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Trying times

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the fifth Sunday of Great Lent

“Grant us that we may sit, one on your right hand, and the other on your left, in glory.” Mk 10:37

We are given a glimpse to understand that even the apostles were also subject to evils temptations, in that it (evil) via the power of suggestion, placed the sentiment of lust for power in their heart’s. 

The harsh reality is that evil is constantly at work, trying to undo the good work of our Saviour, His apostles, His Saint’s, His Martyrs, and all the way down to the good work Christ brings to completion in us.

Hence, within this most Holy season of lent as we prepare to enter into our Lord’s death and triumphant, all Glorious Resurrection, evil personified is at its most enraged state; doing everything possible to make us fall into depression, fight with our loved ones, and to ultimately separating us from the love and protection of the All Holy Trinity.

Having stated thus, the above mentioned is exactly what I have recently been faced with. My very supportive wife Archdiaconisa and I have been bickering quite a bit. Although it is over very small irrelevant issue’s it is still a spanner thrown in the works as it were.

Secondly, I have hit a spiritual dry patch which happens to all of us from time to time, and that has been quite difficult for me as it is for all who have experienced thus.

However hard it may seem, however impossible it may feel; when all seems lost, pointless and impossible we must cling on to our Saviour and remember His words of encouragement, “ Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light.” Mt 11:28-31

Furthermore, early this morning I sent the Archbishop a letter stating that I would not be posting a homily this week due to my stresses.

Thus, laying on the couch for the majority of the day I was pondering on what I was doing with myself? What have I wilfully allowed to come upon me? So, remembering the words of our Saviour as written above, I bit the bullet so to speak and began to write this homily sharing my experience; remembering that it’s no longer about me but for the good of the Lord’s Church. In particular remembering the words of Saint Paul regarding true conversion “ it’s no longer I, that lives, but Christ who lives in me!” Gal 2:20

Within Holy Mother Church, as I have stated many times, there exists the issue that clergy continue to lord over the people, and each other; i.e, a bishops putting fear in the hearts of their clergy if they don’t fulfil his requests regardless of the fact that such may be contrary to church teachings.

I recall a story that a man told me several years ago. He was in this certain priest's office and he had a photo of his bishop and underneath it was an icon of our Lord and icon of the Theotoks. This was done for the simple reason that when his bishop would see him, he would see how he was admired in the hope that one day that bishop would make this priest a bishop also. In simple laymen terms, “he was sucking up”

St Paul write to the church in Galatia, “For as many of you are baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” Gal 3:27-29

In other words, no matter what status we have in life and within Holy Mother Church, when one is baptized with water and fire (the Holy Spirit/ Chrism) we are all equal and one in Jesus in the eternal kingdom. Hence, our call to cease from worrying about prestige and status; focusing on Jesus our saviour and living the greatest commandment to love one another as He (Christ) loves us. Jn 13;34

Today the church celebrates the feast of St Mary of Egypt and St Zosimas of Palestine.

Zosimas was a monk and priest who entered into the monastic observance from a young age and Mary was from an upper-class family who in her rebellion ram away from home in pursuit of the worldly pleasures and more so that of the flesh.

In Egypt, for the lentern season it was part of the custom that the monks would leave the monastery and live as hermits in the desert thus returning to the monastery on Holy week.

One day as Zosimas was deep in prayer, he noticed a young girl walking in his direction. As she drew near, he noticed that he was naked at which he removed his cloak and wrapped it around her.

Mary revealed to Zosimas her whole life story which moved him and in an act of love and compassion he via the grace of the Holy Spirit absolved her of all her sins in the mystery of confession.

When she returned to her home town which was near the Nile, she saw a pilgrim boat; those aboard where bound for Jerusalem fir the feast of the exaltation of the cross. Mary saw this as an opportunity to further indulge herself in the pleasures of the flesh. 

Thus, when they arrived at the basilica of the Holy Sepulchre it was as if there was an invisible force which would not allow her in; she attempted three times with all failed attempts. 

This was the Holy Spirit which was showing her how she was and what her life of indulgence was doing to her; He (Holy Spirit) put a mirror to her face and said look so to speak. At this she was so moved with remorse and for the first time she experienced true Metanoia change of direction/heart. 

Above the Basilica was an icon of the All Holy Theotokos and she prayed that Her Son would liberate her from the hell she had wilfully placed herself in.

As always when a person in all humility approaches the Mother of God and askes Her to plead to Her Son the Pantocrator; and as a good and obedient Son does, He adheres to His Mothers request and grants the petition of the person who asks in Her name. (a testament that the Lord does not go against His own commandant honour thy Father and Mother) At that Mary of Egypt could not enter the basilica fast enough to pray and thank God and the Theotokos for all had granted her.

Finally, Saint Mary is a prime example of how God can change our lives around from a hell hole to a living paradise in Him who is the giver of life provided that we meet him half way in all humility; always asking and not demand as many do which leads to failed attempts.

May we continue to pray for each other in this trying time, that we may always be defended from all powers of evil and not falling victim to the traps that it (evil) has crafted for the fall of mankind. May we remain anchored onto Christ for He is the edifice of our exitance and of His Church in which we are truly blessed to be living members in the communion of saints; receiving daily the gift of our daily bread.

Troparion St Mary of Egypt 

In thee, O Mother, was carefully preserved what is according to the image. For thou didst take the cross and follow Christ by so doing thou didst teach us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, but to care for the soul as am immortal thing. Therefore, St Mary, thy spirit rejoices with the angels.



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