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Father, hear the prayers for those you bestowed me through me, for it is they you gave me and not the world for they are yours. All that I have is yours for you are the bestower of all, yet you have given me glory through them. I now return onto you from this world, yet they dwell in the world. All Holy Father, may they be united in communion through thy name which is ever sanctified – that they may be one as we are forever one! (Jn 17: 9-11)

These words of the Lord taken from the Sunday Gospel according to St. John the Beloved not only emphasize God the All Holy Trinity, but unveil that which is Sacred to God – those set apart for service (apostles, disciples, clergy, and the baptized) who should mirror that which is holy through their faith, hope, and love which is the greatest as exhorted by the apostle St. Paul (1Cor 13:13)

Sometimes we tend to threat when things go wrong in the world and how other powers with the excuse of the common good block access to that which is holy. Definitely the Covid 19 saga (however important for sanitary health) strained the mission of the Church in communing and anointing the sick and the dying.

Many folks were up in arms about this and had the mentality of a quasi-persecution period or even an apocalypse occurring. If anything, these periods of trial should be seen in the light of spiritual growth, where we are encouraged to adopt a rhythm of semi-monasticism. It is such periods which indeed enhance our faith which develop immunity in order to see current situations differently – a time of grace and renewal.

Such periods of grace were experienced through hardships and sufferings under the communist yoke in the Balkans. Yet, those words of the Lord expressing profound communion for those set apart from the great commission to the present and the future, allow hearts of gold to glow through the rubble of fragility caused by hate, spite, and all that is opposed to love.

On Tuesday, we celebrated the life of a beautiful soul whose heart of gold shined amidst the cruelties of humanity – restoring the dignity of the human person via encountering the crucified Lord through wholehearted sufferings. Yet, a sublime encounter with the light of the Resurrection via the hope his faith bestowed and affection freely given via great works of true charity.


A remarkable testimony of service for the love of their fellow humans rendered in faith and works by a surgeon who was also an archbishop – striving to be an extension of the healing power and presence of God in the world so tarnished by opposing powers: Archbishop Luke (Valentine Yassentsky) of Simferopol (1877-1961AD) In his book THE BLESSED SURGEON Archdeacon Vasiliy Marushchak shares the saint’s testimony to such cruelty along with other testimonials pp 77-78

“That horrible conveyor (incessant interrogations followed by tortures and beatings leading to madness) continued for days and nights. The interrogators alternated, but the interrogated was not allowed to sleep neither during the day nor at night. I went on a hunger strike again and it continued many days. In spite of that, I was forced to stand in the corner but would quickly fall down from exhaustion. I soon discovered a distinct inclination to optical and tactile hallucinations.

Either I seemed to see yellow chickens running around the room – and I tried to catch them – or I would see myself standing at the edge of a huge chasm where a town was brightly lit up by electric street lights. Sometimes I clearly felt as if a snake were squirming under my shirt.

I was being stubbornly enjoined to plead guilty to espionage, and I just asked them to tell me in favour of what state I had been spying. Naturally they could not tell me. The conveyor interrogation lasted thirteen days and nights, and I was often taken to the shower to have my head soaked with cold water!”     

A political detainee accused of spying within the Soviet Union: Muhammad Raim who was a cousin to the Emir of Afghanistan also imprisoned alongside Archbishop Luke and many other intellectuals testifies: “At first, his fellow detainees mocked the bishop and challenged him to political discussions. The bishop would not respond to such provocations, especially about political matters. He was courteous and restrained with everyone. He was ready to help anyone as a doctor. He would even give others his last piece of bread!”  


“I have come to illumine those in the world that live in darkness; anyone who rejects the words I leave onto you - I will not condemn because I have not come to condemn you further, but I desire to save you so that you may dwell in the light of my presence!” (Jn 12: 46-47)


Some years ago, around Ascension timeframe, I was driving home from the gym and was thinking to myself; “What am I going to say for Ascension?” It started (The Divine Mystery) at Nazareth (In Jerusalem with Mariam’s entrance into the convent school) and ended outside of Jerusalem (the place of prayer called the Mount of Olives) what can I possibly say? I don’t want to exegete (enter into the explanation of things all the time) but render relevance to where we find ourselves in society spiritually speaking.

As I swerved off Fitzsimons lane (Templestowe) and made ready to turn into Bolton Street (Eltham) I waited at the lights and as custom looked around whilst waiting. As I looked into the rear vision mirror, I saw the car behind me that had a white cross in the Greek style and red tassel hanging from the rear vision mirror; Asian in style to which the driver was of Chinese descent. Hence, that was it: the faith preached onto an ancient nation that first recorded the happening of the birth of a great ruler.

“The people who did not live in the light and were kept in darkness have now behold the great light that has appeared in the night piercing the delusion of shadows – rendering onto them illumination!” (Isa 9:2)

Hence, when we consider the star of Bethlehem, which was the conjunction of 3 planets causing an extraordinary illuminated sky, the Chinese were the first to record the sign for astrology was their forte and the way they and many others lived by. They sort the signs and place where this ruler was to be born and studies the scriptures regarding the promise which would come onto the Hebrews. After all, they were a people who sort constant illumination and were given a glimpse via the sign in the heavens that in their terms: Nirvana is coming into the world!

It is interesting to note that in the beginning of the New Testament Church, believers and in a few instances, the apostles themselves were at odds regarding others (non-Jews) coming into the faith; a misconception of the purpose of the great intervention: Incarnation! There was much resistance in being compatible with other cultural mentalities that would adopt the faith; they should become observers of the Levitical law first and then worry about being Christian!

This sounds very familiar in orthodox circles when we talk about NATION before FAITH! In other words RUSSIAN Church, GREEK Church, SERBIAN Church! Yes, the RUSSIAN missionaries and great saints like HERMAN of Alaska and INNOCENT of Moscow who brought the faith to the American natives, and even NICHOLAS of Japan who brought the faith to Asia were indeed like the Apostles, but at times, nationality got in the way.

We can’t deny that many in Alaska and Japan came to the Orthodox faith, but they were forced to conform to the RUSSIAN way, style, and mentality; the comparison to the quarrel between the apostles Peter and Paul over circumcision still exists but in the form of nationalism which is the cancer of the Orthodox Church!

Those amongst the ruling class believed him, yet they feared that the Pharisees would expel them from the Faith of their fathers and chose not to confess that he is the Lord. They were crippled due to their lust over the praise and admiration they received from the temple officials rather than giving true praise to God and his works! (Jn 12: 42-43)


Thus, the intervention of God’s love came for all cultures, all people, all spiritualties, so that we may be enriched by the source of all life and come to the knowledge that God desires to be loved by us – an experience causing us to come to terms with our very existence. The beginning of being held, nurtured and called to grow to our full potential with the gifts invested in us and complimented via sharing thus amongst others! The greatest gift we can give another human being is the gift of time – offering ourselves in terms of fraternity.

Hence, it is the gift of presence that the Lord himself came in our midst that we may know, feel, touch and comprehend that God is in actual fact our Father who bestowed the gift of life and such was rendered all out of love. Thus, this love was prepared to be put to the test as a testimony of the reality of such that safeguards as any parent would their young; ultimately sacrificing their (his) own life for the safety of us his children!

Thus, he stood in their midst and said onto them: “Remember the words I spoke onto you whilst I was amongst you in fulfilling my mission; all that was written concerning me in the law of Moses, the writings and the prophets along with the psalms had to be fulfilled via my suffering!” At this he illumined their minds and they came to understand the truth of his words. (Lk 24: 44-45)

The truth of his words! Unfortunately, when that which is divine (Holy Mother Church) is placed into the hands of Pharisees (administration according to worldly means) it derails! Thus, instead of becoming the Ark of Salvation where we are called to COME AS WE ARE and BECOME WHAT WE COULD BE, this is HIJACKED by numerous regulations and WHAT IF cancels out WHAT COULD BE and totally annihilates WHAT IS rendering the ark of salvation as The Titanic!

In other words, people who wholeheartedly have potential to grow, be (lead, teach) and live (examples of an authentic spirituality) are shut out by those who have crawled into prominent positions via making sure that any threat of unmasking them (people who are not stupid and see through things quickly) is/are permanently blocked!

