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Veni Spiritus Sanctus

Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on Pentecost Sunday

"Let us extol the grace of the Holy Spirit in spiritual hymns, since grace has, on this day, manifested itself to us from heaven. Even though our words are inadequate to express the magnitude of this grace, we shall praise its power and activity insofar as we’re able. For the Holy Spirit delves into all things, even the profundities of divinity.

We’ re celebrating the day of Pentecost, the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit onto the Apostles, the day of the hope of perfection, the end of expectation, the longing for salvation, the fulfilment of prayer and the image of patience." St John Chrysostom

Once again, we come to the climax of Holy Pascha where the Spirit comes to renew his Church at Holy Pentecost. Renewal.....not in the Western sense of that which is called Caresmania "the Caresmatic renewal movement", but such a feast where we are renewed in the functions of each ministry the Spirit perfects via grace. It is true that we are called to compliment one another in the various gifts we have received in bettering the world and community we live in, yet as the Lord exhorted: "the peace I give you, the world cannot give!" ( Jn 14:27)

It pains me to witness how ungodly and blasphemous our society humanity has become - where in using the Lord's All Holy name in vain: Father, Son and Holy Spirit is truly a distorted and demonic normality within the day to day language many use; including those whom we love - our own family and friends!

To give a personal example of thus, during the course of an average day at work, (in the trade industry) the number of times I hear the name of Jesus yelled out due to anger is unbelievable; His All Holy name isn't used as much within the context of the Divine services compared to the fowl utterances witnessed in the workplace! Let's not mention the disrespect and intolerable blasphemy against the Holy Spirit who overshadowed she who became the Ark of God the Son: Mariam Theotokos!

Thus, as I have stated several time in previous homilies, evil entities can not utter the All Holy name of the Trinity for it will burn them; completely erasing them from existence. Hence, why we have demonic possession with people; for it is only through human flesh that these spirits may blaspheme the Holy name of God! Thus, they transgress his All Holy Name which out of Love brought all things into existence via ERASING us and disturbing the peace with vice implanted within us; let's look at the USA and the constant theme of racism alive and well for a start!!!!

How can we forget in the book of Exodus, when God spoke to Moses on top of Mount Sinai, where He clearly commanded:

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." Ex 20;7

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-5

On the other side of the spectrum, we have certain individuals that believe they are filled with the Holy Spirit but are in actual fact making a mockery of Him! Yes, I am referring to those that are empty, want a sense of belonging, crawl up the ladder - are fulled with having power over others and become group leaders of good souls who just want to be close to God: the Charismatic Renewal Movement which is full of vocal fodder! Why I did not write the word verbal is because there is nothing verbal about what putridity comes out of their mouths! They are NOT speaking any form of a human or celestial language! The noises are sounds that are taken from diverse languages put together in some kind of sickening minestrone soup and served as words from on high; that for the true Apostolic Christian is repugnant and sickening to hear!

Further, for non Christians and for the Christians who follow the true apostolic faith, such would go to the extreme of re-opening the doors of Royal Park mental institution formerly located in Parkville Melbourne - placing all these people there; throwing away the keys in order for this delusion to erase itself from society! This is a grand and serious problem and the reason why so many of our Italian community have been absorbed by them due to the Roman Congregation not nourishing their needs and may I boldly state: "Devotion to patron saints and our Holy Mother was discouraged and deigned superstitious and scriptural - another protestant reform within!!!

May I affirm that in God there is NO deception, for He is TRANSPARENT at all times! Thus, the Holy Spirit does NOT speak nonsense! He speaks clearly so we may understand Him; speaking truthfully for He is Truth! (Jesus) Hence, those who live out their lives in accordance to the faith handed down via the Holy Apostles - divine wisdom (Agia Sophia) may be imparted to the faithful due to their humility; living in Christ who is the vine! (Jn 15) as was the case on the day of Pentecost!

Moreover, the term "Speaking in tongues" was referring to the wisdom imparted the apostles and the knowledge to know what to say and do and how to say and render it; not the distasteful gibberish spoken within certain places of supposed worship!

In addition, what did Jesus say to His apostles in the gospel of Luke chapter 12 verse 11 “When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.”

Thus, this is a perfect example of what happens when we sever ourselves from the apostolic faith which is orthodox - we derail, spiralling out of control; allowing all sorts of demonic delusion IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUR OWN STUPIDITY to take over and bury the faith whom the Martyrs shed their blood for!

Having stated thus, such charismatic Christians should not be shunned or mistreated for their strange forms of worship! We must always pray for such individuals because they have been taught incorrectly and are clearly at a loss for the divine in their lives!

Therefore, all the above may be somewhat offensive for certain people - others may feel quite hurt or angry. However, at time the truth hurts! Jesus who is the truth was mocked, tortured and killed for speaking the truth of the All Holy Trinity; never fearing what others thought of Him , what they would say about Him or do to Him! So we too as living members of His body the Church, must implement the same tactics as our Saviour did and speak the truth at all time regardless of offending or not offending! The problem is that the Church has watered herself down when it comes to say the truth due to this disorder classified as DENOMINATIONS!

If the Church is one and yes has various rites, we would all be united in the faith, in the tradition, and in the scriptural and patrology we profess - obviously these do not believe that same thing but diverse things......the last time I remember reading the 13th chapter and 8th verse of St. Paul's Epistle to the the Hebrew Church, he clearly states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever...if we keep up with this denominational fodder then Christ will not only visit the hairdresser, but perhaps the tanning salon a couple of times a month!

May the Holy Spirit be with us always and impart the grace of wisdom according to our needs and the capability in which we may comprehend as was the day of Holy Pentecost!


Blessed art You O Christ Our God / You have revealed the fishermen as most wise / By sending down upon them the Holy Spirit / Through them You drew the world into Your net / O Lover of Man, Glory to You!


When the most High came down and confused the tongues, / He divided the nations; / But when he distributed the tongues of fire / He called all to unity. / Therefore, with one voice, we glorify the All-holy Spirit!



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