The Lord then spoke to them regarding the kingdom in a parable saying; “there was a man who furnished a supper beyond the common requirement for he desired many guests to come. Therefore he sent one of his household stewards to go and personally invite his guests informing them that all has been prepared for the great supper.” (Lk 14: 16-17)
We have almost concluded the advent observance via entering into the last week in awaiting to commemorate the Lord’s birth. As one can read – there is the invitation to the banquet; a foretaste of that which we look forward to the Lord’s Parousia (second and last coming) where the Lord as re- echoed in the prophecy of Isaiah (Is 25:6) invites us to ponder on that which will be: “On this mountain the Father Pantocrator will prepare a feast of the finest foods for all people, the greatest vintage of wine, and carved goods.” The coming of the promise who is the fulfilment of all desires and nourishment of all that exists.
In the diaspora (the lands outside the ancient apostolic lands) we truly have accomplished the surface observance of the festive season (Christ has been removed from Christmas long time ago) – as John Lennon rightly described; “and so this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over and a new one just begun! A very merry Christmas and a happy new year; let’s hope it’s a good one without any fears – war is over!”
Yet in the Orthodox Church especially that of the elder tradition (those of us who have not changed the ancient calendar and traditions) war is far from over! The cancer of the Church is the seed of nationalism which has infiltrated the Church in all aspects. Unlike the state affairs ever present in the Orthodox Church, the Italian setting differs like the English to a certain degree (state and Church are separate) there are many in the north of Italy who till this day desire to be separated from those in the south due to superiority; so much for Giuseppe Garibaldi as the catalyst for unification!
Although the above is a national issue, but when nationality embodies the Church rather than the other way around – this causes tension amongst people from the same country or near enough lands (separation of Greeks, Cypriots etc.) We have recently observed the cause of the great divide; the Russian Orthodox Church has separated herself from the rest of Eastern Christendom due to Constantinople (The Supposed Mother Church) granting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church autonomy (Moscow over Kiev) an ancient patriarchal dispute once again fuelled! Let’s not mention the blood bath between three nations who are supposed to be apostolic in being part of the same Church yet separated by the cancer of nationalism: RUSSIAN orthodox, UKRANIAN orthodox, GEORGIAN orthodox.
Then these guests began making all sorts of excuses not to attend like; “I’ve just purchased a block of land to which I must tend too!” “I’ve recently purchased cattle to which I must attend and see that I have my money’s worth!” “I’ve settled into the rhythm of married life – I can’t upset the wife!” All these politely excused themselves for they had no intention to disrupt their lifestyle at present. (Lk 14: 18- 20)
On the topic of bad blood so to speak/write, we have very serious problems here in the diaspora due to the administration of the Orthodox Church not starting right from day one! As we know the Church is Christ’s Mystical Body here one earth and we are members of the Communion of Saints. Yet, what has happened here especially amongst the Old Calendarists, is that there were never resident bishops looking after their flock and delegating responsibility to clerics and laity in order for its health and upkeep. They all reigned from afar, came to visit every few months, waved so to speak, and received a nice full envelope and Ciao!
“And what have you done?” Well Mr Lennon, what happened here was this – everyone ghettoed themselves within their community to which the meeting place was the Greek Church….here people (a) did not know what was going on (b) had no understanding of what the faith teaches (c) whatever great grandma said was the truth of all truths (d) lift up the flag as opposed to the cross (e) let’s set up a committee, purchase the church building, get back at the bishops for their negligence and we call the shots (f) let’s run the place like a club – if we don’t like someone we kick them out and let’s rig the annual elections (g) we are all in our late 70’s let’s keep the young one’s out because they will ruin our enterprise even if it means our kids don’t come….until the last man stands is our motto!
Now some of you who have read this far will think “what a blooming circus” and yes you are perfectly right – this is what many young orthodox think too….they don’t come; let’s leave the edification issue, but who in their right mind want’s to enter into a place that encourages fighting amongst men and women – a common occurrence due to the function of the place!!!!
