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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


Lord our God, thy Church in the world is constantly adorned with the blood of your martyrs as the vesture of purple and fine linen. Hence, through the testimonies of these holy men and women, your Church unites in prayer: let the presence of your compassion flood thy people with grace. May that peace which you promised to bestow reign amongst us as we draw near to thy mysteries; the transcendent encounter of your mercy personified – Jesus who is Emmanuel!

Troparion of All Hallows typicon of the Southern Cross.

We have commemorated the Pentecost which is the completion of the Paschal cycle where the Spirit comes to abide in us his Church and renew the Apostolic Faith amongst nations that have truly removed themselves from him. This is not a condemnation, but a supplication as the Lord exhorted in the Old Testament Church via his Prophet Hosea: “O Israel, come back to your God…..I will heal your waywardness, I will love you beyond measure!” (Hos 14: 1: 4.)

Hence, on the first Sunday after Holy Pentecost, and Holy Spirit Monday where the Apostles celebrated the first Anaphora (Liturgy) the Church commemorates all Saints who have been perfected via the energy of the Holy Spirit who breaths, moves and lives in and amongst his all Holy Church as exhorted via the Apostle James first bishop of Jerusalem: “The prayer of the Communion of Saints is energized by the Holy Spirit rendering power and efficiency!” (Js 5:16)

Although the faith has been founded on the Martyrs, yet this is an ongoing reality and I don’t think we who live in the diaspora – away from harm (FOR NOW) have no understanding that in certain places one would be slaughtered mercilessly for confessing Jesus as Emmanuel! Many of our brother and sisters in Egypt and Syria “CHRISTIANS” die daily because they prefer the loss of their lifeblood rather than the loss of HE whose blood washed them for the promise of life to come!

The difference between us and them is that they have seen for themselves that the Lord is truly alive in his Church and continues to bestow signs, grace and wonders; things comfortable Christians in the diaspora align themselves with psychological theories classifying thus as MAD! If we truly profess CHRIST who said we must gather for the Apostolic Anaphora (Eucharist): “Unless you eat my FLESH and drink my BLOOD, you are dead within!” (Jn 6:53)

Further: “My presence will accompany those who confess me via signs and IN MY NAME they will expel demons, they will have the wisdom of words, they shall not be harmed by wild and venomous creatures, and they will lay their hands upon the afflicted and shall receive the healing that renders wholeness of body and soul!” (Mk16:17-19) then we either accept these truths or we better move on to something else!!!

The frightful reality is that we have strayed so far from the Gospel, yes we have brilliant theologians, wonderful orators, most uplifting rituals, pleasant liturgical cycles and other such renderings, BUT have we really UNDERSTOOD??? Not many miracles these days, healings are scarce, prayer – it either becomes an automatic pilot mode routine or it becomes myth because people don’t get what they want!

The problem is as I described in a previous blog; when we pray we should ASK not DEMAND!!! God bestows according to time in terms of our disposition – are we ready for what we ask? Will it usher a dynamic change in us that totally transforms our lives as we allow/cooperate to be filled with God’s grace and live not for ourselves alone, but to render his presence and power onto others who are in more trouble than what it’s worth??? Or, have we not grown past the age of two where we jump up and down until our parents give in??? Kids are indeed a reflection of their parents!

Whoever confesses me before others, I will vouch for in the communion of my Father and all the holy, but those who deny within themselves and amongst others that I am not the One who has come into the world to reveal the Father, then I will deny you that which has been promised; the fullness of life in my presence! (Mt 10: 32-33)

These words are rather harsh, but we have the grace of free will, to either profess or detest….we either acknowledge, respect and revere the family we have been called into, or we totally reject and go our own ways. There are consequences and the problem these days is that no one wants to take responsibility nor action! Earthly families, yes there exists within: the good, the bad, and the ugly - it’s a challenge to get on with people and more so with those who we are tied too via blood, yet amongst these, not everyone in the family is bad and surely we get on with someone! Likewise, the institutional Church has it’s stench that will not be tolerated, yet there are amongst these good people who strive to live out their faith and serve their people in the best way possible.

At times, we can find ourselves to be the odd one out or the black sheep as it were due to either outgrowing the situation we find ourselves in or we just want to make a clean break! Holy people never let on… many times do I see clergy and religious pretending to be something that they are clearly not – these are the ones that make the genuine folk’s ecclesial participation a living hell! Why? They want to cover up what they are and if they detect the faults they themselves are running away from, they are the first ones to cause a fuss via persecuting these others in fear of being unmasked; career in the Church is alive and well – but as we say in street talk: “Every dog has it’ day!”

Holy people, Saints, are the very ones that live a most normal life, if the Holy Spirit has given them gifts, they don’t broadcast them, but listen to his command when to administer thus. Furthermore, these are people who are NOT IN THE SPOTLIGHT and avoid if possible any such opportunity! These are people who suffer and have allot of weight on their shoulders due to the people (often religious nutters) causing them grief, yet it’s through this grief that they render compassion onto others lest anyone should suffer as they do.

Moreover, these are people who are fragile, broken via whatever means, yet in their brokenness, the power, love, and abiding presence of the living God manifests within their very lives; rendering support and God’s tender care onto the afflicted and marginalised around them! Although, we implore the help of these holy ones who have rendered witness to Jesus Christ in the flesh. Yet, SAINTS manifest God’s grace “MIRACLES” whilst they are alive – for they are the ones whose lives are shaped by prayer and ever intercede via their sufferings for the sake of others regardless!

