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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

Those who detach from the world and gain God VS they who accumulate via stealth yet die in spirit

A landlord of that time planted a vineyard which he fenced off and further dug out a place for the winepress; erecting a tower to oversee thus. Hence, he leased the property to vinedressers before travelling abroad. Hence, the time for the vintage production drew near, and therefore the landlord commissioned servants to bring back his share of the fruit of the produce. (Mt 21: 33-34)

The greatest gift within the Apostolic Church of the elder tradition which has kept to the lifestyle

and administration of the Apostles within Holy Orthodoxy is autonomy. Autonomous in the sense that whilst in communion with the governing synod – each see (bishop with diocese) has the right to function according to their needs.

However such other major groups who moved away from thus -seeking to mirror a more imperial system which is contrary to the canons; these have lost the pastoral beauty and privilege in developing into the grace of otherness in the diaspora - the Holy Spirit’s desire for the Church to create and re-create according to time, place, space, culture, and mentality.

Thus, here comes the greatest problem within the Orthodox Church: NATIONALISM! Moreover, the Church and her Fathers throughout history exhorted her to breathe the air and live the cultural setting it finds itself in for the sake of EVANGELIZATION. Hence, the nationalists within imminently ghetto themselves and shut her doors to the outside world with the fear of being tainted or should I say POLLUTED by others with the very fear of (in their minds): the loss of identity!

Unfortunately, many of these fall into the category (up to this very day) with early migrant mentalities: we can’t allow our kids to marry outside our race for it will injure our reputation – love is not important: bloodline counts!!! How many times have we witnessed the beginnings of fruitful relationships which embodies love – yet these were quickly terminated and in certain cultures; slaughter was and is the penalty!

The vinedressers then seized the servants who came and beated one, murdered another, and stoned the other. With this, the landlord then sent other servants but these suffered the same consequences. Therefore, he then commissioned his own son thinking that the vinedressers would honour the son for he comes with the Father’s voice. (Mt 21: 35-37)

This Sunday night we celebrate the vigil of the beheading of St. John the Forerunner and Baptist who was silenced for speaking out against injustice in denouncing fraudulent leadership! Unfortunately, many have come to think that John was like these clowns that go around bible-bashing people; resembling the overzealous…..TV evangelists in particular - this is far from the truth!

Unlike the distorted portrayal of St. John the Baptist as a corner preacher who dished out Hell, Fire, Brimstone and the wrath of God upon those who do not comply – John was rather compassionate and was a voice for those who had been silenced! There was no solid social security back in the day and if you had little – you were at the mercy of others: up the creek without a paddle!

When John publically denounced Herod Antipas (20BC – 39AD) the Ruler of Galilee for stealing his Brother Phillip’s wife Herodias (15BC – 39AD) which not only fell into the category of the crime of adultery, but one that would end with vendetta and as per usual - the innocent pay with their lives!

Furthermore, Aristobulus IV (31BC – 7AD) the Ruler of Judea along with his cousins had tendencies of revenge when they were wronged; the burning down of entire cities and annihilation of its peoples. Thus, John could not allow such to be visited on the people - sought in denouncing Herod before things soured. This of course caused John to be silenced via beheading in the year 30AD!

Earlier on in the piece, John like many moved away from that which was established via retreating to the desert; he like many of his contemporaries could not tolerate the hypocrisy to which he would always challenge openly. Although he abandoned the allotment of presbyteral duties (priestly linage from dad Zacharias) that would befall him from the age of thirteen, yet he ministered to those who were marginalized and desired the promise of the One who would come amongst them as the Saviour; paving the way for he (Jesus) who is the Bishop of his Church!

When one reaches an advanced spiritual level (which no institution can teach for it is a gift of the Holy Spirit) then you learn that the things you thought were so important and vital - quite simply pale away into insignificance! The early monastics learnt this (Anthony of Egypt is a primal example) and desired to be liberated from worldly cares – a dying to one’s self as it were in order to grow and be sustained beyond our realities.

