Homily on 2nd Sunday of Great Lent
The recent pandemic that is continuing to wreak havoc on the has sent people into panic mode.
We have all seen the supermarket shelves vacant due to people stoking up on supplies. The most common being non perishable foods and toilet paper.
It is totally understandable that society is taking precautions and is on guard. What is completely out of order are the shopping trollies being filled to the brim with the same object’s. It is very disheartening to see the lack of care for our neighbour. "You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Mk 12:31
The way people have been acting is absolutely contrary to how our Lord commanded us to be towards our neighbour.
I strongly urge the people that raid the supermarket shelves, to take a good long look at themselves and say with conviction, that they have kept the Lord's greatest of the commandments.
It saddens me deeply to see that the majority of people believe that disease has dominion over God, the maker of heaven and earth, of all thing visible and invisible! The orthodox creed
Hence, liturgies and most divine services have been suspended due to this virus. However, those who have decided to continue with services have made the decision to not allow the faithful to receive communion for fear of contamination, via receiving the true body and blood of our Lord.
Behold, my lips have touched thy glorious mysteries; you O Lamb of God, have removed my transgressions and purified my being! Prayer the priest prays after partaking of the precious blood of Christ.
There is a theme for us in today’s gospel, and that is obstacles. How far are we willing to go out of your way to meet the King of Glory in order for healing to take place? What are we willing to give up to embrace Him? And how will we do so?
Hence, today’s reading ties well with this Holy season of great lent, which is the time for us to remove the weeds that choke the vegetation and fruits of the harvest to come at the Lord’s Holy Pasca.
In the gospel we heard that in order for the paralytic to met Christ, the people had to remove part of the roof which would have been an strenuous task. It would have take great care and precision in order to later on reassemble everything in it’s original place.
And some of the scribes where sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, why does this man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins but God alone? Mk 2:6-7
God is always giving us signs and wonders; showing us glimpses of His kingdom to come! It’s ever most disappointing to see people reasoning and questioning certain occurrences; seeking external confirmation or advice outside of the Church.
How many times have miracles suddenly come to be where oil or water would extruder from a Holy icon. Many times the church would recourse to science in order to authenticate such an occurrence. Only then if science cannot explain this, it would be classed as a miracle. However, even then people including clergy, have a hard time believing in such supernatural and Holy events.
Contemplating thus, I personally find it troubling if we have clergy out there such as previously mentioned whom preach and teach all things supernatural, but do not believe a word they preach/teach. When it comes time to the crunch, they flee seeking human approval/recognition for authenticity as the scribes in today’s gospel.
May the coming weeks be fruitful for all and a time to reflect on the obstacles in our live so at Holy Pasca they may no longer be a reality but a past memory of what once was.
Immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went out in the presence of them all, so that all were amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything lime this!” Mk 2:12