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Santissimo nome di Dio!

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 15th Sunday after Pentecost.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Mt 22:37

This week my family and I were quite unwell. We were suffering from a cold that turned into an ear infection; it’s been lots of fun!

Thus, I had received several calls from friends and family members to check up on us which was heartwarming. However, some of these people for some strange reason began to blaspheme the name of Jesus and His All-Holy Mother more than usual. Most likely the influence of the evil one due to the fact it was around the feast of the nativity of the Theotokos.

Hence, a bad habit that Europeans have gotten into is blaspheming when they are expressing anger or frustration. I would not dare repeat any of these sayings, however one needs to only think of the worst possible thing you could say and times it tenfold - that’s how horrendous some expressions are.

Thus, our Lord and Saviour is very forgiving and understanding with those who speak ill of Him. However, the moment a person is to speak ill or in fowl manner or curse His Holy Mother the Theotokos, all I have to say is good luck to that person, for the Lord will NOT tolerate any disrespect to His Mother – NO questions asked!

Therefore, being a priest and hearing such vulgarities protruding from my loved one's mouth is quite disheartening for me. Sure, I understand that at time things are said without giving a second thought to the meaning. However, for those of us who love our faith and are faithful to the Lord and His commandments – it's a slap to the face!

On Tuesday evening after I offered the Divine Liturgy at home I felt as if I had been hit by a train, so I went straight to bed with no dinner - which is not like me because I love my food and nibbles.

However, in the very early hours of the morning I experienced what is described by doctors and scientists as sleep paralysis. A very common phenomena that many people experience throughout their lives.

Thus, as I laid in bed a great fear came over me. It felt like something was trying to hurt me but couldn’t via virtue of Holy Baptism!

Therefore, as this torment continued, I tried to call out to my wife, however I couldn’t find the strength to call out to her instead all I could do was make very quiet groaning noises which didn’t grab her attention. Again, due to the fact that it was a feast day!

After a few unsuccessful minutes I came to my senses and I remembered the Jesus prayer – Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Have mercy upon me a sinner!

Hence, at the very moment I acclaimed - Lord Jesus, the torment ceased instantly! Thus, people truly underestimate the Power of the name that is above all names - Iesus Kristos, Jesus Christ!

Thus, there are people who defile His All-Holy name (Jesus) when they use it to express anger; which stems from an unholy place. By the way, fallen powers or have willed to join the realms of hades cannot physically utter the name of Jesus because it will burn them, as lava melts anything in its path – for He (Jesus) is the purifying lava.

Thus, through the power of suggestion evil influences us humans to blaspheme God’s All-Holy name, that way they don’t get burned! Evil must never be underestimated because they know the scripture, cannons, doctrines and so forth back to front; this is how they use manipulation to their advantage!

Therefore, we all know that one person or more that use the Lord’s name in an unacceptable manner however, instead of being like the over religious psychotic people let’s just pray for them that they may use Christ name in a Glorifying manner or to dispel evil!

The worst thing a true Christian can do is impose rules and regulations; that drives people away. However, by our example and prayer, others slowly but surely catch on; changing their ways for the better. Of course, they need to possess true humility, only then, change can truly take place via the unwavering love of God!

Let’s not forget, before the Holy Apostle Paul's conversion he despised the Lord, His teachings, Christians and anything that came to be because of Jesus. But then what happened? Saint Paul came to his senses, humbled himself and asked for pardon and via that wholehearted humility and sorrow, the Lord raised him up and turned his shame to fame; becoming a great leader and defender of the faith!

Thus, we must never despair when it comes to our salvation and that of others because the Lord is infinitely forgiving to those who are Pure in Heart!

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Mt 22:39

Through the prayers of the Theotokos, Saint Joseph Her spouse and Parents of Mariam All-Holy, Joachim and Anna, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!



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