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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

But, he wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" (Lk10:29)

It was rather particular at the time with devout Hebrews' and even now among Orthodox Christians that we truly find it hard to let go of our nationalism which is a cancer in terms of reaching out to others with and in faith! Although the devout lawyer who questioned the Lord was rather uncomfortable with the notion of reaching out to others because of the separatist mentalities rampart at the time, we Orthodox Christians also find thus hard because nationality and patriotism come before the kingdom of God - its extremely rare that a Greek would reach out to a Macedonian because we are more interested in who Alexander the Great was rather than Christ Jesus who's supposed people we have become!

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians of Ephesus, (Ep 4:1-6) He clearly knew that each nation, class and community had their hangups'; struggling to get them inline with the heart of the Gospel who is Jesus - in commanding to love one another tenderly as he loves. Hence, in the 2nd verse of the above epistle, he (Paul) further exhorted: "With all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bear with one another in love." It is most clear that others will get on our nerves, will perhaps push the wrong buttons for us to verbally explode, will irritate us when they don't see things as we do or even agree....if we have been baptized in Christ, then we really need to cool down, stop acting as the rest of humanity does where it changes its mind like ones shirt, and really become extensions of God's love in the world where we as expressed in the book of the prophet Micah (Mi 6:8) "Act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly in the path of the Lord!"

The parable of the good Samaritan in today's gospel highlights the will of the Father to embrace as seen in the account of prodigal son; expressing the tender mercy of God the Father in that he is ever present in our lives, stands back due to the gift of free will, but is eagerly awaiting us to call out to him. It so happens that He may surprise us in live via divine intervention; the Samaritan came across the wounded, battered and bruised man and rescued him. How many times have I heard people say, I pray for others but I'm not worthy of God's help because his too busy with everyone else who are more important than I! This is sad because the Lord desires each one of us regardless - to have a relationship with him and experience that paternal love he wishes to embrace us by. Unfortunately, the established Church as INSTITUTION proclaims God gentle, but becomes a MONSTER as soon as one sins; administering dreadful punishment! Who in their right mind wants to be part of an institution (church) that treats its members like they who underwent torture and mental manipulation in the various concentration camps? People are so dreadfully confused, hurt, marginalized and very messed up mentally speaking; we are supposed to lift people out of their tombs not BURY THEM FURTHER INTO THE DEPTHS!

Thus, the wounded man lying on the floor like the prodigal son is God the Son (Jesus) who INCARNATES HIMSELF FULLY INTO HUMANITY; a humanity that is fragile, a humanity that rebels, a humanity that exploits and is itself exploited and nails all our fragility and filth (hate, violence, murder etc) to the wood of the cross! The one who's spirit prays in us ABBA, FATHER, especially in circumstances where we are totally impeded and have not the strength due to indignities of all kinds. In addition, when the prodigal comes to his senses (as most of us hopefully do) and comes to the realization of grave error, he humbles himself and asks pardon. The same pardon that God the Son asked on our behalf as he hung on the cross. Hence, its never too late to ask forgiveness provided we seek amends to those we have hurt and then come to the Father who then runs to our aid and reinstates us as his kids. Hence, if you have hurt someone, DON'T COME TO CONFESSION FIRST! Instead, go and try to ask pardon from who you have hurt and then COME to the Mystery of Repentance!

The Orthodox Church nourishes her kids with that oil of gladness in times of distress when the heart bleeds bitter tears, and quenches our hunger and thirst via communing the faithful with He who came as the good Samaritan that rescues his own from evil personified! Therefore, he is the mercy from on high and the peace which he alone imparts, in whom we who truly believe rejoice in him because he intervened in our existence for He truly loves us! In ancient times, it was thought to offer constant sacrifices to the gods in order to keep them happy, otherwise they will send punishment on our lives. But, in the first EVANGELISMOS/personification of good,great and relieving news: "God intimately loves the world, that he gifted us with the one who IS and through who's Name: IESUS KRISTOS all was brought into existence and who's Spirit gave life to all things." (Jn 3:16)

In conclusion, the lawyer who first questioned Jesus then comes to the understanding that the very answer is the way one conducts themselves, and if we are who we say we are (Christians) we are then to be the very fabric of the garment of he who is mercy. The Apostle James (Jm 2:14-26) exhorted that its not good enough to give people advice, but actually get of our backsides and provide for them as best as we can especially if those who come to ask have nothing! Furthermore, St John Chrysostom Archbishop of the basilica of Holy Wisdom who we commemorate today taught in his homily on the inexhaustible mercy of God, that: "Suppose that a believer who once was pleasing to God becomes full of wickedness and commits grievous sins that excludes him from the kingdom. I will not allow even a person like that to despair, although he may have grown old practicing his unspeakable wickedness. "Now if the wrath of God were a passion, a person might well despair of quenching the flame that his many sins kindled. however, because the divine nature is passionless, GOD NEVER PUNISHES NOR TAKES VENGEANCE WITH WRATH, BUT WITH CARE AND MUCH LOVING-KINDNESS! "

Thus the lawyer answered: "He who showed mercy on him!" Then Jesus affirmed: "Go and do likewise!" (Lk 10: 37)



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