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Thomas Sunday

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 2nd Sunday of Pascha

“Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” Jn 20:25

Christ is risen!

In today's gospel we are made aware of the disbelief/doubt of the apostle Thomas.

Thomas like many of us used human logic to explain how one plus one equals two. However, as we are well aware in God this is certainly not the case! If it were then how could a person explain Christ’s Triumphant and Glorious Resurrection? 

Thus, we are continuously looking at the logistics of situations we encounter in life; disregarding the possibility of God’s gracious intervention.

Furthermore, we often ask ourselves why does God not perform miracles as He had done in years past?

How can He reveal His grace if we are always trying to justify supernatural occurrences in life? For example, many years ago when an icon or a holy object would have oil, water or blood exude from it, the icon/holy object would be classed as a miracle from God; a sign from above to reassure the people that He is with them and not to fear.

Now days, when such a miraculous event takes place, scepticism takes over and we tend to search for the answers to such occurrences outside the Church. (science)

Is it too hard for us to simply acknowledge that God has performed a miracle of reassurance for us and that’s it! Why do we continue to search for answers instead of believing in Him who is the great I AM.

Doubt! We doubt as St Thomas did. Unfortunately, it is harder for us to just simply believe because we have been raised into a society where everything must have a rational explanation; and it does not help when the faith is reduced to a bedtime story/fable!

Furthermore, one may state when we pray it may seem as if we are not being heard yet nothing is resolved for the simple reason that we are going about it the wrong way! Yes, we have not been praying in the correct manner.

When we were children we used to scream and carry on as Muppets; often times demanding for things not asking. When parents see this type of behaviour it is ignored demonstrating to the children that this type of behaviour is not on. Asking and demanding are two different things!

In actual fact this is one of the things the apostle Paul was trying to convey to the people (Church) of Corinth in his first letter within the thirteenth chapter and seventeenth verse.

Thus, this is the problem for most of us; we demand instead of asking and as a good and loving Father God will not listen to our little tantrums! However, when we come to our senses, in apologise and then ask for what it is we desire or need, then it’s a completely different kettle of fish. He will most certainly do all needful for us and the need of others both physical and spiritual.

Today, I was speaking to the Archbishop and he recommended I watch a 15 min clip online of a priest named Fr Peter Heers, who reads out a letter of the elder Evthymios of Kapsala on Mount Athos in Greece on the topic of Covid 19.

I highly recommend you watch it. It was truly refreshing and truthful apart from one remark regarding our sins. May I affirm with upmost certainty that Covid 19 has not come to be due to our sins, we as a human race who have wilfully removed ourselves from God’s grace have brought tend to bring all sorts of things upon ourselves via our stupidity!

Further, as I was watching; something the elder says really touches me and truly makes me wonder what kind of a world are we living in and what religious leaders we have.

Ever since the Lord performed the Mystical Supper and handed down the most holy mystery of the Divine Eucharist, the world-saving Divine Liturgy has not ceased to be celebrated to this day.

Neither Diocletian, nor the Turks, nor the communists in Russia, nor the Germans during the years of the occupation managed to stop the Divine Liturgy and the faithful from approaching Holy Communion.

And now, with the fear of the virus, the churches have closed down and the faithful are deprived of the saving grace of the mysteries, of which they have so great a need. On the contrary, while everyone here [in Greece] remains fearfully silent, in the Orthodox Churches of Serbia, Bulgaria, and Georgia divine worship continues unhindered, the churches are open, Divine Liturgy is celebrated, and the faithful are not afraid of being affected by the virus.

We are truly living in an age where we have wilfully removed ourselves from the grace and protection of God. What happened to the Christian values our grandparents and their parents held onto, taught and safeguarded for two thousand years? Yes, we send our children to Christian collages so they may grow in the faith and in Godliness and sanctity..... Do these schools mirror thus???

However, when they grow and reach positions of power and influence within society, where are their Christian values and beliefs which they are supposed to teach, preach and live? These so called Christian Private Colleges/University’s tend to be excellent in worldly education and drain hard working families especially those who struggle to make ends meet draining the account with school fees, yet as far as teaching the young generation the faith they profess to uphold/they have failed dismally!  When was the last time we had a priest or anyone in general who stands out in society to preach and teach not fearing wordily quarrels but trusting in God, continuing living out the faith as is the case with the Slavic counties mentioned above; having the full attention and cooperation from all?

We as so-called Christians need to take a step back; take a deep breath and re-evaluate how we are living out our Christian life; for the way we are going about it at the moment are Christians externally. Hence the internal Godlessness is frightfully demonstrated. Furthermore, we must remember that internal Godliness is paramount. We may fool thousands around us but we cannot fool God who knows our deepest desires and secrets of our hearts.

We must stand untied in the faith and never allow the sands of doubt to enter and cloud the oyster of our faith. Mt 13:45-6

Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Mt 18:3

We must remember the God of our childhood. The one whom we went too when we prayed for our parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. The same God whom we felt comfortable and safe with when we conversed with.

St Anthony the great once wrote, “I know longer fear God, but I love Him. For perfect love casts out fear!”

Finally, let us pray for all in positions of power being religious or state and for each other that we may grow in the faith so that in the fullness of time we shall have faith to move mountains! Mt 17:20



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