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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


As the day of preparation drew to a close with the evening at hand and Sabbath fast approaching, Joseph of Arimathea who was one of the presbyters that believed in Jesus as rightful King of the Kingdom of God at hand – went to the Roman Governor to ask for the Lord’s body to be handed him for burial. Although Pilate had heard the presbytery stew over what was expected concerning Jesus, he inquired onto the centurion who oversaw the crucifixion regarding the time of death. MK 15:43-45

Today the Church commemorates those disciples that worked in the background, that weren’t so much in the spotlight, but followed the Lord in his ministry and contributed according to their own means. The women disciples tended to the domestic needs whilst the two prominent and secret disciples who were presbyters of the temple took that leap of faith to reach out in the end and give the Lord a fitting burial however in haste due to the Sabbath laws.

It is custom that we speak of people from the past in terms of past….but in the Orthodox Church, there is no such thing, because these are very much alive today as they were back then. In actual fact, at the beginning of each Divine Liturgy (Eucharist) the celebrating presbyter of bishop makes the sign of the cross over the altar with the book of Gospels raised high chanting: “Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit – onto ages of ages!” This very invocation raises awareness that the heavenly Church is joined with the pilgrim Church on earth and as the apostle Paul states: ‘We are surrounded by the cloud of witness’ (Heb 12:1) – those who gave testimony to the Lamb (Jesus) via blood, works, and faith!

Therefore, he authorized Joseph to take the body into his care. Hence, Joseph hoisted the Lord’s body down from the cross and wrapped Jesus in the new linen cloth he had previously purchased – laying him in his own new tomb hewn out of the rock. Thus, a stone was then rolled against the entrance of the tomb which was witnessed by the women disciples who followed the Lord’s passion. MK 15: 46-47

As we know, unction was not only a ritual that was commended for setting apart (sacred) or commissioning (consecration) for religious purposes, but it was the means of giving honour (anointing) someone via the liquid perfume provided from the art of scented oil. Hence, the four gospels present us with these following disciples as the Myrrhbearers:

MARIAM THEOTOKOS – the Mother of the Lord; step mother of Joseph’s elder brothers children

MIRIAM MAGDALA – the woman who Jesus turned her shame into her fame via outpouring love

MIRIAM CLEOPHAS – the wife and widower of Joseph’s middle brother Cleophas

MIRIAM BETHANIA – the elder cousin of the Lord and sister of Lazarus from Bethany

MARTHA BETHANIA – the younger cousin of the Lord and sister of Lazarus from Bethany

JOHANNA CHUZA HERODIA – a disciple and wife of Chuza the steward within Herod’s court

SUSANNA GALILEEA – a disciple who was a fellow Galilean in the Lord’s ministry district

JOSEPH ARIMATHEA – a respected presbyter of the temple from the city of Arimathea

NICODEMUS JERUSALEME – a respected presbyter and servant of the high priest in Jerusalem

When the Sabbath had passed and it was early dawn on the first day of the week, the women disciples Miriam Magdala and Mariam Theotokos went to the tomb. As they approached the earth quaked as an angel of God descended from the heavens and came to role away the stone covering the entrance of the tomb. As they drew near, they could see the radiant glow streaming from him which was like lightning – this very fact made those on guard faint with fear at such as sight. MK 16:1-4

Although we have this rather supernatural and vivid account which is the equivalent of a tsunami as we are better acquainted with in recent times, yet there is a hidden message that must be made visible regarding our state of being. It’s lovey hearing nice words and perhaps a dreamtime account of what could be etc.….but when we are totally surrounded by dark clouds of oppression and everything going wrong – we really can’t see the road ahead until we are brought or even forced to come to a standstill; waiting for the clouds to pass!

I once came across a marvellous description of this account offered by a basilian French monk who truly captured the significance for the everyday believer. It was not presented as a treaties where the academic criteria was the foundation of such, rather it was a call for renewal. Hence, I would like to share this quotation wholeheartedly because very few can capture the eloquence of such a statement that is only the result of effort and divine grace. Thus, in his book The Year of Grace of the Lord Rev Father Lev Gillet of blessed memory devoted to this commemoration affirms:

“When the angel of the Lord come to take away the stone from the sepulchre, he does not roll it gently away. It is not an operation which can be accomplished without effort, without a deep and violent upheaval. An earthquake is necessary. In the same way, the removal of whatever obstacle separated us from Jesus cannot be thought of as a partial adjustment. It is not a matter of taking off or rearranging some loose stones, of modifying some details and leaving the whole as unchanged as possible. In this case too, an earthquake is needed. It is to say that change must be total, reaching into every aspect of our being. Conversion is a spiritual earthquake.” p185

Seeing that they were troubled he addressed the women disciples and said: “Don’t be afraid for I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here – he has been raised as he promised! Come closer and behold the place where he once lay. Thus, you must go quickly and tell the Apostles that he is risen and awaits you in Galilee where you shall meet him! This joyful message has been commanded me to relate to you!” MT 28: 1-5

Overwhelming emotions of the above gospel account has truly stood the test of time…….yet it is not easy for joy to grow in the midst of sadness, struggle, and the odds haunting one at the end of every day, week, month and year. The other day I was asked to assist at a funeral in the capacity of music ministry….a good 45 minutes before the service, a very humble and kind-hearted lady of 84 years from that parish whom I know well approached me and just wanted someone to hear her out.

She said: “Father Bishop, I don’t tell people much about my past, and yes it does eat me up at times, but I’ve learnt to immune myself from past hurts with God’s grace to cope, yet, now and then it comes up and hurts me….do you mind if I can share it with you?” At this I laid my hand on her head and shoulder as a means of prayer, and support whilst saying: “You know I was ordained to help console the hearts overcome with sorrow….don’t be afraid – open up; I’m here for you!”

Then she brought me back to her very early years when she migrated from Italy with her young family and her story just made me appreciate the call to ministry and let’s face it….most of the religious people inside the Church are the very ones that seek to destroy one’s integrity. Unfortunately, these sentiments of aggressive and malevolent behaviour are the result of (a) insecurity (b) uncertainty, (c) status and membership (club like). Yet, its dear souls like this lady that keep me and a few good others in the ministry - preventing me and other few good clerics from walking away and retiring to a monastery.

Therefore, she described how her young husband of 24 years and her being 18 worked hard to make a living; bringing up the kids…..couples back then truly relied on one another to make things work! Furthermore, there were no relatives or extended family here – it was a solo endeavour! Yet one morning after the Easter weekend the police come around, sat her down – luckily there was an officer of Italian descent who helped break the language barrier, and said: “Signora, I’m very sorry to tell you this and we will help you as best we can……but your husband was killed this morning as he was on his way to work!”

The poor woman was totally destroyed because not only was the love of her life and soulmate violently ripped from her, but the worst thing was; denied access to say goodbye to him due to his body being totally crushed by a semitrailer that failed to see him alongside on his motorbike. She then continued: “I went blank through the funeral service and was not myself for days, yet I had to double my strength and grow up the kids in silent sorrow – all I had was my faith which promised me that one day I’d see my love again!”

What can one possibly say in such circumstances? People don’t want grand explanations or theories, – being there and listening to them conveying such pain onto you is for them soothing in itself; the gift of presence!

As they were leaving the tomb to convey the great news Jesus stood in their midst and warmly greeted them. Miriam Magdala worshiped and kissed his feet, whilst Mariam Theotokos embraced her son and glorified him. Therefore Jesus reassured them by confirming the words of the angel saying: “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to journey to Galilee and I shall meet them there!” MT 28:6 -10



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