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Sunday of the Last Judgement

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 3rd Trisagion week.

And He will set the sheep on His right hand, and the goats on His left. Mt 15:33

In regards to the last judgement, Saint John Chrysostom wrote in one of his homilies, “For the last judgement is surly at our door. But even if it were further away, we still shouldn’t be made bolder by that. For the end of everyone’s life is like the end of the world to the one who is called.”

He also tells us to use Saint John the Baptist as an example to live by, for he truly lived a humble life. Thus removing himself from the secular world and all it’s pleasures; wearing camel hair as clothing and surviving on LOCUST BERRIES and wild honey.

Once again, we return to Holy Scripture being misinterpreted. Although Saint John the Baptist denounced his succession to the priesthood because of the flaws in the system so to speak, “nothing has changed in that regard" he still lived by it’s humble practices. Such of these practices was that a Nazarene presbyter (monk) was to totally abstain from meat, essentially living by what we now call a vegan diet.

Contemplating in the past, I remember that St John survived off wild honey and locusts. I used to ponder why? What is the purpose of locusts? Did he have a few loose screws? It surly cant be? Well if St John truly ate locust insects how is that vegan? Is it not a living organism with flesh? Then how was he fulfilling his obligation to live as a presbyter according to the Nazarene observance?

Thus, this is another perfect example of what happens when Holy Scripture is interpreted out of our Apostolic Faith and the teachings of our church fathers in whom the Spirit surly lived, worked and breathed within! Unfortunately the orthodox church present in protestant countries has also adopted the bible society interpretations of holy scripture and via such endeavours: have derailed via complying with such rot that has caused hatred for people different from what is accepted!

As orthodox Christian’s, our main focus is upon our Lord’s All Glorious Resurrection! His triumph over the natural order of death! Shattering the gates of hades, and restoring grace upon those who dwelt in darkness.

There have been countless conspiracy theories regarding the last judgement, we see it predominantly in our younger to middle aged generations that have been scared by past experiences “non apostolic teaching via protestant sects and medieval rot" and have come to that dreadful conclusion that the whole world is damned. Their hurt is that severe that they pass on that feeling of damnation onto others via their unsound and insane doctrines which have been pulled out of the city sewers.

We as Christians are taught to be aware that, Yes the Parosia (the last day – the Lord’s coming) is a real event that shall take place at the appointed time that no one knows and cannot interpret! However, it should not be feared by the faithful that live out their lives as true Christians; doing their best day in and day out. Further, partaking of the mysteries of the Church and keeping the Sabbath Holy.

A non Christian friend of mine once said to me, “ you know what I don’t understand about you Christians, how does your bible say that God rested on the seventh day? God never rests!”

My friend was right in saying that God never rests because He is constantly watching over us the work of His hands. Thus what does Jesus say in gospel of Mark, “ The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath!” Mk 2:27

Therefore, saying that God rested on the seventh day is not meant to be taken in the literal sense, it’s trying to say that, He more or less stood back for a moment to admire the perfection of His craftsmanship. (Before the fall)

The notion of God resting on the seventh day was intended for man, in order to keep the Sabbath purely for the praise, glorification and worship of God and share this joy with family, friends and community!

In the gospel of Mark Jesus says, “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven or the Son Himself. Only the Father knows.” Mk 13:32

Furthermore, Holy Isaiah writes concerning Christ and us His inheritance, “Like a Shepard He will tend His flock, in His arms He will gather the lamb’s and carry them to His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes.”(female sheep) Is 40:11

Moreover, St Paul writes to the Church’s in Thessalonica, “ For the Lord Himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord for ever.” 1 Th 4:16-17

Thus, if Saint Paul tells us that Christ will carry us to heaven and the prophet Isaiah foretells Jesus will carry us into His bosom, why fear? If we live in Christ who is the vine we will never die! There is no death in Christ! Christ put an end to death by His mortal death.

Death can only take hold of us if we wilfully seek it via complying to evil personified via the power of suggestion, or if we sever ourselves from Christ who is the vine! Depression is a form of death for it imprisons us – yet Christ holds out his hand (mercy) and its up to us if we will to reach out onto him in trust or further descend into the depths of such a state which is indeed a living hell!

Jesus says in the gospel of St John, “Yes, I am the vine; and you are my branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.” Jn 15:5-6

Therefore, let us not dwell upon the last day too much, but be aware of it and leave it at the back of our minds. Our main focus should be on improving our spiritual relationship with the All Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit One God! Hence, living by the commandments our Saviour left us to love one another has He loves us! Jn 15-12

We mustn’t forgot what the Holy prophet Zephaniah exhorted, “Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, you who do what he commands. Seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you will be sheltered on the last day of the Lord’s anger.” Zep 2:3

As we enter into the last preparatory week of the Trisagion before great lent; let us ponder on the image of grain and fertile soil – keeping the Lord’s words in the depths of our hearts “as our holy mother Mariam did when archangel Gabriel first addressed her as all blessed” via unlocking the fortress of our minds: “Unless a grain of wheat is sown upon the ground – dying to its former state, it must then transform itself and produce its fruit if it wills to live and be part of the harvest of life!” Jn 12:24



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