Homily on the 20th Sunday after Pentecost.
When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.” Lk 7:13
In todays gospel proclamation, we hear the recount of the day our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ raises the young boy back to life, as he (the boy) is being carried off for burial.
This is a prefiguration of our Lord's forthcoming resurrection. In addition it is also a source of reassurance for us today! The reassurance of our resurrection to come! We profess this when we confess our faith; the faith of the Church - (Nicene creed) "I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come Amen!"
Moreover, it is also a reminder that even when all hope is lost, at the most vulnerable point in life, Christ is right by our side with His all Holy hands outstretched; ready to lift us up out of our misery/misfortune!
There is nothing that a parent wouldn't do for their child. Any parent knows this very well as they would give up their life for their child! Our Lord did this for us on Holy Friday when He voluntarily ascended the wood of the cross in order that we may have life!
He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. Lk 7:14-15
Sadly so many parents in war torn countries are literally having to give up their lives for their children. My heart hurts for all the innocent people that have been caught up in these conflicts.
Innocent men and women are being killed and violated for the sick, twisted and demonic pleasure of evil soldiers and an unholy agenda ! I recently heard from a work colleague that these evil men are beheading infant children in front of their parents before they themselves are killed.
If this isn't evil manifest, I don't know what is! No human being has the right to take the life of another! Life is a gift from God. Woe to any man who believes they can take away what God has granted!
Thus, the one comfort a person can have is the certainty that God never abandons His children! Christian, Jew, Muslim and so on! No person can argue this fact for Christ states plain and clear in the gospel of John chapter 10 verse 16 - And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
Therefore, the innocent shall have their victory in the company of the angels within the walls of paradise, while the men of evil will perish into the pit of the nethermost region; reaping their just reward! Eternal damnation!
We as Orthodox Christians have a duty of care to all who are in need regardless if they are Christian or non-Christian! "Love your neighbour as yourself!" Mk 12:31
It is not our job to judge or to pick sides especially when conflict arises!
As true Christians, we are called to firstly: to show love to those who have no love in their lives; providing for the orphan and the widow. Lastly to never condemn another. This is the the role of God! We are not infallible in our decision making and we are certainly not God! We do from time to time get it wrong. Only God is just and passes judgment justly according to how one has lived their life.
Over the years I have heard countless stories of people being thrown into prison for many years. Later the justice system realises that they got it all wrong.
Therefore, only God can pass judgment because He only knows all hearts and the truth that truly is!
Please don't think that I am saying to get rid of the justice system; absolutely not. It is a vital essential part of our society that we need in order to safeguard our lives from evil people. I was only referring to passing spiritual judgement. Moreover, the Church is a neutral place where sides are not picked! The doors are open at all times for people to seek refuge!
The Church never gets involved with the state it's residing in or any political agenda! Or so it shouldn't. The sin of simony is very alive within the walls of institutional churches and has always been! Judas who betrayed Jesus being a prime example, along with all these monkeys that call themselves bishops these days.
I recall when I first started working in my work place, a nice gentleman befriended me. We spoke on the phone most days and would share advice along with funny stories to make the day go faster and enjoyable.
However, after about a week of being there, I remember he said to me - "watch out for our manager. He will pick on every small thing you do and worst of all, he is racist towards Europeans.
Thus, I took the advice thinking that he knew better; boy was he wrong! This manager was the nicest, most caring guy I have ever met! He would stop me so many times before leaving work to ask how I was going, how my family was and would even crack a joke here and there.
To cut a long story short, the first guy that I used to speak to stopped talking to me because he knew I had realised that he was one of those toxic people who get a thrill over causing drama!
That was a good lesson for me to learn because it reminded me that there are many wolves out there dressed as sheep as our Lord warns us from the sermon on the Mount. Although this was in regarding to false prophets an example of this being Muhamad (Islam) which arose in the 7th century. We can still use the same analogy with certain individual in day to day life; who seek to corrupt others with the poison of their lies!
In conclusion, let us pray for all innocent people around the world who are being affected by war, that our Lord and Saviour be by their side at all times to comfort them in their pain and anguish. Furthermore, may all the innocent souls who have been slaughtered be raised up to heaven; reaping the rewards of eternal life - worshiping the one God Father, Son and Holy Spirit to whom all Glory and Honour is due now and ever and to the ages of ages Amen!
Through the intercessions of the Theotoks and of the Fathers of the seventh Ecumenical council whom the Church commemorates this day, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us. Amen