Unfortunately, many strive to become that which they are not and because their desires are not wholehearted nor pure; collateral damage surfaces via bitterness of spirit which becomes the established behaviour towards others. This is clearly seen in places that are under the direction of cult mentalities – as witnessed in places like the United States where religion tends to resemble a tyrant cult: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly ala Preacher!

The holy always bear their burdens with a cheerful attitude towards others even if they are suffering, yet the other category tends to loath in their self – righteousness cloaked in religiosity - inflicting pain on those around them via casting stones in order not to be unmasked! This same category truly becomes the stench that God himself removes from his presence as exhorted via the Prophet Amos. (Am 5: 21-24)

Although there are various levels of monasticism, yet John trained himself to reach the angelic state where he lived on bare essentials and the Holy Scriptures – the Word of God (Jesus) became his daily bread! His simplicity was mirrored via that which consisted of his clothing – a camel’s hair garment tied with a belt of raw leather. He ate once a day consisting with a diet of wild locust berries (not locusts as insects) for “Nazarite monks were vegans” and wild honey. (Mat 3:4)

Therefore, his ministry of the word was rendered in the spirit of metanoia which is the Greek word for change – the humbling of one’s self in order to place that which is truly important first whilst placing aside all those things that impede our growth towards God.

John was truly the one who re-echoed the voice of the Prophet Isaiah to awaken the people who dwell in delusion with the message of amending one’s life so that the one who is the Light of the world (Jesus) could transform their very existence; the means of new life which is eternal. (Is 40: 3-5)

This was the confirmation of John’s prophetic ministry that sealed him as the last of the Old Testament prophets, yet the waters of repentance which he administered at the shores of the Jordan was the affirmation of the presbyteral ministry to come with the New Testament Church which Christ sanctified. (Mat 3:11)

As we know, the Lord at times gives us that reassurance we crave and at other times, he speaks through others and of course without looking for things – through signs and wonders (miraculous occurrences)! Therefore, when cousin Jesus who John knew as a boy and perhaps did not recognize him initially as Emmanuel, came to the shores of the Jordan to confirm John’s ministry and sanctify those waters via his presence; John’s eyes fully opened when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Lord in the form of a dove. (Lk 3:22) Why a dove?

Doves don’t rest on anything polluted, and this was God’s way to make things click in the confirmation that Jesus IS the immaculate one – the unblemished lamb of the true sacrificial offering! This very statement was later affirmed by John to his disciples (Andrew, Phillip and John the Evangelist) who then followed the Lord; “He is the Lamb of God who removes the world’s sin!” (Jn 1:29)

Hence, John bore witness onto the Lord who has come into the world to which the consistency of his ministry had many flock to the shores of the Jordan; all elements of society came to understand that holiness radiated from John to which many sort his council. He thus reminded all to render witness onto God by one’s very existence – offering those less fortunate around them with the bare essentials.

The military (certain members) who were rather unlawful back then came onto John because many of them had an awakening that they could not continue as they rendered – something was wrong and their souls were in a state of unease. He reminded them to not go beyond their limits via exploiting others, rather that they should be content with the stability such a life gave them (Lk 3:14)

Yet, when the vinedressers recognized the son who comes on behalf of his Father they conspired amongst themselves saying: “Let us annihilate him whilst seizing the whole of his inheritance!” Thus, the vinedressers then seized him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. (Mt 21: 38-39)

The problem or obstacle one must learn to remove when one begins a new journey especially in faith/spirituality, is only acquired by that which we all dread – overcoming daily battles within the context of the unknown via determination and complete trust! This becomes burdensome at certain stages within the journey and we may look to the option of pulling out altogether, but do we really desire to stay in square one for the rest of our lives and waste the greatest gift given us (life) and allow what if to hijack what could be - rendering what is no longer???

Unfortunately, within such settings previously mentioned above (nationalism as cancer in orthodoxy) when people via their individual spirituality they themselves have cultivated are called by God to experience the mysticism alive in the Orthodox Church, these poor souls run the risk (inevitably) of being boxed up, cast out, and most sadly – dying spiritually due to national cruelty and malnutrition! How many times have I seen wonderful gifted souls who have much to offer become reduced to nothing – using a common expression: left out to hang dry!