Once the steward reported the situation – his master became enraged for the fact of ungratefulness and presumption. Thus, he began to issue a new list of guests by saying to his steward: “go out into the common and lowly places of our town and bring in those who are shunned – the poor, lame, deaf, dumb, and the blind!” Hence, the steward had fulfilled his master’s request and reported: “There is still plenty of room!” At this his master further requested: “search the roads, the back streets, tell such whomever you find to come stating: “The master urges you to come and recline at his supper for he desires his household filled with all people!” (Lk 14: 21-23)
Now as many of you know and I have stated before, Holy Apostles Exarchate exists to the will of various synods as neutral entity to bring peace amongst the churches……this in many ways has backfired due to us not taking stupidity from those in charge and telling them how it is! Thus, the situation is that my clergy are allowed to serve in their church buildings but I the bishop am not welcomed! Hence, as soon as archbishop Raff comes “lock the doors!” Bella robba (how nice) as we say in Italian!
For this reason I then appealed to the Victorian Council of Churches in order to use church buildings that are just sitting there; pleading access for the rites of the Orthodox Church. Unfortunately we don’t fit the criteria - no room in the inn!!!! Then via divine providence, the good sisters and administrative staff of Good Shepherd Convent Chapel welcomed the Exarchate with open arms to share their sacred space! It’s always the Samaritan that reaches out rather than one’s own kind as we see/read very clearly in the gospels!!!
Returning to the National dispute within Orthodox circles, I was approached by one of my flock who I can vouch is a good woman, but is as was St. Joseph of Arimathea (the secret disciple in fear of the Jews) afraid of what other Greeks would say about her stepping into a Roman church….clearly the sacking of Constantinople (the Crusaders turned on Greek Christians) is still within the minds of the Hellenic people.
Without going into too much detail for certain things must be kept in confidence, I gently but firmly reminded her that the Incarnation happened for all as re-echoed by St. Symeon when he held the Christ child in the temple “My eyes have beheld your promise; the Saviour who comes for all people as the light to reveal yourself amidst the darkness of earth - even amongst the gentiles for he is the glory of us your holy people Israel!” (Lk 2: 30-32)
At that we went through the history or state of our Church in the diaspora…. (a) no one want’s to open their door to me and that is totally uncanonical (b) we can’t allow the exclusion of other people due to small space in house churches on major fest days for that is the equivalent of the hidden talent (c) we can’t rent civil venues which restrict us liturgically ‘’no candles, incense, etc.” (d) we need to let go of passed stupidity and remember our baptismal promises ‘’vesting in Christ so that we may be a light of witness amongst others” (e) we are in the diaspora and we must let go of national ties for the mission of the Church is to be inclusive to all people regardless (f) the younger generation are scandalised because of such stupidity impeding their participation (g) how can Pentecost be regenerated if we carry on like marionettes and impede hearts and souls who thirst for God that are not of our fold in being welcomed into the true faith???
Lastly, I offered her a genre of thought on the matter which perhaps had a hint of satire: “Have you ever thought of the possibility that Jesus can’t do anything with national orthodox in general? They are so stubborn, so antiquated and rather limited in the mission of the Church! Hence, because he can’t get through to such people, he desires those who are not of our fold to come and re-discover him in a totally different and mystical context; after all, his heart (will) thirsts for souls so that all may be saved (come to the Knowledge that he is the Father’s love revealed)!!!!
Today the Church commemorates the Prophet Daniel; we are all familiar with the setting of Daniel and the lion’s den….As we know Daniel was a very humble person who loved God and knew the teaching of us being made in the icon of God. Yet he could never bow down to the stupidity of man in rendering homage to him (man) especially when humanity gets too big for its boots and tries to be something totally out of its scope.
Yet he was summoned by those of worldly power to interpret signs, dreams, and wonders…as we know “the truth hurts” thus he was condemned to be lunch for the lions. Yet God was with him and those very savage beasts became like pet cats around him; the Love of the Father who transforms and heals all that is broken…..will the broken hearts of these national control freaks yield to God’s desire: “Father, may they be one!” (Jn 17:21)
Then the master boldly proclaimed to his steward: “I can assure you that none of those people who considered themselves as friends of mine and then rejected my precepts will never again taste the fruits of my table!” (Lk 14: 24)