When we read into the parable of the vineyard and it’s tenants (Mt 21: 33-43) the Lord gives us a clear picture of such with those who are commissioned to look after the vineyard (Church) were the very ones that not only lusted over the prestigious status, but would wound anyone who dare threatens their rights to the establishment. Yet, a good number of these very people are the ones in clerical office and let’s not joke around – there exist lay committees within the Byzantine tradition that will not only sell you out for thirty pieces of silver, but crucify you until the thirst of their vengeful nature is quenched!!!

When the Lord commissioned his apostles to draw souls out of the dark sea of impediment and bring them into the light of his holy and comforting presence, he desired ALL PEOPLE OF ALL NATIONS! In other words, all people regardless have the right to salvation via the fact of INCARNATION! When we think of the ancient world, their practices, mentalities and lifestyle, they were remotely far from our ways.

Yet, what made ordinary people regardless of WHO and WHAT they were come to the faith was one element and one alone! This we have come to know as the Greatest Commandment that gives life which is above all others: LOVE YOUR NEIGBOUR AS YOURSELF – LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE YOU!

People are experiencing an epidemic which is the lack of LOVE and love that should begin in the spirit and fill the senses with a warmth that every heart of flesh craves! When the Lord says to his apostles: “I bestow peace upon you which the world cannot give nor fathom!” (Jn 14:27)

He refers to this very state of reality and profound communion: the love of God for all hearts of flesh! Therefore, the early Christians came to draw from the well (the apostolic faith) that they may be filled with the water of life (Jesus) and this water not only quenched their thirsts, but restored their dignity and made them feel worthy of life, of love and of God!!!!

Why then have we SUPPOSEDLY AS CHURCH conditioned this and repeat atrocities over and over again??? We are responsible for people who have been told they don’t fit to which they have taken their own lives due to this ever false rendering of poor scriptural understanding and very wounding reality pedalled throughout the centuries! Hence, the classical and rather heretical line to this is: “YES GOD LOVES YOU BUT IF YOU DON’T CHANGE YOU WILL GO TO HELL!” Clearly this no longer is THE ARK OF SALVATION but in all truth: THE TITANIC!!!

When Jesus approached people like the Samaritan woman (St. Photini/Illuminata) he did not talk to her, but conversed with her. He restored the dignity she had lost via his great love – that same love which he nailed fragile humanity to the wood of the cross via his own body. Truly great love is measured by risking your own life for the sake of others. (Jn 15:13)

Yes, there is sin, there are the fallen powers that rebelled, BUT we must not let the stupidity and obsession of wallowing in sin impede us from the Fathers love! If the Communion of Saints are people who love and unconditionally as our Father does, then naturally people who come to be replenished via thus will become part of the reality of God!

Slowly and surely their shame will become their fame in the rendering of their lives onto the Father who is the potter –moulding us the clay (Isa 64: 8) into the very fabric God desired them (us) to be; fulfilled and holy with the grace of a spirituality that shines in the darkness for all to see and in time become!

We need to be aware that the ancient rebellion (evil personified) masquerades itself with the twisting of scripture as he tried to seduce the Lord in his journey through the desert (Mt 4: 1-11) Further such loves to wrap ecclesial centres of administration around it’s (evil personified) little finger so to speak/write with the classic pedalling of such: SIN – THE IMPEDIMENT TO GOD! Yet these (those in office) forget the whole point of how and why the INCARNATION HAPPENED! 

We have it written in the prologue of the Apostle John (3:16):

“God who is Father of all that is, loves the world greatly and for a testament he gifted humanity with the person of his Son. Therefore, all who come to the knowledge of this testament and wholeheartedly believe in the One who comes as Son of Man will never fear death, but embrace the reality of life which is eternal for his Name is life itself!”  



 “Whilst you had me amongst you as the light that illumines the darkness, you believed that I am the light of the Father’s revelation to whom you were called to become sons of light!” As Jesus concluded his final address onto them, he departed and was no longer visible onto them!” (Jn 12: 26) 

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