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Writer's picture: Father MatthewFather Matthew

Homily on the 7th Sunday after Pentecost

When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us!” Mt 9:27

Earlier this week whist I was at work, a conversation arose amongst several workers on the topic of higher powers, God and religious institutions as a whole. It was saddening to see how many people there are that - firstly make up their own religious ideologies, secondly mock and reject the existence of the one God (Triune) and thirdly believe that religions are fabricated fables; created for the sole purpose of institutional financial gain! 

Thus, pondering on the above, I realised that my work colleagues are not to blame for their beliefs and in some ways if I had not come to our faith which is Orthodox, there would have been a strong possibility that I would have acquired similar beliefs and sentiments towards God and religion/faiths!

When Jesus commissioned His Apostles, what did He say to them - Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. Mt 10:8

Thus, curing blindness was just one of the many miracles the Apostles worked in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is what they had been called to do – to love in all senses of the word and to bring the love of the Father to all whom had been exiled by those who supposedly represented the temples and synagogues. (Institutional fundamentalists)

Furthermore, an Apostle (bishop) is to teach his monks, deacons and priests the same charitable love, faith and convictions the laudable Apostles had via mirroring them in the way he lives out his life. Sadly, for many jurisdictions this is no longer the case. These so-called apostles have removed themselves from apostolicity via their greed, ambitions, lust for power and preaching false and corrupted doctrines regarding God’s love, forgiveness and mercy (reaching out) towards all His creation! 

Hence, if the clergy have removed themselves from God’s grace, how can He (God) work signs and wonders through them and onto His people if they are the core root to the corrosion that is slowly but surely rotting away the “Church” as we know it?

Therefore, when people witness such injustices that are present and alive within the Church, they will rightfully rebel and harbour resentment for all religious institutions, clerics but most importantly they will reject God because that is what their “leaders” have done via their very actions in putting themselves before Christ and His Church! There is an Australian saying for this – Monkey see, Monkey do! In other words, we mirror/copy that which we see our clergy do. Thus, resulting in the conversation my work colleagues had earlier this week.

This week on the 24th of July the cathedral of Agia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) located in Istanbul (Former Constantinople) has once again been turned into a Mosque leaving many orthodox Christians in heartbreak and disbelief! Now I will not talk about this topic in length for there is just one thing I need to say regarding the matter. If we become an institution of sell-out's or when we sleep with Cesar (Church of Rome) so to speak, we sever ourselves from Christ the vine who is the source of our life and existence! “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. Jn 15:1-2

Thus, why would God prevent Agia Sophia from becoming a Mosque; to be handed over to the supposed leaders of orthodoxy who perverted, changed and made a mockery of the good work of the Apostle’s, Saint’s and Martyrs! (The reason why Constantinople fell in the first place)

In addition, science and zoology have proven that a dove will not come to rest or trod upon unclean, toxic or harmful grounds. Thus, when the All Holy Trinity was revealed in the river Jordan, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus in the form of a dove for He (Jesus) is Purity in its fullness! As soon as Jesus was baptised, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. Mt 3:16

Hence, this is why God has allowed Agia Sophia to be handed over to Islam! At least the Muslims will not make a mockery of this temple - making it look like the Myer windows at Christmas time with patriarch's and bishop’s that believe they are kings; enthroned upon their adorned chairs that may as well be personal toilet - training their clergy to move, walk and act in a certain manner as if it where some sort of military camp!

Therefore, God cannot and will not use such people for the spread of His gospel due to their evil intent. Whilst Christ was on earth, He called the outcast and insignificant. This Holy Exarchate dedicated to the Holy Apostles always teaches all to “COME AS YOU ARE!” No matter what you do and what you don’t; God loves you and desires you to come as you are! All impediments will be tamed and in due time God will mould you into the perfect Christian.  Furthermore, the Holy Prophet Isaiah wrote - Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isa 64:8

Moreover, in the book of Prophet Zephaniah it is written - At that time I will deal with all who oppressed you. I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honour in every land where they have suffered shame.  In other words, the things of impediment that once brought you down will become the story of the Lord’s victory in raising you out of its clutches! 


Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” And their eyes were opened. Mt 9:29-30



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