“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate. Lk 15:22-24
Every time a child of God returns to Him, Heaven: with all the saints, angels and celestial beings rejoice and feast - for that child even if he lived in the absence of God (hell) via His mercy and our supplication (Liturgy) will live once more in Him the author of life and cause of our and all existence!
Unfortunately, according to other religions unless you are part of that particular sect there is no salvation; obviously only cults have this type of ungodly way of thinking. Their only cause is to brainwash people to do, act and say as they please – demonic, controlling behavior if you ask me! Jenova's witness, Hillsong church, Latter-day saints just to name a few.
As we know the true Orthodox Church teaches us that salvation is for ALL!!! To come unto the Lord as we are without fear of judgment because He loves us as we are - the good and the not so good.
However, some of our sister orthodox churches always have a catch to the statement “come as you are” and that is once you're in that particular group, they will cunningly try to change/mold you according to way they like.
For example, nationalism that plagues the churches is one of the worst problems within the orthodox Church's. Unless you learn to speak Greek, unless you learn to speak Slavonic, unless you learn to speak Arabic you will always be treated as an outsider. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong!
Sorry to say, but at least the Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Church welcomes all people from any part of the world no matter what race, colour or way of life – heretics or not that’s beside the point!
Jesus reminds us earlier in the Gospel of Luke - “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. Lk 6:32-34
In my 6 short years serving this Holy Metropolis, the number of times I have heard countless people including my family members say that the Liturgy was like “a breath of fresh air” because for the first time ever, they understood what and why things were happening.
Therefore, one of the many reasons Jesus left us His Church is to teach His children not to preach as many other sects do; preaching is getting in someone's face and telling them – off putting to say the least.
However, teaching is totally different that’s what many clerics lack: the ability to come down to people's level in order to simplify things for them so they may understand. I’m not pointing fingers but sadly institutional seminaries haven’t given their clerics proper training for how they are to face/deal with real life problems; the parish is not a university lecture theater!
Thus, these schools for clergy are producing men well versed in holy scripture and know cannons and doctrines from back to front however, when it comes to pastoral care (the health of the parishioners and all people) they don’t have a clue in the slightest. The answers many of these clerics give to people is to pray their problems away.
Of course, prayer is so important for us, it is how we commune with the All-Holy-Trinity on a daily basis. (Daily bread – Our Father) However, we also need to work for things in order for the ball to get rolling so to speak.
Therefore, when we don’t know what to do to get things moving in the right direction, it is the job of the cleric to direct the person on where to start. However, if it’s something beyond the cleric's knowledge, they should refer the person to the right source.
Thus, the season of Lent is fast approaching. It's the time where we begin to cleans ourselves of things that impede our growth in the faith and a time to think of the health of our minds and bodies. I'm sure all of us in one way or another have let ourselves go whether that be over eating, over working, not taking time to relax our minds and so forth.
Hence, let's not worry about sins and what's wrong with us or how horrible we are but rather work on what is already good within us and expand on that. Moreover, may we put ourselves first from time to time for if we don’t care for ourselves how can we care for others. Silent prayer is a good way to start, we don’t have to say any particular prayer but just stand, sit or kneel and know that you are in front of God almighty.
In conclusion, if we have neglected our health and wellbeing let's make that appointment with our GP. Let’s not worry too much about the monastic fast and all that, but rather may our fast this lentern season be about looking after ourselves; physically, mentally and spiritually.
Our clergy are available 7 days a week all year round never be afraid as Jesus exhorts within scripture time and time again, all are welcome in the house of God no buts given!
Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, Joseph Her spouse and Agatha of Palermo Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen