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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


We have entered into the mystery of God’s intervention, revelation, and re-creation via restoration. Various means have throughout the years tried to portray thus….yet at times we fall short. Hence, through the arts as in music, chorale, and even cinematography – these paint a vivid interpretation of such that happened long ago; it too in serving as a reminder or distant memory every now and then revived. There is also the contemporary get together where the grand within their circles exercise such in the power of word and speech; again offering their reality of that which happened long ago revived once more.

When it comes to family, the family home, means of communication are but a portion of life amongst others – meals are shared, emotions are cultivated, talents contribute, and travels are the daily rhythm. Hence the Church of the Apostles is missionary centred; it adapts, transforms and nurtures what it finds in its surrounding but, does not change to suit the standards of the world for we live in the Body of Christ which is unchangeable! Nor do we re-enact! There is nothing to re-enact or pretend, nor imagine for it is not for us to imagine that which we can’t grasp because the minute we start imagining as I stated in my encyclical on faith: “we derail from the truth and invent our own reality in accordance to our emotions which are constantly fluctuating!”

Thus, the CHURCH which is ORTHODOX, constantly liturgizes for that is its function! Liturgy is far beyond meditation and echoing praise and focus on events of the past. In contrast, the Church vividly proclaims the power and eternal presence of these all holy events which are solemnly celebrated in song, word, art, action and the tangibility of substances: Bread, Wine, Water, Oil, flame, perfume and vesture. Hence, as living members of the mystical body of Christ ‘his Church’ we again are made participants thereof! Regarding ecclesial music – the Apostolic Church mirrors the Heavenly worship and there is the sacredness of chant; we are not the Hillsong enterprise that lives on the emotions which constantly flux – there is sacred music and then nice melodies that have a few religious words to it; this is not worship!

However beautiful certain songs may be along with the accompaniment – I do like to listen to a few, but it’s not set apart (sacred) for worship (liturgy) It’s like when Christmas carols are performed in concert by these professionals have trained well and sing magnificently. With all due respect to them who I admire, but even if one were to sing something religious; you can tell if the person is a prayerful soul or not – the lacking of or presence of the spiritual within the rendition!

The other day, I went to grab a coffee before work and sat in the café for a while… was quiet, natural sounds, yet I was taking my third sip and bang; the attendant decided to put blaring music on. Then when I go to the gym the speakers are exaggeratedly pumping the music; placing one’s mind in a tug of war between ones inner self and frustrations coming out in the hope for a harder workout.

Hence, Orthodoxy is not the place where one needs to pick up a hymn book and sing whilst having one’s head buried in the service book. The Divine Services are catered for – allotting chant, readings, and liturgical actions so that one may be totally at ease, relax and take in/breath if you like the spirit of the liturgy; a tad like coming home after a long day – sitting quietly or relaxing whilst soft music plays in the background!

However beautiful the Liturgy is and accompanied by cultural surroundings and traditions; exaggeration also exists and can become the very impediment from the genuine article whom of course is Jesus! Everything can appear beautiful, mystical and pleasant, but if all elements are not in line with each other and there are other motives behind thus; it becomes a distasteful joke and mockery. This was the problem with the Temple when it became a business institution rather than the house of prayer where the people gather and lift up their hearts to God!

Yet, when someone stands out from the rest, speaks up, and begins the process of reason – threat looms in the air! All the possible excuses to cast derogative judgment upon this person swiftly swing into action due to inferior motives of the status quoe! Words alone were not an imposing threat, but when action itself via extraordinary means accompanied by words; this was the greatest slap in the face for the institution of the old covenant church!

When Jesus spoke to the paralytic pronouncing: “Your sins are forgiven you!” The pharisaic party (Which is very much alive and well in the Church of today) had a complete melt down reasoning: “Who does this mere man think he is via pronouncing that which only pertains to God?” At this targeted threat from the scripturally read (the Pharisees) Jesus reveals himself publically for the first time as the one who is the authority over creation and challenges them exhorting: “Can any one of you who are mere mortals find it easier to say to this soul ‘your sins are forgiven’ or would you command him to ‘rise from your stretcher and walk home?’

