Homily on the 27th Sunday of Pentecost Lk 17:12-19
In those days, a leper was considered to be the most defiled and repugnant human being in existence. According to the Jewish custom, under no circumstance was a leper permitted to enter the temple and make contact with another person. If by any chance, lepers were to make physical contact with other people, those individual was were to comply with the customary Judaic ritual of purification due to defilement.
Thus, the reason why the ten lepers stood from a distance was because they knew Christ to be a rabbi/prophet and they did not dare come close to Him for fear of being rejected as they were accustomed to feel.
However, the encounter they experienced with our Lord was not one they and many others could have ever experienced! They immediately felt the love of God reach out onto them, along with the realisation of acceptance, imminent healing which was the drastic change from being exiled by all.
In the past I have spoken to my fellow Father’s in Christ (clergy) and it has broken my heart to hear some horrific stories of how people have been treated by institutions that claim to be orthodox along with heterodox congregations .
Souls who truly need the Love and Mercy of our Lord and Saviour have been turned away, simply due to the fact they were not members of the faith. Furthermore they refused to conform to ridicules rules mistakenly placed as canons and other such foolish requests such as; learning another language and adopting cultural traditions that have no place within our faith or our Lord’s Church!
Last Wednesday evening the Church gathered to celebrate the pre-sanctified liturgy, also commemorating our Father amongst the saints, St Nicolas Archbishop of Myra.
During the service, a group of four friends entered the church, and where welcomed to remain by our Most Reverend Father Archbishop, to which the friends accepted our Archbishop’s invitation.
After the liturgy the friends had a 15 minute conversation with our Archbishop and I overheard them state their appreciation of how refreshing it was to be able to understand everything that was prayed/chanted in comparison to other services they had been too/ which where in another languages causing incomprehension. Just as those gathered from many nations heard the Apostles proclaim the gospel in each ones langue at the Pentecost, so too must all be able to understand the divine services and not just the learned and the clergy.
The young friends were eager to come back to future divine services.
A simple act of making someone feel welcome is one of the greatest gifts a person could give onto another.(the gift of presence) Hypothetically speaking, if a person may be at the most crucial point in their fragile life, acceptance or rejection can be the means to save or destroy the person in question. Thus as true Christians we have an incredible duty of care towards our fellow brethren. We mustn’t forget the commandment our Saviour left us “Love thy neighbour!” Mt 22:39
St John Chrysostom wrote in his 25th homily, “ Let us give thanks to God continually. For it is outrageous that when we enjoy His benefaction to us in deed every single day, we do not acknowledge the favour with so much as a word; and this , when the acknowledgment confers great benefit on us. He does not need anything of ours, but we stand in need of all things from Him.”
It is most unfortunate to see people who have been given a second chance at life subscribing to worldly pleasures; completely disregarding the fact that it is only through the Grace and Mercy of God, such individuals have been given a second chance. Instead of giving thanks onto God via act’s of love and compassion, these individuals chose a path of self indulgence, via disregarding the lives of others, stopping at nothing to get what they want; even if that means destroying someone emotionally.
Furthermore, their exists clergy who sadly believe that the Church flourishes because of them and such feel divinely appointed beyond there office! It is frightfully alarming when contemplating such train of thought that these distinguished gentleman have.
Such trates are destructive and could be extremely damaging for those who place their trust in well renowned Pharisaic parties.
When we read in Holy Scripture within the book of Numbers, that God commanded Moses to command a rock to provide water for the people; such occurred whilst they were in exile; water was scarce in the desert. Here Moses forgets his ministry in a fit of rage and arrogance via striking the rock twice with his staff to give water to the community. “Here me, you disobedient ones. Must we bring water for you out of this rock?.
Moses says we, referring to himself and his brother Aaron, implying that it is via his own power and authority that the people we given water to drink.
Therefore, in becoming arrogant the Lord God did not permit Moses to see the promised land. Num 20:7-13
Furthermore, whilst on the topic of the forty year exile, the Lord commanded Moses that the children of Israel must bring pure olive oil, to burn a continually as the lamp of the presence. Lev25:1-4
The Lord who is light illumines the darkness with His glorious presence commanded Aaron and his sons to tend to the lamp to ensure the flame would not go out. ( a command the orthodox church observes within the sub deaconate)
On a personal note, I would like to share something that has happened to me which many may relate too. This week I encountered a week of slight financial difficulties due to bills, mortgage repayments etc...
As we know when we look inside the sanctuary, we will see a oil lamp burning to signify the Lord’s presences which is constantly alight ; as was the case in the old testament. As clergy, it is mandatory that the flame is kept alight at all times, however due to that slight problem of not having enough money, I was left with the decision to either buy food to feed my family, or force them to go without in order to keep the vidual lamp alight.
When I stood at the alter in the presence of the Pantocrator (the Lord), I made a promise to Him and to my wife that I would look after and provide for her and family.
Our Lord in His loving kindness would never allow us to break a promise or an oath, in actual fact He will fill in the gaps, I can say with all certainty that although the lamp was unlit but the angels of God who encircle each alter of His presence shine a much brighter light than any known to man. Again due to our fragile and fallen state one would not be able to see it unless their faith carries them through triles and bitter tribulations.
There are people such as the Samaritan leper, who use their second chance at life to make a difference! Such people firstly give thanks to God in reaching out onto them; and are ever charitable, living out the commandment to “Love thy neighbour” in being someone people can talk too, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, providing shelter for the homeless, clothing the naked, taking care of the sick and visiting those unjustly imprisoned! Mt 25: 35-36
Today my wife Archdiaconisa my daughter’s and I visited a good friend of ours who works in a jewellery store. She then told us a story which had happened moments prior seeing her.
A man called out to her to be served, he wanted to purchase ear rings and a necklace for his wife for Christmas. Now our friend was saying normally she only gives discounts to friends or family but for some apparent reason she felt inclined to save the man some money. With that the man expressed his gratitude and invoked the Lord's blessing upon her. He then told to her that his wife had just given birth to a still born child.
Our dear friend was so happy that she had the opportunity to help someone, in making a random act of kindness. She said this was such a wonderful experience and was so thankful she had the chance to make someone’s day.
Our Lord is constantly asking, advising and above all prompting us to preform such gestures of kindness, it’s up to us to listen to Him and make a difference.
Our Lord says, "Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for his friends. Jn 15:13
And he said to him, “Arise go your way. Your faith has made you well.”