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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele

All who have been baptized into Christ have robed themselves in the image of Christ. Alleluia!

(Baptismal troparion hymn)

These very words written by the Apostle Paul (Gal 3:27) reminding the Church in Galatia (a city of ancient Asia Minor now Turkey) not only invites the believer to mirror Christ in all that they do but, awakens daily within them to the sublime reality of Grace that they are made in the image and likeness of the Incarnate God whom has been revealed at the shores of the Jordan – the Climax of the Christmas season: Holy Theophany!

This of course encourages those of us who take our faith seriously (not in the absurd fundamental sense) that growth in the spirit sometimes means to be so disconnected with those around us (not according to cult mentality standards) discovering that through sincere practice and growth in the faith; we become the odd ones out! Yet this is the meaning of SACRUM set apart for the sacred to be a holy, noble, and liturgical people.

In the Orthodox Church we embody the command from the Exodos (Ex 19:6) to the Pastoral Epistles as re-echoed in that of the Apostle Peter (1Pet 2:9) to follow that desire of God. Hence, it does not suffice to read the bible and preach ones ideologies and have a quasi-concert like form of worship , rather service to God and his faithful must be rendered him via the liturgical commandment and only form of worship acceptable to him He himself commanded in both covenants!

Many of you may see familiarities within our Apostolic Church (the Menorah –seven branch candelabra) which stem from the Church of the Old Covenant – yes Old Testament Hebrew Church! Unfortunately there is a heresy that circulated amongst many believers and Churches that at Pentecost, at the Last (Mystical) Supper or even at the Lord’s Crucifixion; the Church was born! No! It can’t be that way due to the very fact that the Lord came to fulfil all that was written, liturgically celebrated, and observed and via sending the Holy Spirit – as witnessed in the ordination prayer of the Apostolic Church for various clerical ranks: The Divine Grace of the all Holy Spirit which is the gift of the Father Pantocrator always heals that which is infirm and completes that which is lacking through our invocation in the Name of Iesvs Kristos who is Bishop of his Church…….

For these next two Sundays we are giving Father Archdeacon Matthew a break in writing homilies – he is doing very well and via such means is one of the forms of study he is truly excelling in! Therefore, apart from the traditional aspect of homiletics which encapsulates the Gospel passage of any given Sunday or feast day – which there is ample criteria when one looks back at all homilies on our web page; I thought it beneficial this week to look at the letters of the apostles to nascent churches and how such formed the lives of the primitive saints of the New Testament Church which of course is where we stem from!!!

We must remember that in light of the darker side of ecclesial history due to politics and other affairs getting in the way (Wordily Empires vs the Kingdom of God) our Lord only chooses those who are simple and humble of heart (not careerists) for those who are childlike at heart never question the Lord’s commands nor why he invites them to follow! Hence, it is in wholehearted humility and trust that the keys of the kingdom are bestowed and the path that was once narrow begins to widen via his grace and our wholehearted cooperation!

God can’t work with heads that are arrogantly determined to have their own way and are not willing to listen…. Hence, he desires the salvation of all and that’s why things happen in life where we find ourselves at a dead end; in reality, we have outgrown the pot of our current surroundings and now need to come to the knowledge and will that transition to fertile soil within the greater garden is truly warranted! Thus, the pastoral epistles of the apostles are filled with such examples and through thus render us with the knowledge that the world back then was no different to our present existence.

It is not in the commodities ancient or modern that edified, but coming to the conclusion that if we truly desire life and are not content to just merely exist; there is a way to attain true edification and excel in the very fabric of our being which we call in theological Greek THEOSIS – the transformation process that renders our mere human ability to reach out and fully commune with God via his invitation!

As we know, the human mind is constantly bombarded with daily noise, thoughts, stress, worries, fertile imaginations of the worst possible outcomes etc.…. Hence, within the life of the apostolic Christian and practice originating from monasticism (the slow recital and breathing of the Jesus prayer on prayer beads) the prayer without ceasing was revealed as HESYCHIA – the process and acquiring of the ability to attain complete inner silence, stillness and peace in order to commune with God who renders various gifts. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God; have mercy!

Hence, the Apostle Paul reminds the Church in Ephesus (Eph 4: 11-13) which was an ancient city in now modern Turkey that the Lord who is the head of his body the Church bestows many gifts according to the healthy functioning of his members. A reminder that even the simple, uneducated, along with the sincere educated and good standing folk; that it is indeed the grace of God that perfects, renders whole, teaches and sanctifies all that he touches in order to once again convey his love and desire for wholeheartedness as the means of conversion!