Here God has revealed himself publically, for the FORGIVNESS OF SINS was born as a mere child – children don’t know resentment, but crave affection at all times and eagerly interact! When the child grew up he went to the cross so that the COMPASSION OF GOD could totally manifest himself as the Loving Father who safeguards the life of his children from the tyranny of the destroyer. Many of you who are parents would do anything to protect the life of your young! Thus, the world was no longer orphaned but now fully adopted into the MERCIFUL NAME of Him who reaches out and with his touch heals that which is broken!

In actual fact, we are via such terms called to become a well of refreshment where others who dwell in the desert of uncertainty and political tyranny may come to quench their thirst in being replenished by he (Jesus) who is the Living Water poured out into the depths of the well of our souls! Each occasion we gather in the Lord’s Temple for the celebration of the Eucharist who is Christ in our midst, we acclaim wholeheartedly the words of the Apostle Paul: When we eat this bread, and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, oh Lord, until you come again!

Thus, a call that we are fed and nourished by the strength of those who care; to become CHURCH living stones gathered by Christ the cornerstone of the edifice of our existence who calls us to live IN HIM at all times! Thus, if we live in him, we may die in the flesh, but will not merely exist beyond the grave, but continue to be fully alive in his presence. This is our hope, the hope of ages past, present and to come! Come Lord Jesus and renew the face of the earth and rekindle the flame of faith that at times dims due to the various storms and dark clouds of faintheartedness we encounter through life!

Hence, if one is holy – as many claim to be but in reality are as holey as a block of Swiss cheese; true holiness is the capacity for one to know the suffering of others because they have or are going through such themselves and do everything in tenderness of heart to encourage others to walk in the way of the Lord. The greatest testimony we can render onto others is to actually live out the truth by our struggles and for once – stop pretending to be something and someone we clearly are not! It’s only when we come to terms with our own self and stand wholeheartedly before God – exposed fully that through his wounds we find solace and are truly healed.

There is a great reason why God chose to be born in time within the context of a land that has been in war from day one; choosing for himself the most common people with all sorts of vices to be his successors in his presbytery. He is the peace that the world cannot give neither fathom, and potter moulding the clay of each vessel which is ready for service once thus has withstood the heat of the furnace!

Thus the brothers leapt from their boats leaving their trade, lifestyle and all that they knew behind for they responded wholeheartedly to his invitation in following him. Hence, Jesus went throughout the region of Galilee in proclaiming his ministry within the synagogues in which they were witnesses to his kingdom via the signs and wonders that accompanied his words which is the glorious gospel that renders healing to the afflicted and diseased amongst his people! (Mt 4: 22-23)

THURSDAY EVENING: The Mystical Supper

When Jesus was led into the desert to fast and pray in his humanity, he encountered evil personified - it twisted scripture saying: “If you are truly God become son of man, then in your hunger and with the power of your divinity; will now that these stones turn to bread so that you can nourish yourself!” (Mt 4: 3)

In the psalms which were songs/reflections written by David who was a shepherd, musician and later king, he thus acclaimed: Man works the land and cultivates the fruits of the harvest, amongst these are the grains which become bread to strengthen his heart, the olive which becomes oil to render a shining countenance and the vintage of grapes which becomes the wine of gladness. (Ps 104)

On one hand we have that which God willed in the fullness of His time, and on the other; the demand, spite, and deception pertaining to (the ancient rebellions’) personal interest to undo that which benefits others. Many people who once cried Hosanna in their youth now shout out Crucify! What’s happened? What went wrong? We tend to forget that Christ (was incarnate) came to nail the horrible side (murder, hate, violence, slander, betrayal etc.) of humanity to the wood of the Cross.

Further, these forget that Jesus is the caring shepherd and Father Pantocrator! In other words, as I stated previously: you who are parents love your kids and could not in love shun them away due to choices they make that may not be good. You always try, reason, dialogue, and risk for the life of your kids regardless; this is what in various ways today is about!

