Priest: Lord our God, save your people and bless us your inheritance!
All: We have seen the true Light for You Lord Jesus were acclaimed as the light to enlighten the gentiles by Simeon and your apostles Peter, James, and John beheld the light of your transfiguration! We have received the heavenly Spirit for you breathed on your apostles and through them hallowed the new priesthood and sanctified all people who partake of thy mysteries! We have found the true Faith, worshiping the undivided Trinity, who has saved us for you commanded all nations to be baptised in your name; we render all glory and honour to thee!
From the Typicon (ceremonial) the Southern Cross Synod Holy Apostle Exarchate
These words taken from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom highlight the commemoration of the first Sunday of Great Lent: The Triumph of the Orthodox Faith! We all know that work (effort) must be put in to practice if a goal is to be achieved – the overgrown and deserted garden of our soul too needs to be refined to produce an abundant harvest at Holy Pascha. Hence, the faith in the early centuries became tarnished with many errors which needed to be pruned away in order for the vine to grow healthy and produce fruit once more.
Thus, the Seventh Ecumenical Council (meaning all representatives of Orthodox Diocese worldwide) came together to settle the matter regarding ICONOGRAPHY. Many at the time had marred into NON APOSTOLIC groups which began misinterpreting the second commandment of the Elder Law: “You are not to make images of ME” (GOD) (Ex 20:40 I’d like to mention that the temple of Jerusalem was fully decorated with iconography and the Ark itself was commanded by God to have the image of angelic beings overshadowing it: “The Cherubim are to have their wings spread upwards in overshadowing the Ark as the means of veiling my presence which safeguards. They shall face one another as they look upon it; for it is the place where my mercy rests!” (Ex 25:20)
Therefore holy icons were then replaced via such groups by images from creation. An example of this is the sacrificial lamb rather than a portrait of He who is the Lamb….let’s not mention he imprinted his own face on the veil of Holy Veronica and he left us the imprint on his own burial shroud which was stolen from Constantinople, passed through various hands and finally brought to the basilica in Turin.
Hence, returning to the Seventh Council in the year 787 AD held in Nicaea (IZNIK Turkey) such Non Apostolic groups were then known as the ICONOCLASTS those who opposed the veneration of Icons. These began protesting and paved the way for what happened in Germany and England with the protestant reformers who not only whitewashed churches but violently destroyed that which is sacred.
This unfortunately is the equivalent of many in the Orthodox Church who hold key positions and do not allow their churches to be administered in the care of their rightful bishops and their clergy. Thus, as I have shared with other clerics and bishops – we can’t do anything until they exit this existence so we can work with young blood so to speak and once again build up God’s kingdom as he wills it – no longer under the private enterprise of a few people who clasp onto temporary power.
Likewise, the Triumph of Orthodoxy occurred when such insanity of empyreal power exited existence; the death of Emperor Theophilos at which his young son Michael and mother Theodora rightfully handed over that which always belonged to the synod of the church under the presidency of Archbishop Methodios in the year 843 AD. Thus this occurred on the 1st Sunday of Lent and was the cause of much celebration.
When Jesus went into the region of Galilee, he found one whose heart responded to his call to follow him called Philip. This disciple came from the village of Bethsaida where the two brothers Andrew and Simon Peter resided. Hence, Philip then went looking for his friend Nathaniel son of Tolomy (Bartholomew) saying onto him: “Now I know with certainty that Jesus from Nazareth a son of Joseph is the one who Moses and the Prophets wrote about!” (Jn 1:43-45)
The above scripture quotation gives light to the darkness which overcame them and still tends to overcome many who profess with their lips but doubt in their hearts. It is interesting to note that various groups tend to use Lent as a means for charitable funds and raise awareness of certain situations etc., yes the Church must take care of her people, but we forget that Jesus comes first! In other words; Lent is a time we draw close to God by realising where we are at SPIRITUALLY, because if our soul is not strong then our whole life tends to fall apart – merely exist as opposed to being fully alive…..depression, anxiety, mixed craving bombardments etc. – a real mess!
We are NOT a social justice agency…however important this ONE function of the Church is – this must not HIJACK the whole agenda! If our faith does not flow from the Altar of God and we do not partake of the MIRACLE of miracles which is true nourishment – then we have derailed completely!!! The body must be well nourished via a complimentary investment of various activities BALLANCED between SPIRIT, MIND, and BODY – NOT BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT!!! Lent is about getting our priorities right! Unfortunately, for most so called Christians GOD is out of the picture because we have failed to recognise him as THE SON OF MAN!