These grace filled people including the one (Mariam/Mary) who grace filled in its fullness (Jesus) are not understood by cults – in other words: such people who do not belong to THE CHURCH that Jesus founded on the united confession of the Apostles, as opposed to the verbal fodder that came out of those who rebelled (reformers of all kinds) and have created a repugnant imitation of what is considered church!!!

“Still others had trials of mocking’s and affliction of scourges, some were imprisoned and binded with chains of impediment. There are those who were killed via public humiliation of stoning, whilst others endured bitter pain of been sawn in two and other forms of dismemberment; perishing from the sward was the prevailing form. Yet these wandered in simplicity - such as being dressed in heard skin and often these were beggars; enduring afflictions of defamation – the world was not worthy of these.” (Heb 11” 36-37)

When the Apostle Paul wrote to his own people in the early Hebrew Churches, he reminded them about the path to sanctity is suffering – in other words, if you love in all senses of the word, then you will do anything to safeguard the ones you love. Yes, there is SACRIFICE involved, a word people now days don’t want to hear, but in all honesty, the world however good it is, this has be tarnished; there exists those of us who follow God wholeheartedly, and then there are those who make themselves god and will demand to have things their way at all costs!

It’s against these harsh realities that we must safeguard those we love in order that our certainty in the faith we profess and in the very nature of our persona who we constantly shape may be rendered steadfast as the Lord himself exhorts: “Measureless love that is the greatest can only be proven by one who risks their own life to the point of death for the very sake of their beloved!” (Jn 15: 13)

Selfless love…..yesterday, I went to visit a family I have not caught up with in ages and as usual, coffee, cake, and an in depth conversation was warranted for the late morning. This elderly couple have been blessed throughout their lives with the gift of children and great grandchildren – a big family, yet the declining health of their eldest child whose life began with several complications is a stigmata. This beautiful soul has reached the age of 54 yet battles with Hepatic Cirrhosis (chronic liver disease) and sadly the phase of this disease is in its final stage.

The qualities that radiate from this wonderful soul but ever frail body is steadfastness in the love for God and the simplicity of thanks for the gift of life itself regardless of her condition. However frail in mind and body this person is, yet not a word of complaint, no blasphemy, nor is there regret. Yes, when people are not themselves due to many reasons, they may seek comfort in other things and she did for a time seek refuge via peer influence within an evangelical cult; this did in actual fact put stress on her to meet with constant demands (something exposed later on in the piece as norm)

Such caused ostracisation from her family and other ties within the community, it was not her fault, but the danger of the cult mentality that afflicts many due to ill nourishment from past convictions renders immense spiritual and psychological damage. Hence, such poor souls who crave care in all senses of the word are robbed of their dignity. How many times have I heard: “Father Bishop, I don’t go to church anymore because it does nothing for me…it’s in a language I can’t comprehend, the people are rather nasty and judgemental, and the more I go, the empty I feel; is it because I am that terrible sinner they preach about?”

Hence, as physical health failed this beautiful soul, she then was shown the care that was neglected in her upbringing of faith – the means of returning to an apostolic setting. Yet sickness should not be our prompting to take better care, but such should be rendered at all times if we are indeed the spiritual hospital not the hospice that has bankrupted itself spiritually due to greed, status and commodities!

Yet, God brings these most important aspects to our attention through the lives of such souls that are in desperate need of our care – their steadfastness in faith and resilience for life put us to shame! Therefore, are we truly people who are striving towards holiness via embracing others via the sufferings we have gone through and live with, or are we the Pharisees that love public admiration yet have no compassion and are as HOLY as a BLOCK OF SWISS CHEESE (full of holes)????

It is interesting to note that amongst the saints there exists the category of Holy Fools: Basil of Moscow and Xenia of St. Petersburg are two of such – these were not the average stupid people we may classify a fool to be. Rather, God gave them and others like them the grace of transformation – the good sense of the ridiculous amidst the ever stern currents of disciplinarian occult.

Here the Holy Liturgy and Divine Services under the SONS OF THE INSTITUTION became the means of bitterness and burden, rather than the place of transfiguration of the soul and lifting up of the mortal state from the pressures of authoritarian lifestyle particularly in Slavonic lands.

Hence, such people (Holy Fools) were shunned due to their obvious disruption of public ritual (church services) these (Holy Fools) were classified as REPUGNANT TO GOD via the stupidity they pedalled and according to public opinion: disrespect they had for the place (church) they found themselves in.

Yet God used such (Holy Fools) to wake people up from the very lame joke they (religious people in general) had turned the Church into! For it was no longer the place for heartfelt prayer and healing, but these exterior religious people reduced God’s temple via their distasteful mentalities into the religious concentration camp; this truly is the highest form of blasphemy and sin against the All Holy Spirit!!!

Therefore, those (religious people in general) who thought these fools to be the biggest joke of society – these Holy Fools were via God’s grace in actual fact the mirror that was held up to church society that classified them as blasphemous; reflecting onto them the image of a DEN OF WOLVES who devour the sheep of the Lord’s fold gathered in the supposed House of Prayer!!!

May the Lord God continue to preserve his All Holy Church from marring into this very image which is ever present in the world and is the very impediment of genuine souls who thirst for God! May the local churches foster good men and women who the All Holy Spirit may impart grace to become saints and speak to his Church in our times that we may once again work according to his ways founded on the united confession of the Apostles!

Father Pantocrator, the universe offers you as the sower of creation the seed of the martyrs that via their testament to your living presence via the shedding of blood, have sprouted the true faith as first fruits of the harvest. Through their prayers and the intercessions of thy Mother who received you as the seed of life in her womb that blossomed into tree whose dew gives life to all who draw near; preserve thy all Holy Church in the peace that all hearts of flesh crave!”

Kontakion of All Hallows – typicon of the Southern Cross.


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