My own experiences with the Russians (not all bad but a variety of indignities) as a Hierodeacon (monastic deacon) due to me not being culturally the same; I was left out of many activities and at times given the treatment of a beggar. Hence, not being allowed to serve at grand liturgies due to stature -kept on the side, waved away from the clergy table at lunches and barked at via higher authorities so that they could make an impression of command by their superiors!

As a priest I had the nightmare of serving a lay organization (under the guise of church) however good their initial intent was, yet such marred into the attitude of a deluded mind: inflicting fear in their followers – the means of cult mentality. The problem with supposed puritans (those who claim to follow every iota of ecclesial rule) is that they begin shutting themselves off like the puritans of the Lord’s time (Pharisees – zealous teacher of the law, and Sadducees – priests of a zealously religious community)

A mouthful of such (puritan rhetoric) can either cause symptoms alike food poisoning or bad indigestion to one’s soul! Let’s not mention the puritans of the English Reformation (1534 – 1603AD) who destroyed that which was sacred via distorting the truth of Holy Scripture which can only be interpreted within the Ark of Salvation the Church! (1 Cor 14:28) These puritans are mostly ethnic and cannot connect with our mentality and cultural ethos - causing cult isolation initiatives!

Yes, there were good times but unfortunately the bad frightfully outweighed thus – enslaved and commanded how to act, what to think, and when to render. Yet, these were and are the very means of overcoming the hurdles of that which impedes the Church to run as the Ark of Salvation - reducing her (the Church) to the tragedy of the Titanic: an experience anyone the Lord raises MUST safeguard their flock from!!!!

Thus, when the lord of the vineyard returns what then would he render onto these vinedressers? Then certain people listening agreed amongst themselves saying: “The landlord will then annihilate those vinedressers and lease the vineyard out to others who will render the fruits of the season onto him!” (Mt 21: 40-41)

God raises many of us to make a difference, and as proven time and time again; the humble of heart (those whose hearts are in line with the Lord) will accomplish that which others can’t via not being polluted with gain and commodities such vinedressers (hired servants) enjoy! This all begins with being truthful with oneself – the means of approaching the Lord’s presence wholeheartedly and accepting all that we are via embracing those who especially may not fit; restoring dignity onto them which others out of fear and being outed (most active in clerical and religious circles) shun!

Then there exists that other category which is intimidated by the capabilities of others that tend to extend, grow and ripen in the wider community – the fear of losing former credibility via the public admiration of such gifted individuals; exercising extreme calumny as the means of attack! One is always amazed sadly of such that these spiritually bankrupt individuals who possess status as far as their institution is concerned: create and re-create.

Further, when one hears back – although not surprised of the venom injected, these will stop at nothing until that which is the thorn in their side is annihilated by whatever means……although the Lord tends to hurl them from their thrones as expressed in the Magnificat (Lk 1: 46-55) and publically humiliated via their own venom as the means for their repentance!!!

The reason why we are commanded not to judge and condemn via malice for that same treatment will be visited unto such. (Mt 7:1-3) Yet the serpents who abide in high and various other ecclesial places tend to always be on the lookout in their watchtowers for anyone or anything (via the Lord’s grace upon such wonderful souls) that may lift the blanket of ignorance and lordship they have plagued the populace (faithful) with!

Hence, via the grace of the All Holy Trinity, the canonicity and apostolic succession bestowed upon our Holy Exarchal Metropolis is the means of Holy Orthodoxy enjoying the true sense of Ecumenism! Thus, all orthodox people from every nation worshiping the Lord in their own way, via their own traditions, and according to the needs of our times! How wonderful it is to not be enslaved by a nationality that is not yours – forcefully conforming to something that is not you at all!

