At the Pentecost, all nations heard the gospel in their own language via the grace given to the Apostles to communicate thus.
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2: 1-4)
We heard the Gospel in our own tongue….the Orthodox Church is present amongst all nations NOT nations amongst orthodoxy! The Apostle Paul says clearly that: “There is no JEW nor GREEK in Christ, but one body gathered from many nations!” (Gal 3:28) Here begins the Heresy of heresies; there is no such thing as NATION before FAITH (God’s Kingdom) if the Lord truly desired this – we would have miraculously heard and kept the Gospel only in GREEK or SLAV as the One and Only Divine Language!
Hence, as the Canons (prescribed church rules) state – when in Missionary Lands, one (The Church) must adopt THE LANGUAGE, and certain cultural elements of that nation so that THE PEOPLE from THAT NATION may come to know THE FAITH in their own way! NOT as unfortunately pedaled - BECOME A NATIONAL FIRST (Greek/Slav) and then worry about THE FAITH (Orthodox) LATER!!!
It is a wonderful gift to have the freedom that we enjoy in living within a multicultural land – represented by various nations and we all must be proud of that and share as much as we can regarding culture and traditions. YET when it comes to THE FAITH, NATIONAL PATRIOTISM is to be IMMEDIATELY LAID ASIDE; For the KING OF ALL NATIONS comes amongst us – as the Cherubic hymn states!
Unfortunately, the Orthodox Church has been divided by political upheaval and institutional gain! Hence, there exists those of us (including our Holy Exarchate) who could not conform to such changes and thus remained faithful to the Elder Tradition: the Orthodox Calendar! “Jesus Christ never changes but remains the same throughout all ages: yesterday, today, and tomorrow onwards!” (Heb 13: 8) The others chose to adopt the Western Reforms and revised the calendar – yet these come back to the so called Old Calendar for Lent in order not to be anathematised (excommunicated) by the canons (rules) which maintain the time for the Paschal feast!
Hence, WE ARE THE ORTHODOX CHURCH PRESENT IN AUSTRALIA for Australians of various heritage - stemming from cultural ROMAN ORTHODOXY (the Church present in Italy from Apostolic days)! We serve the Lord in the Glory of the Mystical Service he revealed through time; aiding his people with and in the Prayer of the Ancient Rites used in Apostolic times. These rites which were crippled due to political and ecclesial upheaval, are now revived, approved and offered for the blessing of diversity in our Australian society! Truly, all Rites descend from the East and should mirror thus!