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Writer's picture: Archbishop RaffaeleArchbishop Raffaele


When the apostles who had previously beheld the risen Lord in the flesh related their testimony to Didimus (the twin) the Apostle Thomas protested: “You can’t convince me of that which you supposedly saw! I must witness the actual wounds in his body, the nail prints on his hands and feet; my finger is to touch those very wounds and further touch the side that was pierced by the lance. This is the only way I truly can authenticate that he is in fact risen as you all claim he has!” (Jn 20: 24-25)

Now that we have all settled/recovered gracefully from the overwhelmingly pleasant services of Holy Week, we slowly get back to the normal rhythm of our lives. Like the Apostles who were at odds with what just took place, we too tend to loose focus quickly upon that which we have celebrated Christ the victor, Jesus the life, and Emmanuel the Lord who never abandons his flock!

We like Thomas may be quick to reason that which can’t be easily categorized: It is not black and white with the Father Pantocrator; this is not to say that scripture is wishy washy, no, the Lord speaks truthfully and transparent at all times – there is no deceit in God!!!! Rather, we the followers, the modern day disciples tend to cast judgment and forget that there are many shades of grey – we can’t say how the Lord chooses to deal with various and above all ‘delicate situations!’ It’s not for us to decide, if anything – the Holy Spirit imparts various gifts upon his people within the Church; clergy and lay - such as these exist to harbour the Lord’s decrees and allow his presence to be known and loved!

When someone who we have come to know, love and appreciate in our lives is taken from us especially in tragic circumstances, we like the Apostles on mount Golgotha begin to fret and rightfully so within our human fragility. All logic, faith, status, and intelligence flies out the window so to speak; a brick wall blocks the entrance of our being and we find ourselves in the dark. Like Thomas, we begin to remark: ‘why, how, what for, this is nonsense – not to say that we would use all sorts of colorful language because that’s what we all do when hurt!’

I have buried many people under various circumstances and once at the cemetery or crematorium, we try to cover the hurt with the hope of ‘a better place awaits us’ but deep down we get pulled away via the laments of secular society; ‘It all stops here, live your life because that’s it, wishful thinking dies when the mind is laid to rest!’ Yet, we forget something very important and this is impossible to eradicate in any way; ‘LOVE NEVER DIES!’ In addition, spouses who were childhood sweethearts so to speak can’t live without the other when they mature and as is the case; when one spouse goes (dies) the other follows shortly after; love is inseparable!

We who live in western and well established countries have a tendency to break down and hurl abuse at God and even mock him like the un-repented thief who hung on the Lord’s left did when things go wrong or when something out of the ordinary takes place. We become rather weak and immerse ourselves into panic mode. Yet people who live in apostolic lands especially the Middle East, who live each day as if it were their last, they never blaspheme, if anything they utter the prayer of righteous Dismas who hung on the Lord’s right: ‘Remember me in your Kingdom!’ Their faith does not fail, nor does their strength and determination in the belief that God will provide.

We are living in turbulent times with the strong possibility of world peace being threatened by another war. It is useless to say ‘we haven’t learnt from the past’ - have conferences (emergency meetings) and tackle issues to delay etc. Some would say to me that I’m a lunatic, but this lunatic tries to remind the ‘know it all’s’ that: “human fragility complies with the power of suggestion via greed which originates from evil personified!” The only way that peace can be achieved is to lay aside our arrogance, our ego, our ambitions, and last but not least the ME, MYSELF AND I syndrome where such behavior advocates that everyone around me is not a human person but mere subject! Slavery (hades/hell) still has a hold on us ONLY via our own stupidities that we continue to willfully bring upon ourselves!

Before the Gospel is proclaimed within the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox Church, the priest prays an most sensitive plea onto God: “Lord Jesus Christ, illumine our hearts for you are the pure light of divine knowledge, and in your love for us; open the eyes of our mind as you did to your disciples at Emmaus by revealing thy Gospel for you are the Word incarnate! May we be sensitive with reverence and awe as we live by thy commandments via your grace laying aside all earthly desires; lift our hearts and minds to you that we may truly become your living gospel in the world ushering in a new Pentecost for the conversion of the nations! For you alone are the light that pierces through our darkness; our hope which raises all hearts on wings of prayer! Hence, we glorify thy Holy Name O, Christ our God, in the Everlasting Father and the Life Creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!”

Thus, when the dust of our anxieties settle and the torrents of doubt have past, may we come to the realization that we can only find peace and be at ease in the source of life who is eternal and the gift of grace which is freely outpoured in humility. Hence, may we have the courage of the Apostle Thomas who learnt to lay aside his baggage and come to his senses in the realization that love does not merely exist but is truly the fullness of life!

Hence, a week had passed after all these events and Thomas was gathered with his brothers locked in the upper room for they were in hiding for fear of the presbyteral college. They beheld the presence of their Lord amongst them who greeted them saying: “Peace be upon you!” Jesus then addressed Thomas saying: “Reach out with your fingers and examine my wounds – have no further doubt but believe!” At this Thomas exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!” Jesus then replied: “You say this because you have seen and examined me….Blessed are those who do not see me but in faith believe in my Name!” (Jn 20: 26-29)



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