Conversion (not bible bashing along with dictatorship indoctrination) in the sense of the realisation that we need to grow, we need to work for thus (lent as the means of spring) tending to the garden of our very persona – invites us to remove the weeds of addictions of all sorts with the passing of time so that the vegetation of our fruits may ripen and be savoured! “He has bestowed gifts upon his chosen at which some are called to be apostles, others prophets, there are those he raises as evangelists and then there are those he calls to be presbyters and teachers so that the saints of his body may be equipped with the fullness of ministry for the benefit and life of those who are part of his body – the mystical body of Christ!”

Saints of his body. As we know, saints are not just those who we portray in beautiful sanctified renderings (icons) but are real people like you and me who came to a conclusion in life that there is only one means of fullness, one way of happiness, and the truth of such a life is only in He (God) who via his name (Iesus Kristos) brought all things into the communion of his presence with the greatest gift bestowed: Life!

The saints of his body were and are called to share such a gift to those we meet along the way of our pilgrimage – the gift of presence and time which renders the certainty that we are not alone and help is always at hand! It is true that some who cross our path wilfully or not do indeed test our patience and the benefit of the doubt is always given, yet turning the other cheek can only be employed via safeguarding our dignity and identifying dysfunctional attributes – the accepting and nurturing of such within the context of our circle; the body of Christ!

Today, the Church remembers a remarkable high presbyter who was Bishop of the City of Rome: Hieromartyr Hyginus (136-142 AD) As we know, the Church has always been plagued with the heresy of denominations - such groups who followed teachings and ideologies of their own even if under the facade of church which caused much heartache and confusion amongst the faithful. Therefore Hyginus had to contend with the heresy of Gnosticism and its followers.

Although various heresies sweetened and soured the palates of yesteryear and indeed do so today for people are entitled to do, say, and believe all that they desire, yet there is a problem when such classify themselves as something they are not and via such doctrines and creeds professed; contradict that which the Church is and always has been! Therefore, Gnosticism (01 AD +) was the belief of private revelations given to an initiate few who were considered pure in spirit; the exclusion of such knowledge and wisdom to others who are not of that group and are further considered unworthy due to bodily needs and pursuits.

Thus, Hyginus who was a native of Greece was consecrated a Bishop of Rome and due to many within the Church doing their own thing e.g.: clergy abusing their office via exercising prestige and favouritism onto others according to the flavour of the day as it were; Hyginius reinforced the above quotation from St. Paul’s epistle which rendered awareness that there are diverse functions and gifts within the Church; such are to compliment the existence of the other rather than create alienation. Hence, he endeavoured to form an outline of what is and how the rank of each sacred office and ministry within the Church should be exercised.

I remember as a young deacon within the Russian Church; not only was there an outline of clergy and their functions, but there existed a power play within each rank and the one who did not fit in was always pushed aside. During my time there and without carrying on with so many details, I always sort comfort and reassured confidence when confronted with the ugly side of church goings on with a remarkable scene from Franco Zeffirelli’s 1977 masterpiece: Jesus of Nazareth.

Thus, Jesus has restored eyes and sight to the paralysed one at the pool of Siloam. Here; upon hearing about the miracle, the priesthood (College of Presbyters) come to investigate whilst the Levites (deacons) shove people arrogantly out of their pompous way. Unfortunately this happens in all places of ecclesial administration, yet we tend to forget that within our prestige and pomp – that very place is holy ground and is also the place where God dwells amongst mortals!

In consideration for Tabernacle (dwelling place) of the Most High, it is also of vital importance that Hyginus emphasised a tenant of the Old Covenant Church as commanded in the Exodus (Ex 30:22-33) that all things pertaining to God be consecrated via the Oil of Gladness; the Myron (sacred peace unction) of the Tent and Sanctuary in the Wilderness: Holy Ground!

Therefore, Hyginus then ordered all Churches – meeting house rooms, catacombs, and places of worship to be officially consecrated via sacred Chrism (infusion of Divine Grace in Christ) which rendered the space sacred so that the earthly Communion of Saints could meet the heavenly in dignified and holy surroundings. Thus, at Holy Theophany when Jesus went into the waters of the Jordan; his very presence sanctified it so that via sanctified means we too may be sanctified in Grace to become his very body and presence in the world – the reason why we are joyful and called his Church!

For each one of us has received grace according to the measure of Christ’s will for us. When he ascended into the heavens he truly captivated captivity itself – rendering gifts of divine grace to us! When we speak of ascension and the descent into lower earth; what is meant by this? It confirms that He Who Is, is truly the same who descended and ascended so that through these acts: his presence now fills all things via his grace and our reception and ministry. (Eph 4: 7-10)



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