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Veni Sancte Spiritus

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Homily on the feast of Pentecost.

They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:3-4

In todays Epistle proclamation, we hear the recount of the day of Holy Pentecost; the coming of the Paraclete upon the Lord's chosen twelve as He promised.

Many people of non Apostolic origins believe that Pentecost is an event that continues to take place to this present day. This belief falls under the heresy of Montanism, a heresy that arose in Turkey around the second century and is condemned by the Orthodox Church! Such sects that be follow the heresy of Montanism are Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Charismatic groups and to some degree the Roman Catholic church.

To summarise this heresy in a few short words, it's the belief of modern day Prophets that speak and pass on messages on behalf of God. This can not be the case for we all know that Saint John the Baptist and Forerunner of our Lord is the LAST Prophet! Thus, debunking this theory entirely!

Yes! It is true that God speaks to us through our hearts via the gift of discernment. (The knowledge to distinguish what is Godly and ungodly, good and bad, right and wrong). However, the two are totally different from the other and must not be confused!

In reality our Gracious Lord imparts many gifts upon us, His children in diverse forms; whenever He feels is necessary for the spiritual growth of us His people!

Thus, there are holy men and women who have been graced with the ability to speak with words of wisdom that is beyond the knowledge of this limited worlds understanding. However we know these people as Saints not Prophets. Thus we as Christians are all called to Godliness, and Sainthood via living out the commandments of Christ to love one another.

For example, within Holy Orthodoxy we have various forms of catechesis. (Learning of the faith)

One learns through the Divine services, Gospel and Epistle readings, homilies, the Philokalia (the writings of our Holy Ancestors and Fathers of the Church). However there is one that many other faiths don't have; oral tradition. That is the faith taught and passed down throughout generations via the word of mouth, rather than written and read out of a book; which is a perfect measure of security, to unsure certain things are kept safe from the wolves of this world!

It's quite sad but recently many videos of evangelical Christians sects have been circulating online and time and time again I see these people who speak gibberish (Glossolalia); believing that they are truly filled with the Holy Spirit and are speaking His language. However, when asked what they are saying when speaking this mambo-jumbo they respond - "who are we to know and understand what the Holy Spirit wills? We are terrible sinners!"

I'm sorry but has God not always been clear and transparent when He has spoken throughout history. Was He not clear with Adam and Eve in the garden? Was God not clear with Noah and the Prophets Aaron to John the Baptist? There is NO deceit in God, only truth, clarity and transparency! So to say God speaks in a language unfamiliar to the human race is a heresy in itself! (although not officially a heresy)

The true explanation of speaking in tongues should be attributed to the grace and ability to being able to speak to all classes of society and at their level. For example, one wouldn't walk into a room filled with scholars and begin to speak roughly or swear or speak in slang. one would have poise and would speak with a level of intelligence to get a point across.

Hence, likewise if one would enter a building site they would not go in and begin to use words that are difficult and are not used by common folk. One would speak in a simpler form to be understood. Therefore, this is what speaking in tongues is for us in this day and age, not putting ones hands up to the sky and speak like a monkey!

When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Acts 2:6-7

At the start of this week I was contacted by my aunt and was notified that this Saturday night she was putting together a celebration for my grandfathers 80th birthday. I thus advised her that I unfortunately would not be unable to attend due to my priestly obligations and commitments being the feast of Pentecost. However, I said that I would go to see him afterwards or on Sunday to spend the day with him.

As one could probably imagine she was not happy and began to throw in my face things such as - "Well, it's your grandfathers birthday and you would rather go to church?" and "Oh but your grandfather is only eighty once and that's it. Who knows if he'll make it to 90." Here she used his future death as a means of making me feel bad in the hopes of giving in to her demands.

Therefore, this is what happens when people aren't on the same page and when a person tries to lord or dominate others lives. They will throw a tantrum like a child and begin to treat others in a horrible way; making one believe that they are the root of the problem. (Passive aggression.)

Thus, after standing my ground and not giving in to her demands, she took a few days to cool off and then contacted me to notify me that she had changed the date to Sunday. Now was that so hard? You see people like this can not tolerate being wrong or overruled on decisions. Such people must always be in charge or have the upper hand or they go into meltdown mode.

That's when one gently but assertively puts them back in their place. Something that was impossible for me to do before becoming a son of the Holy Mother Church!

Therefore, when one wholeheartedly gives of themselves to God, He (God) will truly make the impossible possible and grant blessings beyond ones greatest desires!

Having stated thus, let us pray for ourselves and one another so that we may keep true to our Christian observances and that God may grant us the gift of discernment and the gift of courage so we may stamp out ungodly behaviour in a Christian manner when we are called to safeguard our faith!

Blessed are You O Christ Our God / You have revealed the fishermen as most wise / by sending down upon them the Holy Spirit / through them You drew the world into Your net / O Lover of Man, Glory to You! Troparion

Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen



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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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