When the Apostles lead Jesus through a crowed who had gathered at yet another supernatural sight, they took him to a man whose son suffered violent attacks from possessive fallen powers; the boy’s father then threw himself down at his feet crying: “Lord, have mercy on us for my son suffers grievously from that which has been diagnosed as epilepsy. The strange and yet mysterious observation is that although these symptoms may reflect that which has been diagnosed but he or an unknown power often takes hold of him, thus he casts himself into the fire and then drags himself into the sea……I asked your disciples to cure him but to no avail…..” (Mt 17:14-16)
Again medical diagnosis and spiritual underlying currents are at odds – we must be careful when speaking of both because it’s very easy to get them mixed up! The power of suggestion is truly a powerful tool, but the stupidity of ignorance in discerning what really is at hand may prove to be disastrous – nothing worse when one is rendered powerless; lacking true knowledge in the assessment of given situations.
Without going too deep within the equation of spiritual matters….there is a tendency in orthodoxy to follow other denominations when dealing with the supernatural; it’s all psychological! Yet, the gospels are clear when making distinctions between medical conditions and supernatural realities!!!There is a rise in the world and in the community of these issues which not many can diagnose and treat – we are too busy rounding this confronting issue down to all sorts of psychological theories than actually having the guts to admit the whole purpose of the INCARNATION!!!!
Having stated thus, we are living in a rather cultural dictated church where pagan origins heavily influence the tradition and practice of the so called orthodox Christian! Yes, nationalism is one of the greatest cancers within the Church because it places a nation before the kingdom of God! How many times have genuine seekers of the true faith been put off for the very reason they can’t be orthodox according to their own cultural upbringing but must conform to a culture that it totally foreign to them and utterly uncanonical/against every church rule of mission!
We have been baptised into Christ and immersed ourselves into the mystery of the faith in which we become part of the Communion of Saints and have them as our spiritual family and intercessors. Yet, we tend to open the doors to fowl and fallen powers via the channels of superstition; allowing such to master us under the guise of full proof protection and ritual! How many times have we heard of people mixing a voodoo like practice where religion and witchcraft tango??? Where salt and fire ignite, water and olive oil part, and of course the cross is formed over such????
The other day I had the pleasure to have coffee and cake with a cousin who married into a Slavonic so called orthodox family…….she was a tad confused because she was led to believe in good luck charms! Thus, when she picked up her little girl from kinda, one of the mums pulled her aside and introduced herself as a born again Christian (once orthodox) …..And stated: “Can I say something to you and please do not be offended….you wear a cross, yet why have you put the evil eye (good luck charm warding off evil) image on your daughter’s chain? God would not like this!” At such a statement, my cousin was stunned and replied: “My husband’s family is orthodox and this is part of their custom so I just go along with it!” At that the other lady said: “ah ok, but I had to inform you…my apologies!”
There we have it! A non-apostolic Christian (without going into debate concerning the true nature of things) quite rightfully defended the principles of basic faith in God! How can we claim legitimacy and yet revert to such alien trinkets as this? How many Greeks, Slavs, and even Italian’s wear this crap and yet profess that Christ is God? If we live by the faith and honour our baptismal promises and regularly partake of the divine mysteries with wholehearted faith, then why do we need this crap??? Is this what the holy martyrs who spilt their blood to strengthen our faith in Christ died for???? What are we saying and what are we portraying to others whilst having a schizophrenic spirituality as this?? Are we not inviting evil in all its subtlety within the very fabric of our being due to our ignorance on the matter and via complying with the power of suggestion and ancient rebellion by our own stupidity? What faith do we hold and which god do we profess? Certainly not Christ and we certainly are not nurtured by the apostolic faith in such conditions!!!
There are those who may be or take on a more scientific or logical approach by stating that there is a balance of good and bad - a medium. The problem with this ideology is that God does not create junk! It was good in the beginning but unfortunately it’s very easy to be fully aware of our potential and as the old saying goes: “we get to big for our boots” greed, lust, competition and vendetta are vicious mistresses which should never be entertained because when they are – we resemble that which truly is junk and far beyond repair! (The fallen powers) The beauty of the gift of the Holy Spirit in the mysteries (sacraments) of Holy Mother Church is that we have access via the ordained clergy who hopefully are switched on; to be treated and placed well on the mend!
Many who are graced within the ordained ministry say they have faith, but when it comes to these issues; “let’s allow the doctors access…...” why are we allowing those who are experts on the body and its functions to critique that which is not part of their profession? Now doctors are remarkable and to be praised for the eloquence and consulted for EVERY MATTER pertaining the body, but as far as the spiritual in concerned – placing this matter into the hands of theorists is like giving a child a razor blade!!!! WAKE UP!!!! It truly comes down to the gift of faith and the Lord is very clear upon this in various portions within Holy Scripture to which the Fathers of the Church (NOT RENEGADE THEOLOGIANS) ratify!
The worst manifestation of such does not exist outside the Church, but is very much alive within especially amongst those who have nest egged themselves within her ranks cultivating a most wonderful Carrere but rendered spiritually bankrupt due to such arrogance! I INVITE YOU TO READ MY LATEST DECREE ON THIS EXARCHAIL WEBSITE…..this will give you insight upon the matter at hand and better equip you with what actually happens when we become instituted and loose focus! Thus, we must get back to our faith, our creed, and our identity as CHRISTIANS of the APOSTOLIC CHURCH! For it is very easy to be pulled into the currents of common opinion and secular speculation rather than been anchored onto he who is the cornerstone of our faith and edifice of his Church!
Thus, so that the disciples could avoid embarrassment and query, they convened with Jesus in private and as previously discussed, one of them spoke for them all saying: “Why could we not cure the boy and cast the influencing presence out?” At that, Jesus boldly exclaimed: “Your faith is weak!” (Mat 17:19-20)