The Holy Spirit will always provide through our love and good works to all people, as long as we stop the stupidity of COMPRIMISING Jesus Christ and BEING ASHAMEND OF HIM in order to not offend others! The Lord exhorted that he has other sheep who do not belong to the fold that need due tending (Jn 10:16) in which at the appointed time these will come to know him through our love we have for others.

Furthermore, the charity of Christ urges us to tend onto others regardless, but with the reminder which must not be compromised that Christ is the Shepherd of Nations who came to bind all in his fold – a warranted contemplation as we embark on the observance of Pascha (Easter). For we should look forward to thus with joyful hearts and in the Apostle Paul’s exhortation (1Cor 11:26) when we gather for the Lord’s Eucharist which is the only accepted worship and fulfilment of revelation; we proclaim the divine mysteries of his passion, death and resurrection until he returns!!!


We all know the account which has left a profound imprint on humanity……..undoubtedly most of us have encountered crosses in various places along roadsides; automatically we say to ourselves “something tragic happened here – someone or various people have lost their life in this particular spot!” Hence, the cross which began as an instrument of torture has become the insignia of death and its hold over creation.

Hence, the weaklings who once uttered HOSANNA were and are the same who back then sold the crowd to shout out CRUCIFY for they were and are at odds when God surprises them and does not act according to their expectations!

Unfortunately we are drifting way from our faith – our apostolic heritage with various temporary alternatives society fathoms……! We believe in good luck rather than grace, in fate rather than the freedom of conscience given us by the giver of life and source of all blessings! A perfect example of this is found in the phrase “touch wood!” We have truly lost the origins of this notion which is used as a talisman so to speak against any negative occurrence; “what are its origins?”

On Good Friday we come to church to TOUCH the wood of the cross….to KISS the wood of the cross, to VENERATE the wood of the cross; this very wood which begun as the instrument of torture and death has become the means of redemption and hope for those who were lost but now have been reclaimed by love personified who shed his blood in the assurance that through his wounds we find strength and are healed. Thus, the cross is our story, our glory, and our song and as a holy people via the baptism we have received we cry out in hymnody and sing: “sweetest wood, and tender nails, the weight of HE WHO IS All Glorious is hung on thee!”


In the Orthodox Church, the Saturday before Palm Sunday is known as Lazarus Saturday (the raising of Lazarus) because it prefigures the resurrection of the Lord. When we pray for the departed we have the prayer known to us as Memory Eternal or Requiem Eterna; eternal rest grant onto them oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them – may they rest in peace…….BUT we forget the most important addition : AND RISE IN GLORY! Why is this????

When Jesus was journeying towards Jerusalem to offer himself as the Paschal Sacrifice (his passion and death) he received news that a close relative of his was very ill, thus after three days he took a detour and went to the village of Bethany where Lazarus lived. Upon arrival, he was confronted by Lazarus’ sister Martha who was a very straight down the line kind of person; it was either black or whiteo grey areas.

Hence, Martha exhorted “Lord, if you were here earlier my brother would still be alive!” Jesus knowing the anguish she was experiencing reassured here in these words; “Martha, Martha, if you believe, you will see the Glory of God!” In conclusion as he raised Lazarus from the underworld he reminded Martha that the resurrection is not an event but a living person - thus stating; “I am the resurrection and the life! Whoever believes in me will live!”

Moreover, let us remember that each time the turbulent sea storms in life may sink us down, He (the Lord) lays aside his crown to stoop down reaching out onto our call; guiding us safely back to shore!

WITH and IN this blessed assurance we acclaim: “Christ is risen from the dead – trampling down death by his death in flesh, and upon those who lay lifeless in the tombs he bestows, re-creates, and energizes them with his very life that ushered in the big bang – for he is the cause of all existence!”

On behalf of the Exarchate consecrated to the Apostles of Christ our Bishop, our clergy and people, May I greet you in the living God in whom there is NO compromise. For he has commanded us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER as the testament of his love for us via the very gift of life which stems from the heart of our God. Hence, dying in the body and rising in the flesh that all flesh may rise in his Name alone!

May the Risen Saviour’s peace be upon you and your loved ones!



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