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Blessed be the Trinity one in essence and undivided!

From the opening invocation of the Orthos – morning prayer of the Orthodox Church!

I’m no classic iconographer; although I have painted (written) a few….there seems to be some confusion about this particular icon which is the mystery of our faith! Now most of us love art and are rather creative especially if we are also musically minded…..but there is a fine line with creativity, imagination and truth!!!!

However beautiful this depiction of our human concept of the trinity may be….it is rather misleading and leads to that ugly word which most of us don’t like because it threatens freedom and individual thought: heresy! (Departure from the truth)

Although there is a place for creativity and so forth, but as the Fathers of the Church tell us: “imagination can lead to grave errors of faith!” Yes! Now when we are down – depressed, we probably like to imagine Jesus at our side whilst having a few discussions with him; cute, helps a bit, but we really have to come back to reality at some point.

Some forms of so called Christianity – (Non Apostolic in nature) reject any means of systematic approach….others would call the Church body “organized religion” and don’t want any part of that – via their heresy (departure) from WHAT IS TRUTH!

These organise their own belief system which becomes as I’ve stated in previous articles: “the weekly shopping trolley” – low in fat doctrine (we don’t want to be told what to do and how to do it) and high in calcium emotions (we want to take only what is appealing to us in order to feel good regardless)!

(Icon of the protecting veil: the Mother of God who constantly intercedes for her children to Christ her child and God!)

Although the Latin (western) inspired depictions – however beautiful, like the one in question seeks to portray the prophetic vision of the prophet Daniel recorded in the seventh chapter. Having stated/written thus, we must remember that the hymnody of the CHURCH proclaims CHRIST as the ANCIENT OF DAYS not the FATHER!!!!


This is a bit of a messy portrayal – theologically, dogmatically, and scripturally (that which can only be interpreted IN the CHURCH) speaking. Furthermore, the depiction was condemned by both the following church councils: MOSCOW 1666, and CONSTANTINOPLE 1780. Hence, the depiction of the FATHER as an old man, and the SPIRIT as a dove is symbolic……but we must remember that ICONS are NOT mere symbols but a SACRAMENTAL (archetype of the original)!!!!

It’s interesting to note that the ORTHODOX CHURCH IN RUSSIA (BTW, there is NO SUCH THING AS: Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox ETC!!!!!! IT IS THE ORTHODOX CHURCH PRESENT IN: Greece, Russia, etc.!!!!) Moving on……The Church in Russia at the STGLAV SYNOD IN 1551 Established that the Hospitality of Abraham ICON written by St. Andre Rublev (1370-1430) IS the CANONICAL MODEL (correct) depiction of the Trinity!


In conclusion……Abrahams’ vision of God was NOT God in ESSENCE, but God in ENERGIES! St. John Damascus  in his exposition of the faith in the first volume and 8th chapter writes: “Abraham did not see God in NATURE, for no one has seen God at any time, (Old Testament) but he beheld an ICON of God: prostrating himself in VENERATION!!!!


 Hope that helps clarify a bit….I apologise for the long winded statement (brick) nice to be short and sweet, but when it comes to the Blessed Trinity: needs a bit of background! As the patriarch of Milan (Ambrose) acclaimed: “TE DEUM LAUDAMUS” (WE PRAISE THEE OH GOD)….Biblical languages are indeed venerable, but we must remember that at the DAY OF PENTACOST, they all heard the GOOD NEWS in their own language…….

It is good to worship the Lord with such IF we understand what’s going on; bells, smells, and quasi angelic chorus in uplifting praise, but it is also good to know the content of what we are doing also – pushing us to either be for or against (when we begin to fully comprehend what is going on; it becomes challenging!) Anyway, that’s’ another discussion for another time!

Anyway, we must remember that it’s impossible to render the Divine Nature….Jesus (God the Son) is justly portrayed for He IS the WORD INCARNATE. Moreover, the FATHER can’t be portrayed because this act (incarnation – God become man) is proper only for GOD THE SON! 

Latin (western) inspired (Icon of the Holy Trinity

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Updated June 2024 by Nika Designs

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