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XXIII Sunday after Pentecost "Guardians of God’s Vineyard: Cultivating Faith in the Heart"

Writer's picture: Father Michele AlbertoFather Michele Alberto

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

A reading from the Holy Gospel according to the Apostle and Evangelist Saint Matthew (Mt 21: 33-42)

"At that time, the Lord said: "Listen to another parable: There was a master who planted a vineyard and surrounded it with a hedge, dug a mill there, built a tower, then entrusted it to the winemakers and left. When it was the time of the fruits, he sent his servants to those winemakers to collect the harvest. But those winemakers took the servants and one beat him, the other killed him, the other stoned him.

Again, he sent more servants than the first, but they behaved in the same way. Finally, he sent his son to them, saying, they will respect my son! And when they saw his son, they said to themselves, He is the heir; come, let us kill him, and we shall have the inheritance. And, taking him, they drove him out of the vineyard and killed him.

So when will the master of the vineyard come and do to those winemakers? ». They replied: «He will make those wicked people die miserably and will give the vineyard to other winemakers who will deliver him the fruits in his time». And Jesus said to them, you have never read in the Scriptures,

The stone that the builders have discarded has become a cornerstone;

has this been done by the Lord and is this admirable in our eyes?

Therefore, I say to you: the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people that will make it bear fruit".


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, all peace, and blessings to you all!

On this thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Church of God invites us to reflect on two readings we have heard: the first from the first letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 16:13-24) and the second from the Parable of the Vineyard (Matthew 21:33-42).

Although initially presented as separate, these two readings reveal themselves to be intimately connected, revealing a deeper meaning that binds them together.

Specifically, in the first reading, Saint Paul exhorts the believers of the community of Corinth by offering precious indications on how to live an authentic and responsible Christian life.

In this epistle, Saint Paul provides practical instructions, exhorts vigilance and love, and conveys greetings and blessings. The central message is to live a responsible Christian life, respecting authority, cultivating love, and maintaining unity in faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

This concept of Jesus Christ as the focal point of faith and unity is also reflected in the parable of the Gospel we have heard. The figure of Jesus Christ depicted in this parable represents not only the divine authority, but also the love that guides His actions and intentions. Thus, both in the letter of Saint Paul and in the parable, a call emerges to follow the example of Jesus Christ, living a life of responsibility, love and unity in faith.

In fact, in this parable, a master plants a vineyard and entrusts it to winemakers. When the time to reap the fruits arrives, the master sends his servants to take them, but the winemakers mistreat or kill them. The master also sends his son, believing that he will be respected, but he too is killed by the winemakers.

The symbolic meaning of this parable is profound. The master represents God, the vineyard represents the people of Israel, the servants are the prophets that God has sent throughout history, and the son represents Jesus himself. The parable emphasizes the unfaithfulness of the people of Israel in recognizing and welcoming the messengers of God and culminates in the killing of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

The fundamental concept of this passage of the Gospel is the illustration of the unfaithfulness and obstinacy of humanity in recognizing and responding to God’s call. The parable of the wicked winemakers highlights the lack of gratitude and respect on the part of religious leaders and the Jewish people towards the messengers of God, represented by the servants sent by the master of the vineyard. These messengers are rejected, mistreated, or killed.

The culmination of the parable is the sending of the master’s son, who represents Jesus Christ. He too is killed by the winemakers, emphasizing the opposition of individuals to the coming of the Messiah and his sacrifice for humanity. Hence, the key concept is the rejection of divine grace and the importance of recognizing God’s presence in his calls and works. The parable also suggests that the Kingdom of God will be given to those who respond positively to His call, regardless of their background or origin. Leading all of us to make a deep reflection on the responsibility and response that each of us has towards the divine message and the recognition of Christ as the Son of God.

Over the centuries, the Fathers of the Church have commented on this Gospel passage.

If Saint Cyril of Alexandria (376-444 AD) bishop and theologian known for his contributions to Christology, he stressed that the parable reflected the infidelity and rebellion of the Jewish people against God. Also highlighting the Son who was sent by the owner was the last chance for redemption, Saint John Chrysostom points out, instead, the act of driving the Son out of the vineyard and consequently focuses on the inadequate nature of the human response to God’s love and grace:

"Finally, when the Son was sent, he clearly showed that He was also Son, but precisely for this reason He was even more despised and killed. Because, he said, they will kill him and drive him out of the vineyard."

Dear brothers, in this parable the son of the master of the vineyard represents the Lord who, driven out of the vineyard, dies at the hands of the evil winemakers. Thus, forewarning His disciples of their redeeming death:

"And they took him out of the vineyard and killed him".

According to Christian tradition and biblical accounts, Jesus Christ was crucified outside the walls of Jerusalem.

The evangelists in the Gospels believe that the crucifixion of Jesus outside Jerusalem was a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies. For example, Psalm 21, written centuries earlier, contains details that refer to Jesus' suffering on the cross.

"A pack of dogs surrounds me, I am besieged by a band of wicked;

they have pierced my hands and my feet, I can count all my bones.