At this Nathaniel responded: “You know Nazareth has a bad name; can anyone truly good come from that place?” All Philip could say to this was: “Come and see for yourself!” Therefore as Nathaniel made way towards Jesus, the Lord then said onto him: “You are a true Israelite because there is no guile or deceit within you!” Nathaniel was surprised at such a statement and then inquired: “How can you know about me?” Jesus then revealed himself whilst taking him back earlier on in the day saying: “Do you remember when you were sitting under the fig tree pondering on things before Philip came to you concerning me? I see all things!” (Jn 1: 45-47)
The problem these days with such groups is that they reject or detest those who came before us and totally shun their faith journey, growth, and gifts they have acquired via giving their lives to the one who the prophets acclaimed in scripture. Thus, the SAINTS who are our brothers and sisters in Christ went through various hurdles to mould their lives on He who came to render whole (Jesus) they (such people) are quick to acclaim their own leaders and pastors etc., but like the Pharisees of old and in the Saviour’s own words: “Jerusalem you as a people are renowned for killing the prophets and without hesitation stone the holy people I send onto you for your edification!” (Lk 13:34)
Then there is further vile from such when we venerate she who was invited to accept motherhood (MARIAM OF NAZARETH) and from her wholehearted reply He WHO IS (JESUS) took of her bone, flesh, blood and human spirit in order that we could “BEHOLD GOD IN THE FLESH” (Jer 32:27), yet they (the same people in question) have no love for her as HE commanded in the fourth law: “Honour your Father and your Mother!” (Ex 20 1-21) Thus in His own words they reject her as the THEOTOKOS at which we quote the second part of the portion of Luke: “How many times have I longed to gather you as a people together, yet you detest as I desire that you gather like chicks under the wings of the Mother hen!” (Lk 13: 34)
On the topic of the Holy, there was a marvellous Father of the Church who the Holy Spirit gifted with knowledge to which he in turn used to defend the Apostolic Faith regarding Iconography: St John Damascene (675-749 AD) If I may share with you these three important paragraphs regarding the eloquence of this Hierarch who may speak to your mind, and settle your heart if in doubt of holy veneration so that your soul may magnify God in all things!
“Often, doubtless, when we have not the Lord’s passion in mind and see the image of Christ’s crucifixion, his saving passion is brought back to remembrance, and we fall down and worship not the material but that which is imaged: just as we do not worship the material of which the Gospels are made, nor the material of the Cross, but that which these typify!”
“We honour such icons because the act of honour is not to the wood, pigment, and painting, but this honour we give is transferred directly to the prototype!”
“Thus, I do not worship matter, I worship the God of matter, who became matter for my sake and deigned to inhabit matter, who worked out my salvation through matter………..I will not cease from honouring that matter which works for my salvation. I venerate it, though not as God. For anyone who constantly seeks God will surely find him for he is present everywhere and fills all things!”
When we think about the gift of God amongst us via the calling upon his All Holy Spirit invoking the life of the Holy Trinity that is made present by his good pleasure and our asking – there is effort in gathering grains, milling them into flour, mixing with water and making bread….so to with the gathering of grapes……The other day I was invited to help an elderly couple to make wine – I jumped at the invitation because I like keeping such traditions alive and it’s part of my Italo-Australian heritage. It’s only when we come away from our imaginings of what may be and enter into the reality of how it is that we can truly comprehend the gift of what is offered and why.
Great Lent is the season to ferment our very lives upon the mystery of God’s intervention and come to terms with his love that the depths of each ocean cannot even cover the profundity of his tenderness towards us. We have been diseased with the notion of sin and wallow greatly upon it – this is where we like the Prodigal Son; sever ourselves from his love – and like the Apostle Peter who’s heart sunk as he remembered his teasing and stirring Jesus when after the storm he acclaimed: “Leave me Lord, I’m full of sin and totally miserable to be in your presence!” (Lk 5:8)
If anything, this wonderful season which is the springtime of our existence should be one that calls us to come to our senses as the Prodigal Son did after he felt the pain of isolation acclaiming: “I will arise and go back to my father and ask pardon for what I have done” (Lk 15:18) It is when we have come to discover that as the Desert Fathers exhort in the Philokalia: “Pick yourself up if you fall” and with such an attitude - reinforce in us the MERCY (the loving touch and reaching out) of God in our lives as he did in the parable of the Prodigal Son where: “While the son was still far from the family home, his father looked into the distance and instantly recognised him – his heart immediately filled with compassion for his son that he ran out as fast as he could to meet him. As soon as he reached his son he leaped at him and threw his arms around him and kissed him!” (LK 15:20)
At this conclusion we then can confidently place our lives in his hands and learn NOT to resent, distance, or doubt our faith, but come to the Lord who wishes to be part of our lives and hear from him the same words as he further exhorted to the Apostle Peter saying: “Do not be afraid, believe and all shall be well for from now on the time will come when you shall not catch fish in your nets but the souls of those who thirst!” (Lk 510)
May we too draw from the life springs of our faith which rest in the Mysteries of Holy Mother Church and constantly refresh ourselves when we become parched from worldly cares and encounter the turbulence of those who are bitter and have chosen to cut themselves off the vine (Christ and his Church) which gives life!
Let us experience an authentic spiritual springtime as we join in prayer for our lives and for the world around us which is constantly wounded by the vile of the powers that fell from his grace in the beginning. Let us be comforted via beholding within the Holy Mysteries that are energized by the power of his Holy Spirit: the wonders of God!
Then Nathaniel exclaimed: “Rabbi, you are the one whom the prophets proclaimed – the Son of God; the king who is to rule Israel!” With that Jesus then said onto him: “You are saying this because I revealed to you that which no one could know regarding your where abouts earlier on; is this why you believe? Then your faith must grow and stand firm and you will see many greater things than this! It will come to pass when you will behold that which is unseen: the heavens open as the angels of God encircling me for I am the Son of Man!” (Jn 1: 48-51)