On Friday, we celebrated one of our treasured saints whose relics we are blessed to have amongst us: St. Phanurious! Let’s make no mistake: Saints are the Lord’s gift to us the Family of the Church as exhorted by the Apostle St. Paul to the Hebrew Church (Heb 12: 1-2) and the reason why the Church insists we bear a holy name when we are baptized so that we may be assisted along the way! May I share a portion from our section of our exarchal metropolitan Saints.

Hence, one of the very first saints the orthodox of both Greece and Rome venerate is an ancient soldier saint whose icon bears the name Phanourios. The Greek community holds him in high regard – this is evident due to his icon being in a prominent place in Greek households and within their churches.

A saint as all saints, who would invoke the Lord’s grace and healing through his intercessions and presence. A saint who the faithful would venerate and pledge an offering of the phanouropita – a symbol cake (flour, oil, sweet wine, honey, walnuts, sultanas, sweet spice, rose water and citrus juice) made in his honour and distributed to the poor when prayers were graced by God through Phanourios’ entreaties.

Not much was known about him and the only piece of evidence from his life was the appearance of his icon in a rundown church in Greece. Everyone kept the same traditional story piece of his appearance: an icon of a soldier saint, found in the Isle of Rhodes (1600 AD), holding a cross and palm branch – unknown in name yet given us in revelation: Phanourios! So much so that later depictions showed him holding a candle which bares testament to his icon and name appearing as: a light ignited via revelation that shines in darkness!

In actual fact, once this discovery was made, the Archbishop of Rhodes Father Nilos urged the synod to declare/reinstate the lost saint amongst the Church Menaion (daily saint ordo) Furthermore, the Church decided to consecrate a day (when the discovery was made) the 27th of August in the year mentioned previously - proclaiming the military saint to be worthy of veneration. Hence, as custom; hymns and services were composed together with icons reproduced…..

All was ignited with a liturgy (Divine Eucharist) celebrated in his honour to which a new church was gradually built on the ancient ruins of its former. May I flag down a fact that when the churches of Greece had to deal with the Patriarch of former Constantinople now Istanbul; all matters could not bypass the grand Sultan of the Caliphate – it is interesting to mention St. John the Russian (1690-1730 AD) inwardly converted the Sultan of his time via God’s grace manifest in his very life….a matter such deny ever took place!

Yet, a similar icon of the military saint appeared much earlier in the Isle of Crete which was recorded in the synaxarion (daily hymnology of the Church) dated 1452AD. We must remember that both sides; the people from Crete and Rhodes do not see eye to eye and that is also seen when one reads the conflicting accounts and other such information relating to this case (which I’ve chosen not to state for obvious reasons)

Thus, however similar the appearance of the icon was to that in Rhodes (remembering that Greece was under Ottoman/Turkish rule) yet that of Crete offers us a much broader understanding upon the origins of the saint. As we know, the Mediterranean was acquainted with attacks from the Normans, the Arabs and other invaders. Thus, the Church suffered various blows in these timeframes; not only with the blood of her faithful, but with the loss of its structures.

Hence, there was a small church (in Crete) that lay in ruins to which the Nomadic pagans came upon; searching thoroughly through it with the hope of finding priceless treasures….the only item they found apart from decayed icons was an icon panel in good condition of a military youth with depictions of his life around him– it was no use to them at which they laid it aside.

The next aggressors to invade were the Arabs who sort to build walls around their stronghold; coming to the ruins in order to use its bricks/stones for the project. After collecting materials for their purpose, they brought out the icon to inspect it in the hope that it was worth something; yet, as was done previously, it was laid aside - not so much in terms of their understanding of idolatry, but rather deeming thus incompatible for any gain!

Close by the ruins where some monks who had gone into hiding during the infliction of terror…they had noticed the icon which was unearthed from the rubble via both groups; drawing forth with utmost care lest they be caught – they thus venerated the icon and asked their Abbott who was the local bishop to come and ratify their findings.

