Homily on the 9th Sunday after Pentecost
Peter replied, “Lord, if it’s you, command me to come to you on the water.” Mt 14:28
How many of us truly believe our Lord’s saving words? - "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Jn 6:53
How is it that there are “Orthodox” clergy all around the world celebrating the Divine Rites (Services) – especially the Divine Liturgy with face coverings? (surgical masks) Moreover, considering that within the “Holy of Holies” no unholy entity or disease can draw near due to the Holy angels that are continually present, fighting against such!
It is sadly evident that many of us have allowed the sands of doubt to cloud the oyster of our faith, resulting in firstly a mockery of our ancient faith which hasn’t changed from the days of the Holy Apostles(Where disease was rampart and medical recourses were scares); secondly, it shows the lack of faith the new age clergy have and how far they are willing to go to comply/conform to the world!
Jesus said - "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Mk 12:17 Thus, when we are outside in the real world, we live and obey the rules and regulations of the rulers of the lands! However, the moment we enter the house of God (The Holy building set apart for worship) we live by the laws governed by God; via the instructions given to our spiritual fathers chosen by God to serve (NOT RULE OVER) the people and tradition handed down from generation to generation!
We know our faith in theory, we teach it and pass it on well, however when it comes down to putting it into practice, some of us fear and second guess ourselves; especially the teachings of Jesus Himself! There is no shame when we second guess, it is a natural human feeling and God shall not hold it against us. The main thing is that we acknowledge that we are lacking with trust.
Thus, when we have acknowledged that we lack in our faith we firstly ask the Holy Spirit to give us the courage and grace to increase our trust. Secondly, we must constantly remind ourselves what we are working towards. (Theosis/Deification)
At the start of the week my work place announced that they will have to reduce the number of workers due to the new government regulations as a result of Covid 19. Friday afternoon many workers including myself were stood down for 3-6 weeks as a result of the new rules. However, I have not worried in the slightest because time and time again God has never abandoned me or my family!
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Mt 14:29-31
When worries of the world consume us totally in that we are mastered by our anxieties and cease from praying, we fall (sink) into a deep depression; something that is on the increase due to Covid 19. The cases of depression and suicide have increased dramatically. Many people have sadly given into such pressures (suicide) of the world; leaving loved ones with a hole in their hearts and emergency workers to clean up the mess intensifying the many traumatic scares they have. (Mental Health)
This is exactly what Christ is telling all of us here today! “DO NOT DOUBT! DO NOT LOOSE HOPE! DO NOT FEAR! DO NOT LOOSE SIGHT OF ME!” For this is evident, it is black and white! Those of us who do not have Christ in our sights end up sinking into the dark seas of depression; ultimately losing our minds but most importantly our very sacred lives which God has blessed us with! Having stated thus, this is why people do not want to be part of an institution where the paster/leader is the first one to persecute its members for their short comings which naturally seeps into the psyche of that particular congregation.
Thus, the ultimate act of defilement and the equivalent of spitting upon the altar of God, is to take one's own life (especially those who defile the life of the young in abuse) which is not for anyone: God alone is the Giver of life. And takes life back to Himself. He (God) has created it (Humanity) incorrupt and pure; something all Holy that must be cherished and respected - for anything that comes from God is Holy and must be treated with the greatest care! We as broken humanity have corrupted and defiled ourself due to our brokenness and fallen state. However, as I have said time and time again; if we have a change of the heart/mind (Metanoia) God overlooks all our ignorance's and stupidities for He (God) is the loving Father Pantocrator! (Creator of life)
Therefore, may this time of isolation be a time for us to strengthen our faith, our trust and love in God and see that if we comply to His loving kindness, we will have the grace to walk upon the waters of life with certainty of not drowning; anchoring onto Christ our Rock – the cornerstone of the edifice of our existence!
In conclusion, just as Jesus carried Peter back into the boat with the rest of the apostles ( family of the Church)
covid 19 has proven to be a hidden blessing where families who although united in the home yet lived very separate lives are now given a wonderful opportunity to communicate together as an organic family once more – laying aside synthetic means of communication they assemble around the dinner table and share a meal conversing once more as a family should!
Through the Prayers of the All Holy Theotokos, Lord Jesus Christ our God Have Mercy on us and Save us!