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Sangue Prezioso

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

In today’s Gospel acclamation Christ is revealed to us as the Son of David by the blind man as he shouts publicly – “Jesus Son of David Have Mercy upon me!” Lk 18:38 Thus, if we look at the genealogy of Jesus (family tree) we understand why Jesus is referred to as the Son of David. Stemming from the Holy Prophet Abraham to King David our Lord’s blood line is traced back (Mt 1:2-16) hereby making Christ the rightful heir to the throne in a worldly point of view.

Therefore, just as the Holy Prophet Jeremiah foretold - “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.6 In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior. Jer 23:5-6

We understand why and how Jesus is Son of David. He (Jesus) is our King who was revealed as Emmanuel born of the Virgin (Mariam) from the lips of the Holy Prophet Isaiah - The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Emmanuel. Isa 7:14.

Therefore, by Christ ascending the wood of the cross - shattering the kingdom of darkness and via His all-Glorious Resurrection, we are saved from death; for He is the unblemished calf who goes forth to His voluntary suffering - making Him the only acceptable offering onto the Father! (The Divine Liturgy is the only acceptable form of rendering offering onto God!)

In today's epistle the Apostle Paul writes to the faithful in Rome reassuring them that via their faith in the Risen Christ Jesus, nothing of this world nor that of the underworld should deter them from the love of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit!

Hence, the Apostle Paul further states - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:38-39

Paul further makes the people of Rome aware that in Christ Jesus no person who truly and wholeheartedly believes in Christ shall ever lack, for He (Jesus) provides in all things. Moreover, they are to not fear death, for from time to time it shall be necessary for the shedding of blood to occur in order to strengthen us as a family (the Church); rendering us united as the one body of Christ – that through the shedding of blood that hits the soil of the pastures the harvest may be made abundant and bloom to its full potential.

Therefore, what can we living in this day and age take from this epistle and how does it help us as Christians living in the year of our Lord 2021?

Well firstly these days commitment is something that many dread. People these days are opting to live as a DeFacto couple for fear of the word commitment and lifelong! (also due to religious regulations that can put off people from committing truly) Others cannot handle the fact that if we give ourselves totally to someone or in this case God, we surrender ourselves in every way shape or form; giving all control over to God where we are then bound by certain rules and ways to live by.

Thus, returning to the original question what can we take from today's Epistle – well all of us know too well what happens when people find out about our faith many times by the ones whom we love wholeheartedly – we are mocked and ridiculed; told to stop wasting our time, to living life to its fullest instead of complying with all these outdated rules and regulations!

Hence, for us the Christians of today it is this type of persecution that we are to undergo something that at times hurts tremendously but is as a grain of sand compared to what many Holy men and women endured for the sake of the Kingdom. (Holy Martyrdom)

God does not like to see His beloved children suffer any type of pain whether it be physical, spiritual or emotional. However, it is for our spiritual growth and to make us realize that no matter what is going on in our lives, or how impossible something may seem, God will never abandon us or leave us to deal with any given situation alone; the Church comes together and deals with it as one in the name of Jesus our God!

Today Holy Mother Church commemorates the Holy Martyrs of God Felicitas along with her seven sons – Januarius, Felix, Philip, Sivanus, Alexander, Vitalis and Martial. (164)

Saint Felicitas was born in Rome from a rather wealthy family. After marriage she gave birth to seven sons whom she brought up alone after becoming a widow with a strong zealous faith in Jesus. She was always unashamed to profess her faith publicly that many pagans seeing her live her life in such serenity wished to acquire the same peace she had. Thus, many pagan idol worshipers came to the faith where they to found the inner peace in which St Felicitas omitted (the Light of Christ). Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Jn 14:27

One day Felicitas and her sons were handed over the imperial courts for questioning and to make an offering to pagan idols to which the mother and sons refused; evermore remaining strong in the faith. Felicitas reminded her sons to not fear death but to fear eternal damnation if they are to comply to the pagan's orders in making an offering to their pagan idols.

Therefore, one by one the Holy young men were slain and beheaded by the pagans as their Holy mother Felicitas watched over. Convinced that the Holy woman would now make an offering after watching her sons being slaughtered, the governor was under the impression that she would now make an offering to pagan idols. However, to his surprise she refused all the more – faith in Jesus increased ten fold!

Thus, after four months of imprisonment and being beaten to a pulp, Felicitas received the same Holy Martyrdom death as her sons; being beheaded publicly.

Hence, by this shedding of Holy blood we are encouraged to not be afraid as our Lord exhorts many times within Holy scripture.

We the faithful are always being accused of idol worship and worshiping saints and all sorts of protestant accusations that are totally false and not true – ie, the worship of icons which in the 8th and 9th century we know as the Iconoclastic Controversy.

In the year 730 the emperor Leo III influenced many to rebel and commanded that the “worship”/ veneration of Holy Icons was to cease immediately. However, as we know in the year 787 the empress Irene ordered a holy synod to convene; discussing the matter of icons and to resolve this issue.

The synod reinstated the veneration of icons and all was back to normal or so it seemed. Once again in the year 815 the second iconoclastic period arouse - sparking once again the debate regarding icons; what they truly are and if it went against the law of the Holy Prophet Moses. (The first commandment – You shall have no gods before Me!)

Thus, in the year 843 empress Theodora finally restored the veneration of Holy icons. To this present day the Church has been given the grace from God to venerate and enjoy the gift of these Holy images in our Churches and homes; being for us as means of focus in our prayer life; a reminder that we are not alone and of the courage these Holy men and women had for Christ and His Church!

Therefore, today we are reminded not to allow others and their stupidity to get in our way or to give them the time of day in their ignorance, but to anchor onto Jesus our God who is our Salvation!

As we begin to reflect on the fast-approaching season of lent, may it be our mission to never allow others to hijack our agender and that of Holy Mother Church, but to remain strong in the faith as did all our Holy Martyrs and Saints.

In conclusion, let us collect ourselves and find room within our inner-self for improvement. Thus, using the Holy season of great lent to remove the weeds that choke the vegetation and fruits of our harvest in order to render thanksgiving onto God!

Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos and Her spouse Joseph, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!



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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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