Furthermore, in the timeframe of 1204-1669 AD, certain parts of Greece were occupied by the Latins and the evidence remnant of those times is portrayed on the island of Syros. Hence, the Latin’s had built their churches (also seen via architecture in Rhodes) and established their hierarchy…….In addition, ordinations in the Orthodox Church especially in Crete were restricted via Latin decree to monasteries and forbidden for most village churches with the minimum exception!

The bishop of the island of Kythira in the peninsula of the Peloponnese was the only authorized hierarch (via Latin decree) assigned for ordinations appointed to village churches; the minimum number of ordinands were sent to him during this timeframe. We must remember that the Turks were still amongst the Greeks and their nobility reaped much of the country’s fruits – slavery was still on the cards! Hence, here begins one of the saint’s interventions. Three deacons were sent to the island for ordination to the priesthood, yet as they were making their way back to Crete, they were caught by pirates who brought them to Rhodes and sold them off to Turkish nobles as slaves.

The priests were familiar with the newly revealed saint whose icon was found also in Rhodes and requested they go to the church which housed him; thankfully these noble were not the savage type and such received permission to do so! Yet, superstition played a great part in the Middle Eastern psyche and when the saint came to these noble via dreams demanding them liberate the priests; this did not go down well – thinking that a spell was worked on them encouraged the priest’s sentence to confinement.

Yet although the saint persisted; fear fuelled the noble to torture the clerics so that this supposed dream spell (according to the advice they received from a medium) be undone! Once again, the saint clearly exhorted that if they do not release the clerics – sight would be removed from them; this scourge certainly came to be! With that, they asked the clerics to pray over them …..The clerics said that they (their captors) must listen to the will of God via his saints! Thus the saint came to their dreams for the last time and decreed that their sight be returned only after they formally free the clerics via a notary’s written documentation; wholeheartedly obliging to the saint’s request!

Let us chant numerous hymns telling God’s glory revealed in the life of his servant Expeditus who was born in Armenia and shed his blood for the Gospel of Christ in Melitene. He is worthy of veneration for his name is recorded within the book of life in the heavens via the crown of holy martyrdom. Latin hymnology for the feast of St. Expeditus.

Many Roman Orthodox hold a prayer card of a military saint who is venerated in high esteem known as Expeditus which means: the rendering of a prompt and smooth outcome. It made sense in terms of Phanourios being known for helping people with lost causes and other such issues. He is mostly known amongst the Greeks for finding lost things for which he is greatly revered!

Hence, the saint known as Phanorious, and also by the name Expeditus is in actual fact named: ELPIDIUS which means: the bearer of hope! Elpidius was born in Armenia and served in the roman military – he became a centurion at the age of 25 and was admired by all especially due to possessing a good and tender natured soul.

As we know, the primitive Church did not record much about actual birthdates, but rather celebrated thus when its children were born into eternal life – a fact found in many of the epitaphs/sarcophagus inscriptions of roman catacombs “NATIVITAS AETERNUM”: Birth into eternity! In addition, it is fitting that the name for ancient burial/entombment places ‘Cemetery’ derives from the Greek word “KOIMETERION” meaning: dormitory – the place where the just repose in the Lord awaiting his return to wake them!

Thus, under the tyranny of the Diocletian persecutions (303 -313AD); Elpidius was martyred with 5 other companions from the military: Hermogenes, Aristonius, Caius, Rufus, and Galatas.... reposing in the Lord in the month of April and the year 303 AD in the city of Melitene of Asia Minor now modern Malatya of Turkey. This city leads us to the island of Crete which is close by to neighbouring Rhodes. It is most important to note that early venerations to Elpidius celebrated/commemorated him on the 19th of April -sprang out of Sicily which is also in the circumference of the zone in question!

Although decapitation was the norm for such betrayal of the empire, yet Elpidius/Phanourios who was a high ranking soldier had to be made an example of for his treachery/apostasy in confessing Christ as God. Thus, just as many martyrs in the military were executed by the means they excelled in for the skill of war – such was used on them (beheading) in return; labelling them as enemies of the state!