They look at me, they look at me: they divide my garments,

on my dress they throw the lot.”

(Psalm 21, 17-19)

Crucifixion was a public form of execution in ancient Rome, used to punish criminals and dissuade others from similar behavior. Jesus was judged by the Romans and the Jewish religious leadership and was sentenced to this form of public execution outside the walls of Jerusalem.

According to tradition the place is just outside the walls of Jerusalem of the time of Jesus, to the northwest, but inside the present old city (in more recent times the walls were moved to the north). It consists of a rocky relief of a few meters, which is currently incorporated into the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher, in particular the Chapel of the Crucifixion, managed by the Friars Minor of the Custody of the Holy Land, and the Chapel of Death, of the Greek Orthodox.

Returning to today’s parable, his key message includes:

• Recognition of grace and divine calling: The parable exhorts us to recognize the opportunities and gifts God has given us and to respond positively to His call, rather than ignore or reject it.

Responsibility in faith: It reminds us that being part of God’s people leads to a responsibility towards faith and obedience. Being a "winemaker" requires a commitment to cultivate the soil of the heart and produce spiritual fruits.

• Avoiding Obstinacy and Hypocrisy: The parable criticizes religious hypocrisy and obstinacy in ignoring or rejecting God’s messages. He invites us to examine our attitude towards Christ and his teaching.

• Welcoming the Messiah: The passage emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Messiah. It spurs us to respond positively to his coming and his teaching.

• Inclusion in the Kingdom of God: The modern message emphasizes that the Kingdom of God is open to anyone who responds to its call, regardless of origin or past. It reminds us that God welcomes those who repent and believe.

In summary, each of us must make a serious reflection on our response to God’s call, emphasizing the importance of welcoming Christ and living an authentic faith, avoiding obstinacy and hypocrisy.

Beloved brothers in Christ our Hope, on this thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, the Holy Church of God celebrates the Liturgical Memorial of Saint Thaddeus of Edessa, the first Bishop of Edessa.

Thaddeus of Edessa (Syriac: Addai; ... - ...; fl. 1st century) was a Syrian bishop, considered by the Christian Church to be one of Jesus' seventy disciples and not to be confused with the more famous Judas Thaddeus, who was one of the Twelve Apostles.

Thaddeus (also called with the Syriac equivalent Addaï) was a Jew of Edessa of Mesopotamia. He is considered the founder of the Church of Edessa, of which he was the first bishop.

According to Eusebius of Caesarea, writer and Father of the Church who lived in the first half of the fourth century, Thaddeus was the protagonist of the «Legend of Abgar». Legend has it that Abgar V, Lord of Edessa, was suffering from a serious illness. Having heard of the miracles wrought by Jesus, he wrote to him acknowledging their divine nature, asking him for help and offering him asylum in his own palace. Tradition has it that Jesus declined the invitation not being able to preach outside Israel, but that he promised to send one of his disciples, endowed with his own power, after his ascension to heaven. The first apostle who came to Edessa was Thomas. He converted Addaï and made one of his disciples; for his great faith he sent him to catechize and baptize Abgar between 29 and 33.

In addition to the reconstruction of Eusebius, there is another source that reports the same event: the "Doctrine of Addai", dating back to about the year 400. In this text is also inserted the news that Taddeo-Addai gave Abgar the image of Christ in the Mandylion (also called "image of Edessa": a cloth on which was imprinted the face of Jesus Christ).

Choosing missionary activity, Thaddeus of Edessa preached in Mesopotamia accompanied by two disciples: Aggai (or Haggai) and Mari. He organized the local Church.

The Syriac Orthodox Church, and the Church of the East (daughter of the previous), consider him their second founder after the apostle Thomas.

An ancient Armenian tradition has him died a martyr in the year 50, in the Armenian region of Artsakh; other sources say that he died a natural death in Edessa or Beirut on 3 September 44.

Dear friends, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we have made a journey through the Sacred Scriptures and the history of Saint Thaddeus of Edessa. We immersed ourselves in the depths of the Parable of the Vineyard and explored the life and mission of Saint Thaddeus, a disciple and apostle of Jesus who brought the Gospel to distant lands.

In the Parable of the Vineyard, we saw the call to recognize divine grace and to respond responsibly to God’s call. We examined the importance of avoiding obstinacy and hypocrisy, instead recognizing Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our Savior, and following His example of love and obedience.

In the story of Saint Thaddeus of Edessa, we met a man of great faith and dedication, sent by Jesus himself to bring the Gospel to distant lands. His mission in Mesopotamia led to the founding of the Church of Edessa, contributing to the spread of the Christian faith in remote regions.

This Sunday reminded us of the importance of recognizing the divine call in our lives and responding with faith and responsibility. Saint Thaddeus of Edessa is an example of how a single individual, guided by faith and love for Christ, can profoundly influence the history of the Church and the spread of the Gospel.

Dear friends, may God’s grace guide us on our journey of faith, and may we be sources of light and hope for those around us, bringing the message of the Gospel to the distant lands of our time.

May the Lord of the infinite ages bless you now and always!

Archdeacon Michele Alberto Del Duca.



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