Homily on the 5th Sunday after Pentecost
When he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gadarenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”
Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”
He said to them, “Go!” So they came out and went into the pigs, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and died in the water. Those tending the pigs ran off, went into the town and reported all this, including what had happened to the demon-possessed men. Then the whole town went out to meet Jesus. And when they saw him, they pleaded with him to leave their region. Jesus stepped into a boat, crossed over and came to his own town. Mt 8:28-9:1
When most of us think of demonic possession, we instantly envisage something out of Hollywood. However true some Hollywood film depictions may be, in today's modern times demonic possession takes a different form; going undetected and unsuspected - that’s the way evil personified likes it.
For example, if demonic possession was noticeable and an obvious sign, people would go straight to the Church in order to expel such an entity. However, if the possession passes under the radar - evil in a way has the upper hand!
Thus, there are signs and differences between mental illness and spiritual infestation. (possession) For example if a Priest holds a Holy object such as a cross or an icon, the person with an infestation would become violent and try to distance itself from the holy object.
Moreover, if Holy water were to be thrown at the possessed person it would burn like placing a limb of your body into a lake of lava; hence why we hear the term “purifying lava” within the Divine Services! Jesus Christ in His Omnipotence and Awesomeness burns all evil the second His All-Holy name is invoked! There are supposed religious people who in their religiosity have in actual fact become mentally ill and in order to justify their religiosity they claim to be under attack from fallen powers. This is seen particularly with people who have unresolved issues and have developed a violent outlook on anything country to their understanding of Holy scripture! As our Metropolitan Archbishop has [pointed out on several occasions.
Furthermore, the Apostle were aware of the fact that there is both mental illness and demonic infestation. We read this in the Gospel of Mark chapter six, verse thirteen - They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.
Therefore, in today’s world evil personified has taken a different approach in how it controls people's lives in order to draw them away from the Lord’s protection- technology! Please do not misunderstand, I am not one of those crazy old calanderists that believe all modern-day technology is evil and if we use it, we defile ourselves and so forth.
On the contrary, we are truly blessed to have things such as computers, phones, movies and these types of commodities. If used appropriately and not abused they work hand in hand with our faith via education and being up to date with what is happening within orthodox Christendom.
Sadly though, in most circumstances it is not the case! How many times I have witnessed a group of friends sitting around a table at a café all looking down at their phone rather than looking at each other and conversing. Or young teenagers using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram rather than go for a walk to the park with a friend.
Therefore, such behaviour or “Possession” is the cause of family breakdowns where husband and wife or parents and children cease communicating, the loss of friends and online bullying which is getting out of control. Thus, the final result of the above is mental illness due to the emotional abuse becoming so unbearable.
Yesteryear, before families went to sleep the last thing they would do is pray to God, the Theotokos and to their Guardian Angel. These days we have to play games such as “Candy Crush” to beat our top score; it's extremely sad to think how our actions sadden God the All-Loving Father who bestows all goodness upon us!
Today the Church commemorates St. Veronica (St. Beatrice) the woman with the flow of blood that was immediately healed after touching the hem of Christs vestments!
Whilst Veronica stood in the crown as Jesus was passing by, she would have been experiencing such anxiety and fear at the thought of asking the Lord to heal her because of the sickening notion of women being inferior to men back in those days.
However, she gained the courage and had the faith to believe that even if she touched His clothing she would be healed! And that is exactly what happen at the very moment her hand touched His (Christ) garments the bleeding that she had for all those years ceased!
Therefore, at times we are so comfortable that it is unhealthy for the body and soul or we do not want to be confronted with certain realities because we are afraid of the hurt it may cause: so, we suppress them and sweep them under the rug.
Thus, suppressing emotions, hurts or unhealthy behaviour only make the situation worse and eventually when “the cat is let out of the bag” so to speak, it is totally unbearable and much worse than what it could have been if it was dealt with early on.
When I first became a catechumen and even into my diaconate, I came face to face with certain realities that I didn’t want to deal with due to the hurt they would cause me. However, done and dealt with within the context of Church, the healing prosses was much faster than what I had believed it to be previously. For if you allow God to enter into your life and into your very persona, the impossible is made possible and the unbearable is made bearable! That’s why the Church has the tradition of spiritual Fathers and Mothers who guide – people that the Holy Spirit has gifted with various charisms to guide others and through His power heal unlike phycology which can’t heal precisely due to it the study thereof eradicating that which pertains to the Spirit on the top of its hierarchical triangle.
Therefore, just as Veronica summoned up the courage to touch the hem of our Lord’s vesture, let us also not be afraid to approach the Lord or His ordained ministers (clergy) for help, advise and support! Jesus says time and time again – “Do not be afraid” and to “Come as you are”!
Thus, from my very own personal experiences, present your burdens onto the Lord and ask Him to liberate you from your burdens and I promise you He (Christ) will free you from the shackles in which evil attempts to bind us to!
In conclusion, we as the body of Christ (His Church) must always pray for each other because we need each other to survive; hence being the one body. What happens when a certain part of the body has an infection? The whole body goes into defence mode and works in-sync with itself to fight off a virous!
Hence, we as the one body of Jesus must have each other as support at all times because we are all as important as the other no matter position, rank or how long we have been around. Hence the parable of Vineyard workers! Mt 20:1-16
Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos and Her spouse Joseph, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us!