As we know, in our Apostolic heritage – depictions (icons) were not as many thought “the book of the illiterate” but bore living testament to the faith; for the word cannot exist without deed as exhorted by the Apostle James first bishop of Zion: “Faith carried out via word alone and not accompanied with works is dead!” (Jm 2:14-26)

Therefore, just as liturgical deeds are visible icons, so too are further illustrations as is the case indicated in the depiction panels concerning Phanourios (a testament to iconography being part of the canon of scripture in the Apostolic Church) where our holy martyr suffered various tortures before he reposed in the risen Lord. Hence, the icon discovered in Crete unveils 12 panels which surrounded the icon of the martyr; portraying his testimony to the faith and the torture inflicted upon him by the military via decree in the following order:

1. Defending the faith before the governing officials.

2. Stoning the saint in order to provoke the denial of the faith.

3. Beating the saint with clubs in order to have him recant.

4. Stands exposed whilst sharp iron rods rip through his flesh.

5. Prays in his prison cell for the Lord to render strength and consolation.

6. Brought again to trial in order for him to recant.

7. Tortured with burning rods before the magistrate.

8. Placed in a rotating wood mechanism which crushes certain parts of his body.

9. Thrown into a den with wild animals who reverse their nature and comfort him.

10. Placed under the weight of a large rock.

11. Burning coal placed in his hands in order to provoke submission to a pagan deity placed before him.

12. Burnt to death via furnace.

Early depictions of martyrs portray them holding the cross of Christ as did Elpidius - in his case with the Latin inscription running across it: “HODIE” meaning: today – referring to the Lord’s exhortation: “Let your Yes be a yes and No be a no!” (Mat 5:37) and further elaborated in the exhortations of the Apostle Paul: “Now is the moment and the hour!” (2Cor 6:2) They also hold palm branches signifying the vision of the Apostle John beheld in the Revelation: “The ones who witnessed in blood were dressed in white robes that were cleansed by he who is the Lamb; holding palm branches in their witness to him!” (Rev 7:9)

Furthermore, the dress code depicted would bear testimony to their status in society - alongside the means of their martyrdom. A classic example is the virgin martyr Paraskeve (there were a few saints baring this name and they were martyred in the same way - eyes plucked out) In the Latin setting we know Paraskeve as Lucia of Syracuse! In addition, there exists another virgin martyr sharing the same fate: Corona who comforted a roman soldier Victor as he too was martyred for the faith.

Yet in the Eastern traditions (meaning the Orthodox Church present in countries predominantly orthodox) cultures and imagery depict the martyrs holding a cross (the testament to martyrdom) and at times baring a candle - signifying their witness to the Gospel of Christ which brought light into the world’s darkness (the first means given in baptism)

For those of us who practice/live out our faith and serve/attend the Paschal Services – at the midnight hour, we sit in the darkened church until the three branched paschal candelabra is lit; drawing near to it with unlit candles igniting from thus - the sacramental symbolism of the Resurrection Gospel spreading throughout the nations!

Thus, “Elpidius”:brought hope to his fellow Christians and soldiers – “Expeditus” however mistranslated: rendered a prompt and smooth outcome to the persecuted Christians of Crete, and as “Phanourios”: bestowed illumination amongst the people of Rhodes in revealing the mercy of God and his grace alive and active in his Church amidst turmoil! Truly, he is a saint that one can call upon in their trials who is thus acquainted with such; inviting us to turn onto the Lord who came to nail all earth’s blunders and the ancient rebellion’s sting on humanity to the wood of the cross!

A song from the heavens now shines brightly upon the earth as the angelic host rejoice. They joyfully sing a triumphant hymn of a Son of the Church who struggled against the sufferings inflicted on him by the children of the earth: Glorious Phanourios, you are worthy of the promises of the Lord for you are a champion of the true faith! Orthodox Apolytikion Hymn for the Feast of St. Phanourios.


Hence Jesus said onto them: “Is in not written in scripture that ‘the stone which they who build have cast aside in rejection, is the foundation and cornerstone of the edifice which the Lord has raised and revealed as the marvel and glory in the sight of his people?” (Mt 21: 42)



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