my manager to train a new employee; showing him the “ins” and “outs” of our job. So as the day progressed, we spoke about many topics but somehow, we came to the topic of Holy Communion.

I thus explained to him how in our Church, due to covid precautions we have opted to use individual spoons to distribute Holy Communion. Therefore, after explaining thus the trainee stated that he doesn't receive Holy Communion.

Initially I assumed it was because of covid however, he then stated that he felt unclean and unworthy to approach the foot of the alter to receive our Lord: and why? Because the intuitional church has destroyed and damaged him; making him believe that “Sin” is greater than the Love, Mercy and compassion of the All-Holy-Trinity!!!

The institutional church has FAILED! They have condemned, crucified and put to death a member of the Lord’s body (Baptized Christian) just as the leading Jew’s of that time did to Jesus 2022 years ago! He is only one of hundreds of thousands that feel this way. The thing that angers me the most is what some clerics teach to be sin is in actual fact not sin at all!

For example, the teaching that intimacy should only be reserved for procreation and not as something pleasurable between a married couple; wanting to express their love for each other.

According to these clerics when intimacy between a husband and wife becomes enjoyable it is no longer love but becomes lust: therefore, becoming a sin!

Now I’m going to call it for what it truthfully is whether people like or not expect it or reject it; like the old saying goes - “a spade is a spade”!

Therefore, when two people decide that they want to become one in God via Holy Matrimony, God in His infinite love sanctifies, blesses and desires that their love grow with and in Him. Thus, when they express that intimate love they have for each other - God is there with them!

Dose not true and unconditional love steam from the Heart of God? It is by no means filthy, dirty, sinful or what have you! It is sick, twisted and perverted minds that have made the world believe that intimacy is a sin! May I explain further.

Within the Orthodox Church there are monastic clergy which have taken a vow of celibacy: meaning to abstain from any sexual acts. Then we have married clergy who are permitted to marry, have children and live as any other married couple do; obviously with a few differences one being serving the Lord’s Church.

Thus, because of our natural human state when one suppresses certain biological physicality's, one can very easily become agitated, biter, jealous and resentful. Therefore, let's get straight to the point. The reason why intimacy: apart from procreation is seen as sinful is basically because some monks who are on heat and suppress their passions, have become that resentful; they believe that if they can’t have it neither can anyone else!

That my dear brothers and sisters is the truth of the matter! It is because of such idiotic and frustrated clowns that make many people feel and believe they are too dirty to even step foot into a Church; let alone receive the Holiest thing in the world! (Jesus in the Greatest Mystery of the Eucharist)

Therefore, never allow any cleric or person to convince you that you are unworthy of the unconditional love of the All-Holy-Trinity – Jesus said Himself in the Gospel of Luke 5:32 - “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” Meaning not the over religious bigots who boast and make a spectacle of themselves but the humble, scared, outcast, the poor in spirit, the pure in heart!

Again, do not allow any person to push you away from the Lord who waits for us each day with His arms outstretched to embrace us as the Loving Father. The minute someone stands in our way we know they are not of God!

Thus, to all monastics who teach such rubbish that belongs in the landfills I say, leave your monastery; go out into the world and live as a normal person without persecuting others anymore and relieve yourselves! To the married clergy who teach such trash, STOP the bull-crap because we all know what you do after the vestments come off along with a few glasses of wine!

In conclusion, may we always recourse to the Mother of God - Our Lady Theotokos in times of hardship, tribulation and persecution for She is the Queen who stands on the right hand of God the Son (Psalm 45:9) that eternally intercedes for us His Church!

Therefore, through the prayers of the Theotokos, Her spouse Joseph of Nazareth and St Anthony the Great whom the Church commemorates this Sunday, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen



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