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The time has come!

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 29th Sunday after Pentecost

The dust has begun to settle from the secular festivities, (Christmas and New Year) things are beginning to slow down and resume their usual patterns. Now is the time were we begin to draw our attention on the true meaning of Christmas; the birth of Emmanuel! " Let the heavens and the earth listen to the one who comes in the silence; the foundation of the earth shudder at His descent and the seas flow backwards and the abyss is humiliated as the great intervention takes place. God vests Himself in the very fabric of our being and robes our history in the glory of His power; the womb of the virgin is the ark of His presence and holy of holies. Holy wisdom is revealed and enlightens the minds of the sages and the lowly; salvation is for all people whose hearts are in line with His! Minor Canon taken from the Royal Hours

When I converted to Holy Orthodoxy, I like many others pondered why the church commemorates the birth of Christ on the seventh day of January? Was there a reason for it? Why not celebrate with the rest of the world?

On contemplating such questions I like many others have come to the conclusion that, in doing so we have the best of both worlds so to speak. Firstly, our children have the privilege to enjoy the notion of Santa Claus, the white bearded man who brings them presents ( who by the why is Saint Nicholas Archbishop of Myra, which the Exarchate is truly blessed to have his relics) the gift giving and receiving and of course the banquets fit for a king!

On the other side of the spectrum, the church gathers on the sixth of January for the midnight liturgy, we give our full attention in commemorating the birth of our Saviour. It is here that all earthly cares are banished as we praise and worship the King of Glory! "The Virgin Mariam makes haste to the cave this night, she will give birth to eternity which spoke in the begining. The ancient creation marvels at God's wholehearted intervention via Mariam's response to His invitation; the universe rejoices at its sanctification. The Angelic hosts offer hymns of glory, the shepherds offer their cave and adoration; God reveals Himself in the miracle of life as the babe of Bethlehem." Kontakion hymn taken from the Royal Hours

Several years ago, the Exarchate was looking for a place to worship our Lord for the commemoration of His birth. I contacted many religious institutions from all across Melbourne; each time I spoke to the person in charge I was immediately shut down, my request was rejected!

I then came across a place of worship that was more than happy to allow us to use their Church on one condition. We were asked to sign a document stating that we were all in one accord to unsound Church doctrines; which if were signed would have been a major Heresy, instantly Anathamatising us! Of course we kindly rejected their offer without going into to much detail on why we did. "And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet." Mt 10:14

It was heart breaking to see that there was no one willing to open their doors to us so we could worship the Lord. It was saddening but also very frustrating because I have seen “churches” being hired out to fitness groups, nothing remotely close to the worship of God. I was beginning to loose hope. What kind of “religious organization” allows their church to transform into a gym, but refuse the people who wish to worship God. "Then He taught, saying to them, " Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations'? But you have made it a 'den of thieves.' Mt 11:17

I was speaking to our Archbishop on the matter and he said something that made perfect sense, “ Saint Joseph and The Theotokos went from inn to inn asking for a room and they were bared from all! God provided for them, our Saviour was born in a grotto, a more than modest place, somewhere that no one would expect the King to be, amongst the poor and the work of His hands.(the animals whom all fell in prostration at the sight of His birth) " Yet He was offered a cave via shepherds who stored provisions; He in turn who is shepherd of nations came amongst the humble of heart and offered Himself as their daily bread." Troparion taken from the Royal Hours

I then contacted a city council centre that was happy to host us. That particular year the Exarchate did not go without; the Lord had provided as He always dose. We didn’t have a lavish place of worship, we had four bare walls. We brought our icons along with a few stands and other Holy objects. The Archbishop then blessed the room and it was as if it had always been a place of worship.

May we use these next three day’s leading up to our Lord birth to make the final adjustments within ourselves, that the King of Glory may come to rest His head within the manger of our hearts. " O Bethlehem house of bread, prepare the manger within the cave to welcome heaven's bread." Minor cannon taken from the Royal Hours

On behalf of the Archbishop, Vicar General and this Holy Exachate, a heartfelt invitation has been extended to All regardless of ones nationality, faith or circumstances.

If one would like to experience the Lord's Glorious Nativity in the ancient rites of the Orthodox church present in Australia "come as you are for He invites you to be enlightened with the knowledge of His presence for He loves you and desires you as you are; He will never allow anyone to shame you for His wondrous love has called you into life." Typica service



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