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Therefore, whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heave

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 1st Sunday after Pentecost

Whoever loves according to God, ‘dwelleth in God, and God in him’, as Christ’s beloved Theologian tells us (1 John 4:16). So, he who truly loves God has God dwelling in him, and naturally confesses his faith in God. On the other hand, as he dwells in God, God too will acknowledge him. The words, “Whosoever therefore shall confess me, him will I confess also;’ (Mat 10:32), demonstrate the unbroken union between God and those who acknowledge Him, from which he who denies Him has distanced himself. These mutual exchanges between God and man are divinely just, arid fairly reward like with like. St Gregory Palamas

I have wonderful memories as a young child, watching my Nonna (grandmother) live out her faith with such zeal and love for Christ! She brought a smile to all by the love that shone through her; that radiating glow who is Christ the light of the world! (Jn 8:12) She never complained about her problems but instead used to say, “I know that God is Good and Great! He shall give me the strength to carry on for my sake, the sake of the family and for the Glorification of His All Holy name!”

Thus, by the example she led, I was drawn to Christ and all that pertained to Him; wanting the same zeal and love she had in her heart. One my say that via her example I received the desire to serve God in the form of Holy Orders.

I also recall that as a young child I would have persistent nightmares which would be several times a week. Back then my other grandmother was living with us for a few months. When she found out about the night mares she gave me an Orthodox icon of Jesus Christ and she said to me: “place this icon under your pillow and I promise you all these nightmares will cease immediately!” This is living proof of God’s grace alive and well in His Church which encourages its members to safeguard and venerate (not worship) Holy Icons and such which are sanctified via the rites of Holy Mother Church!

“But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” Mt 10:33

This may be somewhat confusing for some to fathom because if we can remember, did not the apostle Peter deny Jesus three times in the courtyard; the night of Jesus’ betrayal? How then is this man a saint; regarded by hundreds of millions throughout history as one of the holiest men that ever lived?

Thus, after much sulking and self-hatred, Peter came to his senses. He picked himself up and continued to spread Christ’s gospel in Jerusalem, Sebaste, Lydda, Joppa, Caesarea, Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth and Rome. However, if he did not pick himself up in continuing the work that Christ gave him, he would not only be rejecting God with the equivalent of spitting in His face but be on the same level as Judas Iscariot; in which would have resulted in Jesus denning him before the Father as stated in Mt 10:33.

Furthermore, it is the act of laying aside all earthly cares and impediments that allows the King of Glory to enthrone Himself into our hearts so they may align and become one with His! (Cherubicon) 

In addition, the “sin” itself, God turns a blind eye too and wipes the slate clean as it were; if we do not allow ourselves to wallow in the it! God is eternally merciful and forgiving. “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Lk 18:27 

“He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves his son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.” Mt 10:37

This second verse may seem quite harsh and for most impossible! How can anyone in their right mind say “No you cannot love your parents or you children more than me for this will result in eternal damnation??? One only has to read the account between God Abraham and Issacs – where the mercy of God can never allow harm to come to those who truly love as He does!

The sad reality is that many Christians who interoperate the gospel outside the apostolic faith take this passage literal; perhaps destroying relationships between themselves and their families for no good reason! (Subscription to the cult of The Jehovah's Witness and Born-Again Christians – example par excellence) For this is not what Jesus implied by this statement! He is saying that, if a member of our family is attempting to draw us away from the love and shelter of God, then we must firstly must stand up to them with gentleness and kindness, yet if they persist, we must boldly safeguard our position! The following example is e reflection of what anyone in our common language would utter at such intolerable stupidities forwarded by such, and “Right your stupidities will STOP right here and NOW! This is the faith I profess, if you don’t like it, I'm sorry but I can't listen to anything you have to say anymore because it's all verbal diarrhoea! 

In addition, the last thing that God desires is the separation of the family unit, however He does warn us in chapter 10 verses 34-36 that, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 

I recall as a teenager I had a friend who was an evangelical Christian and they once asked me rather carried on in the classical cult mentality the following options given me: “If you had to pick between me and God who would you choose?” I couldn’t believe that such a question was asked at the time (not knowing the religious situation and nutters therein) for I valued that friendship and I loved my relationship with God; it was an unfair question to ask! Thus, it is this exact type of behavior we should not be tolerating from others! It must be shut down immediately and made known that it is verbal fodder! (NON APOSTOLIC)

Today the Church also celebrates all the saints. The reason why this feast falls on this very day (in the context of the lectionary/scriptural readings) is due to the fact that a majority of the saints were not always saintly in the way they lived out their lives; some were prostitutes, others were robbers and some of these formally persecuted Christians!(Saul of Tharsis who later became the Apostle Paul of the Gentiles) Thus these in conversion changed their lives around, surrendering their stupidities; putting Christ and his flock before themselves via becoming martyrs - shedding their blood for the sake of the kingdom of God and for His Church!  Lk 13:7

Finally, it is never too late for one to come to their senses and turn their life around! God is always ready with arms outstretched waiting for the prodigal to return to Him so He may embrace them and feast at their return! (If only the majority of Christians clergy and lay would truly mirror the love of Christ for His people!!!) In addition, each time a soul is saved all of heaven rejoices for they have acquired one more to join them in the magnification of Glorifying God Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Thus, whoever our Patron Saint may be, may they intercede for us at all times, encouraging us when we are troubled and perplexed!  Further, by the unceasing prayers of our All Holy Lady Theotokos, may our one and true God Jesus Christ have mercy on us and save us! Amen



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