Apart from gathering as Christ’s body the Church which is made up of different people from all walks of life regardless; we carry on the tradition of the Apostles – a Church that is not funded as a body! Rather, we clergy and laity as the body of believers work (jobs like everyone else) for our good estate of each one’s household and make it possible to exist as Church!
Hence, our clergy in particular have a good work ethic and come from different backgrounds; some are teachers, others in the trade industry, whilst others are gifted in the arts. When we gather for the mystical worship of the living God, it is purely voluntary – no stipend is given or made; we gather around Christ and his Apostles for the Heavenly Liturgy via the fruits of our labours which we offer him!
I have not coveted anyone’s silver, gold, or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive! (Act 20: 33-35)
We have seen the true Light for You Lord Jesus were acclaimed as the light to enlighten the gentiles by Simeon and your apostles Peter, James, and John beheld the light of your transfiguration! We have received the heavenly Spirit for you breathed on your apostles and through them hallowed the new priesthood and sanctified all people who partake of thy mysteries! We have found the true Faith, worshiping the undivided Trinity, who has saved us for you commanded all nations to be baptised in your name; we render all glory and honour to thee!
Thus, the beauty of the Apostolic Church is that it keeps itself away from the trappings of institutionalism in order not to err with not compromising the integrity of the Gospel in order to acquire prestige and commodities via worldly standards as unfortunately others have! Nor do we shun those who are called by God in Holy Orders yet have their soulmate right by their side! We gather as did those who came before us with the handing down of the true faith made relevant to our world, our times.
Hence, we gather within the mystical beauty, reality and simplicity of orthodoxy which continues to speak to hearts wanting to be filled and loved by God’s intervention. Thus, we accompany people in prayer so that Jesus the Lord may once again be born in the cradle of our hearts as we are made aware that nothing can separate us from this Testament of his Love!
Apart from formal studies that are taken and tutored via the bishop and his priests, candidates for the ordained ministry are not left in the isolation of lecture theatres, rather they are as always was; made to fully participate in the living faith via acquiring theology through the Cycle of the Divine Services!
Thus, within the Divine Liturgy in the words of St John Chrysostom, we who are the Lord’s anointed (the Communion of Saints) sing in thanksgiving: